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Beyond COVID-19 Pandemic, Global Peace and Imperatives of our Future by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja Created On: 26/Mar/2021 Views: 2676 Replies: 0 
What will be our future like beyond the compelling horizon of COVID-19 Pandemic and its aftermath? Are ‘We, the People and Humanity’ going to be learning for global unity and consciousness of One Humanity to cope with immense problems arising from unpredictable socio-economic, medical, humanitarian and political imagination terrified by the dreadful threats of unknown future? Any rational answers Click here to read Full Article

America and Turbulent Democracy Look for Change by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 1/Feb/2021 Views:3198 Replies:0 
America and its politics find itself at the tyranny of reason of which it appears to be unconscious either by design or by choice. The living thought of American political harmony does not seem to exhibit an ideal scenario of democracy as acclaimed by its political proponents. The perplexit Click here to read Full Article
Race to White House Trumpismevaporated in thin air by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 10/Nov/2020 Views:1868 Replies:0 
Donald J. Trump of the opposition Republican Party won the presidential race against the ruling Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton in November 2016 who had three million more votes than Trump, but lost in the Electoral College having 538 decisive votes, in which Trump secured 306 electoral votes. Electoral College is confined to few right leaning States where till recent whites have been i Click here to read Full Article
PDM is upping the ante by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 2/Nov/2020 Views:1687 Replies:0 
Lot of hullabaloo is being made over the imprudent statement made by Ayaz Sadiq on the floor of the house with regard to the release of Wing Comd Abhinandan in February 2019. In his bid to dispel the impression given by Ayaz that Shah Mehmood Qureshi was yellow on the occasion, PTI leader Fawad Ch fired an erroneous salvo saying that we had hit India inside Pulwama, thereby giving another handle t Click here to read Full Article
Abhinandan episode adds fuel to fire by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 1/Nov/2020 Views:1730 Replies:0 
Imran Khan (IK) leading PTI won the elections in July 2018 against his main contestant PML-N and formed governments in the Centre, Punjab and KP but got a plate full of complex problems. Throughout his little over two years tenure he has been battling to uplift the economy but so far very little progress has been made. One reason is that IK’s greater emphasis has been on accountability of the corr Click here to read Full Article
Third party experiment in choppy waters by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 22/Sep/2020 Views:2155 Replies:0 
In the 73 years political history of Pakistan, the civilians ruled for 40 years and the military for 33 years. While Field Marshal Ayub Khan, Gen ZiauHaq and Gen Musharraf ruled for over 10, 11 and 9 years respectively, no civilian ruler completed his/her 5 year tenure. Prolonged military rules made the senior army officers affluent and they made a place in the privileged club. Frequent military i Click here to read Full Article
Time for Indo-Pakistan Talks. Rejoinder to Praveen Swami by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 8/Aug/2020 Views:1846 Replies:0 
Praveen Swami in his apparently innocent and well-meaning article titled ‘The Time might have come for India and Pakistan to talk’ has madedesigned distortions in the recent past history of the two archrivals. Messages have been conveyed in a subtle way under the guise of revival of talks and friendship. The motivation behind writing this article is the floating rumors in India about the possible Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 16/Jul/2020 Views:1544 Replies:0 
Isn’t it very much strange, ironical and mordacious to know that the judge who for many long years had been hearing the arguments of all the three parties namely prosecution, plaintiff and defendant and then keeping in view the case history, records produced by prosecution, statements of witnesses, arguments of lawyers from both sides and then his own personal critical assessment and thrashing i Click here to read Full Article
8 minutes 46 seconds & thereafter by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 24/Jun/2020 Views:1570 Replies:0 
Poor George Perry Floyd, 46 years old a black American citizen accused of a petty crime has very extremely barbarously and inhumanly been killed by a policeman in Minnesota on Tuesday 25th May, 2020 which, honestly speaking, simply cannot even be properly condemned by whatever the words and expressions one can find in any dictionary, howsoever voluminous it could be, because none have ever been k Click here to read Full Article
One death resulted removing rulers by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 11/Jun/2020 Views:1592 Replies:0 
George Floyd death in America reminds me of Arab Spring where death of just one ordinary person in Tunis sparked fires which resulted that 4 head of states including that of Tunisia faced such an appalling condition that all the 4 rulers had to eventually quit the powers. Tarek el Mohamed Bonazizi an ordinary poor street vendor in Tunisia selling fruit on a wheel cart supporting his family was fe Click here to read Full Article
Glitches after historic peace agreement by Asif Haroon Raja (Part 1)
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 3/Jun/2020 Views:1026 Replies:0 
Taliban Seized Power The Taliban regime under Mullah Omar took over power after capturing Kabul in October 1996. It managed to eliminate war lordism, poppy growing and crimes and restore normalcy by introducing strict Sharia. The regime was recognized by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and UAE. For the first time Pakistan’s western border became safe and the Indian influence in Afghanistan waned. The US Click here to read Full Article

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Mental health disorder: its legal manipulations (Part 1) by Dr Ghayur Ayub
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Altaf Hussain - a champion of women's right??? By Nadia Khan
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Reprehensible crimes of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto – His skeleton must be re-hanged by International Professor
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