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Modi Water War by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 13/Dec/2016 Views:1235 Replies:0 
In a public address at Bathinda East Punjab India the Indian PM Modi has threatened to render Pakistan barren by stopping the waters of the three rivers flowing to it through India. Whether it is his just a vote fetching gimmicking berate for the ensuing elections there or the scepter of his innate RSS “Hate-Pakistan” is raising its dirty head once again after his vow of isolating Pakistan from th Click here to read Full Article
The MQM in Doldrums by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 13/Dec/2016 Views:1700 Replies:0 
MQM’s fascism The MQM under Altaf Hussain reigned supreme in urban Sindh from 1988 till March 2013. It expanded its political power by introducing the cultures of dead bodies filled in sacks, extortion, kidnapping for ransom, torture cells, target killings, no-go areas and strikes to paralyze the city. Despite its policy of fascism, terrorism,blackmailing tactics and imperiousness, and turning th Click here to read Full Article
Indian Submarine by Col.Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 13/Dec/2016 Views:1201 Replies:0 
Yet another act of belligerence by India and not an ordinary one too! An Indian submarine was detected in Pakistan waters but how close was it to our shores is not disclosed. Our only source of information to this Indian venture is media, which is not very explicit about it. A media report says that it was not allowed to enter Pakistan waters. Another reports it to have been pushed away out of Click here to read Full Article
Cash crisis in India by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 13/Dec/2016 Views:1167 Replies:0 
Indian rulers are good at creating problems for the people and very coolly blame Pakistan for them as their key policy. Indians, on their part, are used to the Indian sate gimmicks using Pakistan whenever India is in trouble. One does not know if Indian is trying to outsmart even the global supper power USA, though it may be that easy. However, in case it is so, that would be India’s US-pivot. Click here to read Full Article
Noon Meenar at Gwadar: by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 13/Dec/2016 Views:1148 Replies:0 
It was during the period of Prime Minister Malik Feroze Khan Noon that Pakistan purchased the Gwadar enclave from the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman for USD $3 million – a huge amount from the reckoning then and Gwadar formally became part of Pakistan on 8 December 1958 – ironically the day Martial Law was imposed - after 174 years of Omani rule. It took PM Noon more than six months of hard negoti Click here to read Full Article
The US is up for uneasy times by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 13/Dec/2016 Views:1711 Replies:0 
The sole super power under George W. Bush Junior duly assisted by his team of neocons declared the 21st century asthe American century and for the realization of this ambition had designed a new world order (NWO). The NWO envisaged neo-colonizing the Middle East,capturing the world resources under the garb of global war on terror, and turning the world into a global village administered by the cor Click here to read Full Article
The second 9/11 by Dr. Ghayur Ayub
Posted By: Ghayyur_Ayub On: 13/Dec/2016 Views:2027 Replies:0 
In recent history, we have witnessed two types of 9/11 scenarios. First in 2001, a military style action carried out in America by terrorists that divided global society into Muslims and non-Muslims. The Muslim side was taken over by the harsh and non-tolerant Wahabi/Salafi Islam carried out successively by Alqueda, Taliban and IS The second in 2016 was a political action, again carried out in Am Click here to read Full Article
Donald Trump by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 13/Dec/2016 Views:1165 Replies:0 
There is a lot of disquiet and consternation around the world including the US about the Donald Trump becoming the most powerful man on this planet. As a strong believer in fate and destiny I view it as an act of Providence and feel sorry for the Americans. Allah promises in the holy book two things in this regard. One. “We appoint the same kind of rulers on a people that they themselves are alik Click here to read Full Article
Enough is Enough by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 13/Dec/2016 Views:1162 Replies:0 
Now that India has herself brought the Kashmir issue under international focus by stupidly claiming to have carried out surgical strikes against us, which has appropriately alarmed the world powers of its escalation into a fully fledged war between the two nuclear neighbouring states, Pakistan should make the most of this opportunity to its full advantage and to the advantage of our Kashmiri breth Click here to read Full Article
Popularity of Modi is waning by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 13/Dec/2016 Views:1701 Replies:0 
Narendra Modi had been elected by the Indians in June 2014 under the fond hope that contrary to Manmohan Singh who in their view was weak and unassuming, Modi being tough and assertive, he will be able to nail down Pakistan and annex remaining part of Kashmir. Impressed by his economic management as a chief minister of Gujarat and earning a reputation of an economic wizard, they expected him to tu Click here to read Full Article
مودی کی آبی جارحیت ،کھلا اعلان جنگ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 12/Dec/2016 Views:1062 Replies:0 
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پی آئی اے کا شہید کو پائیلٹ ۔ حفیظ خٹک
Posted By: Hafeez1 On: 12/Dec/2016 Views:1650 Replies:0 
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طیارہ حادثہ ۔ محمد شاہد محمود
Posted By: Shahid75 On: 12/Dec/2016 Views:1192 Replies:0 
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ہمارے پیارے پیغمبرﷺ ۔ میر افسر امان
Posted By: mirafsaraman On: 12/Dec/2016 Views:1070 Replies:0 
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Systematic Neo-colonisation of Muslim World by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 12/Dec/2016 Views:1586 Replies:0 
In the 6th century, the entire Arab Peninsula had sunk into the morass of depravation and delinquency. The two super powers of the time, Romans (Byzantine Empire) and Persians (Sassanian Empire) were situated in the west and east of Arabian Peninsula respectively and were antagonists. The 28 year-war (602-630 A.D.) had drained the two empires and decay had begun to set in. It was in those times th Click here to read Full Article
Allama Mashriqi Foretold of theBreakup of Pakistan by Nasim Yousaf
Posted By: Infomashriqi On: 12/Dec/2016 Views:1898 Replies:0 
In 1947,the British partitioned India and Pakistan into two wings, East and West Pakistan,which were separated by about 1,400 miles (about 2,200 kilometers). The people of Bengal played a vital role in the creation of Pakistan. However, only about 24 years after Pakistan’s creation, the Bengalis in the East Wing fought the War of Independence to obtain a separate homeland for themselves; Banglades Click here to read Full Article
Bhutto and the Polish Resolution by Col. S. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 12/Dec/2016 Views:1518 Replies:0 
Many may have seen Pakistani TV channels occasionally showing Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who was representing Pakistan as its nominated Foreign Minister, tearing and throwing away some papers in rage and walking out of the UN Security Council. Click here to read Full Article
Arab Leaders and Aleppo: Insanity Overtakes Humanity by Mahboob A Khawaja
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 12/Dec/2016 Views:1455 Replies:0 
Does Authoritarian Insanity have another Name? Authoritarian leaders kill people just as butcher slaughter cattle. Casual allusion and changing power metaphors hardly distinguish between people and animals across the Arab world. The cycle of dreadful humanitarian crisis unfolding in Aleppo is baffling as if global humanity and institutions do not exist for other than Americans and Europeans. All Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 2/Dec/2016 Views:1460 Replies:0 
Gen Musharraf after coming to power through a military coup on October 12, 1999 decided to boost up and modernize electronic media by allowing foreign ownership in the name of freedom of expression and to show soft image of Pakistan to the west. His concept of enlightened moderation also had similar ambition of promoting liberalism. Private TV channels were given a free hand to broadcast their own Click here to read Full Article
Arab World: Fleeing from Insanity is Not a Choice by Mahboob A Khawaja
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 2/Dec/2016 Views:1623 Replies:0 
Could a blood stained tyranny and authoritarianism free the Arab masses from an ultimate cold blooded massacre? This is what millions of strained human beings are asking today in Aleppo, Baghdad, Mosul, Idlib, Yemen and greater parts of the Arabian Peninsula. Could Bashar Al-Assad be tried for war crimes as was the case with the former Serbian President convicted by the ICC at The Hague? Over th Click here to read Full Article

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