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User Name: abdullahmaviya
Full Name: Abdullah Maviya
User since: 24/Apr/2007
No Of voices: 3
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Altaf Hussain cant take my right of fatwa, Nizamuddin Shamzai Shaheed (R.A)
Posted By: abdullahmaviya Created On: 29/Jul/2007 Views: 6885 Replies: 0 
Hazrat Maulana Mufti Nizamuddin Shamzai Shaheed (R.A) Ki Zindagia Ka Akhari Interview 21 April 2004 Ko Ummat Akhbar Ko Dia Tha. he was so right at that time, he exactly predicted the current Click here to read Full Article

40 Siparas in Quran
Posted By: abdullahmaviya On: 25/Apr/2007 Views:3988 Replies:0 
Minister for Education Lt-Gen (retd) Javed Ashraf Qazi for his assertion that there were "˜40 Siparas' in the Holy Qur'aan. Click here to read Full Article
MQM Kay 11 Sharam Naak Sawaloon Kay Jawabaat **HACKED BUT RESTORED**
Posted By: abdullahmaviya On: 24/Apr/2007 Views:19930 Replies:11 
Allah Kay Baghi Click here to read Full Article

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MQM Kay 11 Sharam Naak Sawaloon Kay Jawabaat **HACKED BUT RESTORED**
Views:19930 Replies:11
Altaf Hussain cant take my right of fatwa, Nizamuddin Shamzai Shaheed (R.A)
Views:6885 Replies:0
40 Siparas in Quran
Views:3988 Replies:0

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