"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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Muttahida Quomi Mahaz, Terrorist Group of Pakistan

(Previously known as Mohajir Quomi Movement)

The most potent threat to Pakistan's internal security in the late Nineteen Eighties and early Nineties was posed by militia from the Mohajir community. Originally formed as the Mohajir Quomi Movement (MQM), it is now split into two factions. The faction led by the founder Altaf Hussain was renamed Muttahida Quomi Mahaz and is commonly referred to as MQM (A). A breakaway faction, created in 1992, retains the original name Mohajir Quomi Movement - with the suffix Haqiqi which means real - and is commonly referred to as MQM (H). The two factions have been responsible for several incidents of urban terrorism even as the MQM (A) participates in Pakistan's electoral process. After a series of strong measures taken by the State in 1998, the MQM (A) has largely reoriented itself into an exclusively political outfit. In its latest display of clout in Mohajir dominated areas, it called for a boycott of local body elections held in July 2001 and ensured a low turnout in areas dominated by its cadre.

The MQM sought to portray itself, in its initial years as an organisation of Mohajirs. This ethnic term refers to refugees from India who settled in Karachi and other urban centres of Sindh province. They now constitute the largest segment in Sindh's urban population. Largely natives of India's Bihar and Uttar Pradesh provinces, this community maintains a distinct identity for itself. In the immediate post-partition period, the community formed one of the most influential lobbies in Pakistan having been closely associated with the movement for the country and its founder Mohammad Ali Jinnah. With the increasing power of the military over the State apparatus, the community found its pre-eminent position being increasingly usurped by the Punjabi dominated military-bureaucratic formation that effectively ruled Pakistan since Gen. Ayub's coup in 1958.

The first assertions of a distinct ethnic identity were made by the All Pakistan Mohajir Students Organisation" (APMSO) founded by Altaf Hussain in Karachi in 1978. Altaf Hussain went on, in 1984, to form the MQM. For two years, the outfit maintained a low profile reportedly concentrating on building its cadre base in Karachi and Hyderabad. It came on the national stage with a massive rally in Karachi on August 8. Ever since it has been a major actor in Pakistan's politics even as it maintains an armed cadre that has repeatedly indulged in urban terrorism. In 1992, going against the civilian political executive, the army reportedly encouraged a split in the outfit helping create the MQM (H) under the leadership of Afaq Ahmed and Aamir Khan, who were earlier top members of MQM's armed wing. To disguise itself as a broad social formation, the outfit dropped the term Mohajir from its title and renamed itself the Muttahida Quomi Mahaz (United National Front)

Violence has always accompanied the outfit's political activities. It began with the first public meeting on August 8, 1986, which was accompanied by aerial firing, street violence and damage to public property by participants. Two months later, on October 31, rioting in Karachi and Hyderabad, another MQM (A) stronghold, left 12 persons dead. Altaf Hussain and ten other leaders of the outfit were arrested on November 2 that year which only increased the street violence in Mohajir dominated cities. On December 14, the outfit's secretary general Dr Imran Farooq claimed that the situation can come under control only if Altaf Hussain is released. Almost on cue, violence flared up that night and the next day leaving 120 persons dead in Karachi.

Violence continued, allegedly perpetrated by MQM, despite the outfit entering into an alliance with the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) in 1988 and participating in a coalition government at the Federal level. The two parties had signed a 54 point agreement commonly known as the Karachi Accord just before the elections held in December that year. News reports suggested that most violence was between supporters of the MQM and the Jiye Sindh Movement, an organisation purpotedly fighting the cause of native Sindhis. Another rival with which the MQM frequently indulged in violent clashes was the Punjabi-Pukhtoon Ittehad (PPI), an outfit comprising of armed extremists from the Pukhtoon and Punjabi communities. Random attacks by armed activists of the warring groups on unarmed civilians were the major cause for casualties. In May 1989, the MQM walked out of the PPP led coalition in Sindh and five months later, from the federal government, accusing the PPP of failing to honour its promises outlined in the Karachi Accord.

The press to was a victim of the MQM's terror strategies. Several newspapers, including the Dawn, Jang, identified by the outfit as non-symphathetic to the "˜movement' were targeted for enforced boycotts.

Following reports of an imminent army crackdown on the outfit, Altaf Hussain left for UK on January 1, 1992 and has been in exile since. Despite the flight of its leader, the outfit's terrorist arm continued to operate until 1998. Its political arm too faded into insignificance after the October 1999 coup in Pakistan.

The mid nineties in urban Sindh was marked by consistent strike calls from the MQM which included an announcement in July 1995 that weekly strikes on Fridays and Saturdays would be observed. Most MQM strikes were accompanied by violence leaving scores dead in their wake.

The outfit's leadership, particularly Altaf Hussain, has been described by most analysts, as opportunists. The political platforms adopted by the outfit have been forwarded as evidence. After striking a deal, termed as the Karachi Accord, with Benazir Bhutto's PPP, the outfit switched alliances and teamed up with Nawaz Sharief's, Pakistan Muslim League (PML) in 1992. In Pakistan's predominantly two party set-up, MQM which has time and again proved itself as the third largest political force, has swung between the two dominant parties and joined several ruling coalitions at the federal level and in Sindh. The elected local bodies in Karachi and Hyderabad have been overwhelmingly dominated by the MQM (A).

Major Incidents


  • May 15: An Anti-terrorism court in Karachi sentences two MQM-A activists to life for killing a police personnel on July 21, 1998 in Liaquatabad.

  • May 2: 300 MQM-A workers are arrested from various locations in Karachi, Hyderabad and other cities throughout Sindh province.

  • April 26: Two top leaders of the MQM-A are killed by unidentified assailants in Karachi.

  • April 22: A Sindh court exonerates 11 MQM-A activists, including former Sindh Governor and two former Members of the Sindh Provincial Assembly (MPAs), of all charges in the April 24, 1995-Mir Garden case. Three persons were killed and two police personnel injured in that incident.

  • April 19: MQM-A chief Altaf Hussain demands a new Constitution for Pakistan.

  • April 13: MQM-A chief Altaf Hussain urges President Pervez Musharraf to grant "˜complete' autonomy to smaller provinces, including Sindh.

  • April 9: An MQM-A activist is killed by unidentified gunmen in North Nazimabad, Karachi.

  • January 7: Two unidentified assailants kill an activist of the MQM-A in Karachi.


  • December 28: An MQM-A activist is killed in Shah Faisal Colony, Karachi.

  • December 9: Altaf Hussain claims that missing party workers reportedly arrested by law enforcement agencies have finally been killed.

  • November 22: The brothers of a former MQM-A cadre, in a revenge attack kill, two MQM-A activists. They attack the MQM-A cadres after they find the bullet-riddled body of their abducted brother in Baldia Town, Karachi.

  • November 11: Unidentified gunmen kill a former sector "˜commander' of the MQM-A in Jauharabad, Karachi.

  • October 10: MQM-A chief Altaf Hussain says his party condemns all forms of terrorism and killings of innocent people, whether it is in the USA or in any other part of the world.

  • October 2: An MQM-A cadre is killed in an encounter with Karachi Police.

  • September 28: An MQM-A activist is killed and another injured in an armed attack on Jamshed Quarters in Karachi.

  • September 26: Nine MQM-A activists are injured in two bomb blasts in Karachi.

  • September 17: MQM-A Chief Altaf Hussain, in a statement from his London headquarters, says people of Pakistan in general, and Sindh in particular, must not "get distracted on the propaganda by the so-called religious and Jihadi organisations."

  • September 5: A leader and 14 activists of the MQM-A are acquitted in different cases by the courts in Karachi.

  • August 23: MQM-A deputy convener Shaikh Liaquat Hussain claims in Karachi that the party's workers are being arrested and tortured.

  • August 22: Three MQM-A cadres are arrested in Karachi in separate cases.

  • June 6: MQM-A convenor Imran Farooq appeals to the Supreme Court to take suo motto action on a threat levelled by the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) to assassinate MQM-A chief Altaf Hussain.

  • June 3: MQM-A members of the suspended Sindh Assembly oppose the Federal government's on-going arms recovery drive.

  • June 1: A former MQM-A activist is killed by unidentified gunmen in Liaquatabad, Karachi

  • May 31: Sindh High Court acquits nine MQM-A activists in former Governor Hakim Saeed assassination case following an appeal against their conviction pronounced earlier by an Anti-Terrorism Court.

  • May 22: MQM-A co-ordination committee convenor Imran Farooq claims in Karachi that the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) is indulging in "˜baseless propaganda' against Altaf Hussain, and implicating him in the May 18-killing of Sunni Tehreek chief Salim Qadri.

  • May 8: MQM-A deputy cnvenor Khalid Maqbool Siddiqi claims in Karachi that state agencies were responsible for the May 7-Karachi bomb blast in which one person was killed and nine others injured.

  • March 24: Karachi anti-terrorism court acquits a former Provincial Legislator of the MQM-A and nine other party activists in a case on which a police personnel was killed on July 28, 1999 in the city.

  • February 28: MQM-H chief Afaq Ahmad claims in Karachi that Interior Minister Moinuddin Haider is "patronising the London-based "˜terrorist group'.

  • February 23: MQM-A chief Altaf Hussain offers to hold a dialogue with the Federal government.

  • February 20: An MQM-A leader is acquitted in two cases by two different additional district and sessions courts in Karachi.

  • February 17: Two MQM-A activists arrested earlier on October 9, 2000, in Gulistan-i-Jauhar, are sentenced to death by an ant-terrorism court in Karachi for anti-national activities.

  • January 3: Senior MQM-A activist of Ranchor Lines, Karachi, Mohammad Shoaib, is arrested.

  • January 2: MQM-A chief Altaf Hussain and 13 associates declared 'absconders' by Karachi court.


  • December 22: An additional district and sessions court in Karachi declares MQM-A chief Altaf Hussain and three other activists absconders in a case pertaining to the killing of two persons during an MQM-A sponsored strike in Karachi in June 1995.

  • December 20: A former MQM-A member and his brother were killed by two armed assailants in Liaquatabad, Karachi.

  • December 15: Five MQM-A activists acquitted by a Karachi court in a case regarding an attack on police personnel during a shootout in Liaquatabad in 1998.

  • December 8: Two MQM-A activists are killed by unidentified gunmen in Karachi.

  • November 11: Six MQM-A activists are arrested from Sukkur for their alleged involvement in the November 6-bomb blast.

  • November 6: Bomb explodes at the Karachi marketing office of the Jang group of newspapers. MQM-A cadre Iqbal Macha is prime suspect for the attack.

  • October 29: MQM-A demands amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan.

  • October 25: An MQM-A activist is killed by unidentified gunmen in Karachi.

  • October 2: News report says 1,105 activists and supporters of MQM-A are in official custody and a committee would review all the cases.
    Government calls for a report from the High Commission in India on the visit of an MQM- A delegation to that country.

  • September 21: An MQM-A worker is killed at a Karachi playground.

  • July 9: An MQM-A activist in police custody, in Karachi, states that the top-leadership of the party has directed him to kill 28 fellow cadres for their suspected involvement in various crimes.

  • July 4: A Karachi court issues arrest warrants against an MQM-A woman leader, Nasreen Jalil, and some other activists on charges of rioting and obstructing police in performing their duties.

  • March 30: MQM-A convenor Imran Farooq alleges that a Pakistan Army officer had formed groups in connivance with Karachi police to kill MQM-A cadres.

  • February 28: Widespread violence is reported in Karachi following a strike call given by Jeay Sindh Quami Mahaz and the MQM-A outfit to protest sacking of staff from the state-run Pakistan Steel as well as for the police ill-treating party supporters.

  • January 17: Nine persons are killed and 25 others injured in a bomb explosion in Karachi. Police blame the MQM-A for the act and claim that 16 terrorists linked to the outfit have been arrested. MQM (A) denies the charge.


  • November 26: Senior MQM-A leader Farooq Sattar is arrested after surrendering to the Military Intelligence.

  • September 9: MQM-A secretary general Imran Farooq surfaces in London after being in hiding for seven years and claims his life is in danger in Pakistan.

  • August 1: Seven MQM-A office-bearers, including a Member of the National Assembly, and two Members of the Sindh Provincial Assembly, resign from the "basic membership" of the party owing to "fundamental differences with MQM chief Altaf Hussain over policy matters".

  • July 18: MQM-A announces international hunger strike and protests inside and outside Pakistan to protest the "extra-judicial killings" of its cadres.

  • January 30: Three Urdu newspapers, Jang, Amn, and Parcham, are charged with sedition for carrying an MQM-A advertisement seeking donations for "victims of police excesses" and to compensate those "killed, tortured or victimised by the police and other security agencies during their crackdown against the party".

  • January 24: UK grants political asylum and residency to MQM-A chairman Altaf Hussain. Pakistan lodges protest.


  • October 31: Following the MQM-A's refusal to meet the Prime Minister's deadline, Federal rule is imposed in Sindh and a massive crackdown is launched by security agencies.

  • October 28: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharief accuses an MQM-A Member of the Sindh Provincial Assembly (MPA) and seven other activists of involvement in the murder of Hakim Saeed. Sharief sets a three-day deadline on the outfit to hand-over the assassins, failing which he threatens to call -off the alliance.

  • October 17: Former Sindh Governor Hakim Mohd Saeed is assassinated by alleged MQM-A terrorists.

  • September 20: MQM-A decides to resume support to Pakistan Muslim League at Federal level and in Sindh without joining the Ministry.

  • August 26: MQM-A resigns from the ruling coalition in Sindh province.

  • August 14: MQM-A Ministers in the Federal Cabinet resign protesting the government's failure to protect the outfit's activists.

  • August 12: 10 MQM-A activists are killed by unidentified gunmen.

  • June : 140 persons are killed during various instances of ethnic violence.

  • April 30: Sindh Chief Minister Liaquat Jatoi withdraws all cases filed against MQM-A Legislators.

  • April 18: MQM-A announces the continuation of the alliance with Pakistan Muslim League in Sindh.

  • March 21: Six persons, including MQM-H leader Imtiaz Ahmed Khan and two relatives, are killed by unidentified gunmen in Karachi.
    Federal government asks Sindh government to furnish details on steps being taken to counter MQM-H imposed "˜no-go' areas.

  • March 19: MQM-A extends ultimatum to one month.

  • March 17: MQM-A serves a 48-hour ultimatum on the Sindh Chief Minister to ensure the removal of "˜no-go areas' in Karachi"“"“areas that are the strongholds of the MQM-H.

  • February 28: 100 MQM-H members are arrested in crackdown launched after the February 22- Korangi-attack.

  • February 22: Eight civilians are killed outside a mosque at Korangi, Karachi, in MQM factional rivalry.

  • February 1: Sindh High Court acquits Altaf Hussain and 18 co-accused in the case of the abduction of an Army officer.

  • January 10: Three persons, including a woman, are killed and five more injured in indiscriminate firing during MQM factions' clash.


  • October 2: Three persons are killed in factional rivalry in Karachi.

  • September 27: MQM-H asks the British government to deport Altaf Hussain from London.

  • August 14: MQM-A opposes legislation on terrorism.

  • July 26: MQM-A renames itself as Muttahida Qaumi Mahaz.

  • July 9: Three MQM-A workers are arrested on Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

  • July 6: Four persons are killed in MQM-A violence in Karachi.

  • June 18 : Government invites MQM-A for talks.

  • June 17: Four persons are killed in factional rivalry in Karachi.
    Altaf Hussain asks workers to close down all the liaison offices of the party.

  • June 10: 12 persons are killed in wave of violence in Karachi, allegedly perpetrated by MQM-A activists.

  • May 4: 70 MQM-H activists are arrested in Karachi

  • May 2: 500 MQM-H activists are arrested in Karachi

  • April 16: Two MQM-H activists are killed by MQM-A in Karachi.

  • April 12: Three MQM-H workers are killed and another injured in separate attacks by activistrs of the rival MQM-A in Karachi.

  • April 1: Sindh government announces formation of a Compensation Committee to review cases of compensation for persons and families and their legal heirs affected during the period October 1993 to November 1997.

  • February : MQM-A concludes an accord with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharief and joins the coalition government at the Federal-level and in Sindh. In the accord, Sharief agrees to institute a judicial probe into the allegedly deaths of MQM-A supporters in police custody or encounters or attacks by terrorists; he also agrees to grant compensation to the families of the deceased.

  • January 20: MQM-A National Assembly candidate from Rahim Yar Khan Javed Mazari is arrested along with another cadre.

  • January 18: Sindh government grants parole and releases MQM-A senators Aftab Ahmed Sheikh and Nasreen Jalil.


  • October 10: United States Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) refuses to grant asylum to three senior MQM-A leaders, including senior vice chairman Saleem Shahzad.

  • October 5: Over two dozen MQM activists are arrested following a series of different encounters in different places in Karachi.

  • August 21: Hafiz Osama Qadri, MQM-A leader and former member of the Sindh Provincial Assembly, is arrested.

  • June 16: Karachi police arrest MQM-A cadres Azhar Sayyan"“"“wanted in more than 50 cases"“"“and Naseem Pajama, wanted in 27 cases.

  • June 1: Two MQM-A terrorists are arrested in Karachi.

  • April 12: MQM-A delegation goes to Geneva for United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) session.

  • April 10: MQM-A cadre Nadeem Chita, carrying reward of Rs one million, is arrested from Azizabad, Karachi.

  • April 9: Four MQM-A cadres, allegedly involved in 13 cases of murder, six cases of abduction and several other crimes, are arrested in Multan.

  • April 2: Shamim Ahmed, MQM-A leader and Minister in the Sindh government announces the formation of another MQM faction.

  • March 5: Two abducted persons are rescued from MQM-A cadres in Karachi.

  • February 28: Three MQM-A workers reportedly confess of a plot to kill religious leaders with the assistance of a sectarian group.

  • February 1: MQM-A leader, Ajmal Dehlvi warns government that the outfit would disrupt World Cup cricket matches to be held in Pakistan.

Four MQM activists are arrested in Saudi Arabia.

  • January 29: MQM-A demands reconstitution of the government team conducting negotiations with the outfit.

  • January 17: Federal government grants Rs. 500 thousand for a proposed library being built by the MQM-A.

Rockets are fired at MQM-H headquarters in Landhi. MQM-H chief Afaq Khan accuses the rival MQM-A for this attack.

  • January 4: MQM team meets US Ambassador to Pakistan Johan Rolzeman.

  • January 3: Three civilians are killed during an MQM-organised strike in Karachi.

MQM-A lays down new conditions for talks with the Federal government.


  • September 8: Five MQM-A activists are arrested in Karachi.

  • August 15: Top MQM-A activist Tariq "˜Commando' is arrested in Karachi.

  • August 6: Top MQM-A activist Fahim "˜Commando' and three of his associates are arrested in Karachi.

  • August 3: In retaliation to the August 2-killing of top MQM-A cadres, 24 persons, including a Sub-divisional Magistrate, are killed in Karachi.

  • August 2: Top MQM-A terrorist Farooq "˜Dada' and three of his associates are killed in Karachi.

  • July 17: Federal government and MQM-A agree to refrain from making provocative statements.

  • July 11: Talks begin between the Federal government and MQM-A.

  • July 5, 6, 13 & 24: 10 MQM-A activists are killed and six more arrested in a series of raids on MQM-A bases in Karachi. A large cache of arms and ammunition is seized.

  • July: MQM-A announces weekly strikes on Friday and Saturday until its demands for more rights are met. Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto responds and says MQM-A's violence is aimed at carving out a separate Province for more than eight million Mohajirs living in Karachi and Hyderabad

  • June: 10 Sindhi-speaking officials are killed by alleged MQM-A activists in Karachi.

MQM-A activists attack police and civilian targets employing guns, rocket and bombs in Karachi.

  • June 24: A train carrying arms for SFs is looted and burnt down by MQM-A activists.

  • June 15: 24 persons, including 10 Sindhis, are killed in Karachi.

  • June 4: 10 persons are killed by MQM-A activists.

  • May 22: MQM-A observes Mourning Day.

  • May 18: 15 persons are killed in terrorist attacks in several parts of Karachi.

  • May 5: US Embassy announces that issuing visas from Karachi would be stopped because of the prevalence of terrorist violence in the city.


  • November 11: Indiscriminate firing by suspected MQM-A gunmen kills eight persons, including an Air Force officer in Karachi.

  • September 26: Three MQM-A activists are arrested and a large cache of weapons is seized in several raids on their hideouts in Karachi.

  • September 17: Eight persons are killed in indiscriminate firing allegedly by MQM-A gunmen.

  • August 8: Altaf loyalists in Karachi allegedly kill a top-MQM-H leader.

  • July 13: Six persons are killed in an attack on a bus in Karachi.

  • June: Altaf Hussain and 19 other MQM members sentenced in absentia by a Karachi court to 27 years imprisonment for abducting and torturing an Army intelligence officer, Major Kaleem, and his four associates in June 1991.

  • June 28: Suspected MQM-A activists kill seven police personnel, including an officer who had arrested several MQM-A gunmen.

  • June 20: A court in Karachi issues non-bailable warrants against Altaf Hussain in connection with the murder of a Senator in May 1990.

  • June 4: MQM-A releases Charter of Demands.

  • March 6: Suspected MQM-A activists kill five security force (SF) personnel, including an Army Captain, in Karachi.


  • May 1: Azim Tariq is killed allegedly by MQM-A cadres.

  • February 10: 13 persons are killed in a bomb attack in Karachi.


  • November 27: MQM-A Chairman Azim Tariq comes over-ground and disowns Altaf Hussain.

  • July 19: Sindh Chief Minister disassociates himself from MQM-A.

  • June 29: MQM-A members resign their seats in the Federal and Sindh assemblies.

  • June: MQM dissidents led by Afaq Ahmed and Aamir Khan formally launch the Haqiqi (real) MQM, subsequently known by its sobriquet MQM (H).

  • June 27: MQM-A breaks away from the ruling alliance at the Federal level.

  • June 22: Cases are filed against 13 MQM-A leaders, including Altaf Hussain.

  • June 19: Army is deployed in Karachi and curfew is declared to prevent factional clashes within MQM.

  • May 28: Federal government launches military operation against "dacoits and terrorists" in Sindh.

  • May 19: The Altaf Hussain faction of MQM clashes with rebels in the party and a series of killings and abductions follow.

  • January 1: Altaf Hussain leaves for London on a self-imposed exile.


  • October 1: Prominent journalist Mohammad Salahuddin's house is bombed allegedly by MQM activists in Karachi

  • March 3: MQM leader Badar Iqbal is expelled from the party for financial embezzlement

  • February 21: Federal government postpones indefinitely the process of collecting population census.

  • April 30: Two Japanese students allegedly abducted by MQM activists for ransom are released after 45 days in captivity.

  • February : 14 persons are killed and 26 more inured in separate incidents of violence.

  • January 3: The Jam Sadiq-led MQM government in Sindh decides to set up four special courts.


  • August 22: 27 persons are killed and 55 more injured in firing on MQM camps in Karachi.

  • July 13: 45 persons are killed in a bomb blast in Hyderabad.

  • June 6: President Ishaq Khan proposes all-party conference on Sindh situation. MQM refuses to participate.

  • May 9-10: 16 persons are killed in Karachi violence.

  • April 17-30: 11 persons are killed in Hyderabad violence

  • April 12: MQM rejects government's offer for peace talks.

  • April 7: Altaf Hussain commences fast-unto-death.

  • March 31: Karachi University reopens.

  • February 6-9: 64 persons are killed during an MQM-organised anti-government demonstration in Karachi.

  • January 30 "“February 3: 18 persons are killed in anti-government demonstrations in Hyderabad.


  • December 12-25: 21 persons are killed in Hyderabad violence and nine others in Karachi.

  • October 23: MQM unilaterally pulls out of the Karachi Accord and quits the ruling coalition at the Federal level.

  • October 13: Two police officers are killed, even as Altaf Hussain meets President Ghulam Ishaq Khan in Karachi.

  • September 22: Sindh Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Police says MQM is a terrorist outfit and not a political organisation.

  • September 17-19: Nine persons are killed and 24 others injured during riots in Hyderabad

  • August 19: 11 persons, including a police personnel, are killed by alleged MQM gunmen in Karachi

  • August 13: Seven persons are killed by suspected MQM gunmen in Karachi.

  • July 16-23: 10 persons are killed in violence in Hyderabad.

  • June 1: Three Federal Ministers meet MQM leaders in a bid to save Karachi Accord.

  • May 30: Talks are held between the then Punjab Chief Minister, Nawaz Sharief and Altaf Hussain for political co-operation.

  • May 1: Three MQM Ministers resign from the Sindh provincial government.

  • April 6: 10 persons are killed and 40 others wounded in incidents of firing in Hyderabad.

  • March 18: 10 persons are killed and 15 others injured by unidentified gunmen in Karachi.

  • February 23: Karachi University vice-chancellor's office is burnt down by suspected MQM cadres.


  • December: Benazir Bhutto is elected Prime Minister with support from the MQM. MQM joins the coalition government at the Federal level and in Sindh.

  • November: General Elections held in Pakistan following Gen. Zia's death. Benazir Bhutto's Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) concludes a political accord with the MQM, known popularly as the Karachi Accord, to contest jointly.

  • October 1: Suspected MQM activists kill 90 Sindhis in separate attacks in Karachi.

  • August 30: MQM activists kill a Karachi University student.

  • July 21: Women MQM activists storm a Karachi police station and free 18 arrested persons.

  • July 17: Karachi Mayor Aftab Sheikh is attacked. Eight persons are killed in riots that followed.

  • June 18: Six persons are killed in violence in Hyderabad

  • April 30- May 9: 31 persons are killed in Karachi street violence.

  • March 1: Four persons are killed and several others injured during violence in Karachi.

  • February 4: Six persons are killed in violence in Karachi

  • January 18: Four persons are killed in clashes between MQM and PPI activists.

  • January 10: Five persons are killed in stabbing and other incidents of violence; several others are injured in Karachi. The Army is called in.


  • November: MQM wins a majority of seats at the local-level elections in Karachi and Hyderabad, and emerges successful in other urban areas of Sindh.

  • October 31: Two persons are killed and 85 others injured in violence during an MQM-strike in Karachi. Senior police officials are injured in violence in Hyderabad.

  • September 29: MQM spokesperson says party regards Khan Abdul Wali Khan and Abdul Ghaffar Khan as the true representatives of Pukhtoons.

  • August 30: Altaf Hussain courts arrest in Karachi.

  • August 28: Sindh government orders arrest of August 26-rioteers. 160 persons, including leaders of the PPI, are arrested but Altaf Hussain escapes.

  • August 26: Nine persons are killed and 80 others injured in Karachi riots.

  • July 22 - August 30: 22 persons killed and 300 others injured in clashes between MQM and a rival group, Punjabi-Pukhtoon Ittehad (PPI). Besides, five police personnel are killed and 38 others injured during riots in this period.

  • June 21: MQM Chairman calls for boycott of Jang for its "anti-Mohajir policy". The newspaper's office in Hyderabad is burnt down.

  • May 21: One person killed in riots over the arrest of MQM workers in Karachi.

  • February 20-21: 16 persons injured in street violence in Karachi.

  • January 31: Altaf Hussain says in Liaquatabad that Mohajirs "will have to arrange for their own security"


  • December 20: MQM Chairman Azim Ahmad Tariq demands justice for Mohajirs and advises Pakistan President Zia-ul Haq to issue arms licenses.

  • December 14: 50 persons killed in Karachi; The Army is called-in and curfew declared.

  • December 9: One person killed and 40 injured during clashes following MQM's call for strike in Karachi.

  • November 21: 30 persons injured in firing in Karachi.

  • November 18: MQM cadres fire in the air and disrupt a cricket match at Hyderabad's Niaz Stadium.

  • November 3: 10 persons killed in hand-grenade attacks and six others in street violence in Karachi.

  • November 2: Altaf Hussain and 10 other leaders are arrested on charges of attempt to murder and rioting. 72 other activists arrested with arms and explosives in different areas of Karachi.

  • October 31: 12 persons killed during riots in Karachi. Riots spread to Hyderabad where seven persons are killed.

  • October 25: Altaf Hussain says in Hyderabad, Sindh, that Mohajir youth should "collect arms. If our rights are not given to us, we will use every kind of force".

  • August 8: MQM's first public meeting at Karachi's Nishtar park is marked by aerial firing, street violence and damage of public property.


  • March 18: Mohajir Quomi Movement (MQM) is launched.


  • Altaf Hussain founds the All Pakistan Mohajir Students Organisation (APMSO) in Karachi.

 Reply:   MQM is a terrorist organization - confession of American ambassador
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (29/May/2011)

 Reply:   FACTSHEET//sh
Replied by(devilzdushman) Replied on (6/May/2007)

Sorry for the misinterpretation of your thoughts brother ghost.. but if you see most of the MQM supporters confuse MQM and Muhajir as equal.. but not all Muhajirs support MQM.. and neither does MQM has ever fullfilled the needs of the Muhajir as they were made to dreamt by MQM..
Anyway.. it might be not necessary for the facts given below as it might be a repitition of the facts that is the original article.. but its from another source..
and a news from bbc..
Arrest & Arms
recovery from MQM
workers during
December 1998 to February 1999


Dec 9, 1998
    Seven hardcore terrorists, including a bodyguard of Altaf Hussain and the killers of Azim Ahmed Tariq arrested on December 09, 1998 from different parts of Karachi.(Frontier Post ).

Dec 10, 1998
    As many as 10 alleged terrorists and extortionists belonging to both factions of MQM rounded up with arms and ammunition in Karachi. (Nation Dec 11, 1998).

Dec 11, 1998
    Police arrested a most wanted terrorist of MQM, Saulat Mirza, immediately after his arrival from Bangkok at Karachi airport.(Nation). Saulat Mirza has said, Altaf Hussain has directed his workers in Belgium, S. Africa and India to reach Karachi. (Asas).

    The accused Saulat Mirza has confessed that Altaf Hussain and his political secretary Nusrat Nadeem have been giving directives for carrying out disruptive activities and killing of innocent citizens. Mirza, arrested on his arrival Karachi from Thailand, was suspected on involvement in the murder of two US diplomats and four American oil company workers.

    DIG Police Karachi Qureshi said that during initial interrogation accused Saulat Mirza confessed killing retired Major Shahnawaz Toor, who was incharge of the American Drug Enforcement Agency in Pakistan. He stated that the accused had also owned killing of KESC managing director Shahid Hamid, SDM Nawaz Khushk, a DSR of Rangers, several police officials, a lance naik of army, and five relatives of SP Khawaja Nisar. DIG Qureshi said that the accused has also admitted killing an office bearer of PPP, Nasir Guddu. He said that an information was received that some terrorists were fleeing the country while some were coming back.

    DIG Qureshi said that on receipt of this information surveillance was mounted on the arrival and departure lounges of the Karachi Airport. He said that Saulat Mirza was arrested when he returned to Karachi from Bangkok. Qureshi maintained that accused Saulat Mirza has a background of international terrorism. Saulat Mirza, who was present at the press briefing, confessed the criminal activities carried out by him and his accomplices. He said that Major ( R ) Shahnawaz Toor who was incharge of the American Drug Enforcement agency in Pakistan, was eliminated because he was "prying." Saulat Mirza said that later he came to know that Toor's killing was ordered by the MQM leadership to spoil Pakistan's relationship with America. This was also aimed at causing economic difficulties for Pakistan so that the country could be harmed. On the killing of KESC MD Shahid Hamid, he said that the deceased had served in the IMF and was arranging loans for Pakistan and for this reason he was eliminated.

    Saulat Mirza also spoke about his visits abroad and said that there are some 80 to 100 MQM boys in South Africa. He said that MQM leader Safdar Baqri went to South Africa from the US and said that he had instructions that work is to be done for the party. Baqri stated that some boys would have to go to get commando training there for carrying out disruptive activities Karachi, Saulat added. He said that many of the boys went to India and some are still there and getting training in terrorist activities. He disclosed that India was using Altaf Hussain and the MQM and it wants to break Pakistan. Saulat said that he returned to Karachi in March 98 and immediately went into hiding. On October 30 he went to Bangkok. He said he was given the task of killing the foreigners, Hussain Haqqani, Ejaz Shafi and Haleem Siddiqui. Saulat said when he was coming out of the Karachi Airport he was nabbed by the police at the taxi stand. He admitted that he had committed crimes, which are not pardonable.

    Saulat said that he believed that Dr Imran Farooq was also killed by MQM partymen and added that Altaf Hussain did not tolerate any criticism and whosoever did so, was eliminated. Saulat also feared danger to the life of Dr Farooq Sattar. Accused Aslam Shaikh alias Aslam Chor (thief), who was arrested by the police from Nazimabad area, was also presented before the press. He said that in 1995 his younger brother Anwar Shaikh was killed in a rocket attack on Garden police station. Accused Aslam admitted that he was involved in attacks on police mobiles he said that in 1997 Shoaib Bukhari and Zulfiqar Haider had directed him to 'clean' SHO Aslam Hayat. He said that his conscience was pricking him and added that he was giving the statement without any pressure. DIG Qureshi said that the accused have given the statements after a few hours of interrogation. The police will also check its record, he added. (News Dec 12, 1998)

Dec 13, 1998
    Another accused in Hakim Said murder case and an alleged assassin of Zuhair Akram Nadim arrested in two raids conducted by Surjani Town police and CIA Sadar respectively. Two more alleged accomplices were also arrested on being pointed by Asim, reportedly an accused in the Hakim Said murder case on a tip off police cordoned off some parts of Sector L-1 in Surjani Town of District West from where Asim was arrested. Korangi police arrested Zubair alias Landhi Wala, who according to polices has confessed his involvement in the killing saying that Asim was the first to open fire at Hakim Said from a KK rifle. On the information given by Asim raids conducted in Yousuf Goth, Surjani and Sher Shah areas. Shujauddin alias Shujoo and Habib Ullah arrested.

    The main accused in Hakim Saeed case are Zulfiqar Haider, MQM MPA, Naushad alias Major Dandy, Shakir alias Langra. Zubair alias Landhi Wala, Asim, Ajzaz alias Wazir, Asif and Amirullah have been arrested. One person suspected to be Wahab Bandhani, who claims to be Hanif Kabarhi also arrested.

    A CIA team raided a house in Sector 11 H, North Karachi from where Majid alias Mullah (also known as Sir) was arrested. He confessed to have killed Zuhkar Akram Nadim as well as PPP councillor and three Muslim Leaguers during interrogation, SSP CIA, Manzoor Mughal disclosed that in July 1998, terrorists belonging to Altaf Group met in Unit 77 Orangi Town where they finalised plans of assassinating Zuhair Akram Nadim' 'on July 1998, they gunned him down in Orangi when he was visiting an under construction building there. Earlier, they targeted three Muslim Leaguers near Fauji Hotel also. In May 1995 they killed Salahuddin alias Saloo, PPP Advisory Councillor and in September they killed Shahid alias Sarphata, a member of PMRC. Another alleged terrorist of MQM Aslam alias Chapta reported to be a close associate of most wanted Ajmal Pahari was arrested in Jalalabad. SHO Gulbahar Mohammad Aslam told that on a tip off, they raided a hideout located behind Subhan Bakery in Jalalabad where terrorists were hiding. The terrorists opened fire at police but retaliatory firing by police force them to flee. However, one of them, Aslam Chapta was arrested. One Kalashinkov, one 7 mm rifle, two repeaters and 3 TT pistols were recovered. Police said that Aslam Chapta was a member of Unit 18 and also was an honorary member of 'Moazzazin' committee.

    SHO Gulbahar claimed that during interrogation, Aslam told them that they were planning to get back the hold of Khajji Ground area of the orders of MQM chief Altaf Hussain. He confessed Ajmal Pahari Group was involved in the killing go Zuhair Akram Nadim, Zahiruddin Babar (Jama' at-I-Islami), three Muslim Leaguers and others. The SHO further claimed that Aslam told them that Altaf Hussain always issue orders through his Secretary, Nadim Nusrat who asked Shoaib Bukhari, MQM MPA, to convey the orders to them. He also confessed to have assaulted two women whom they killed after gang rape and threw their bodies in Manghopier area.(Nation Dec 14,1998).

Dec 15, 1998
    The arms used by terrorists to murder Hakim Mohammad Said recovered from a nullah near Burns Road on the pointation of an arrest accused namely Nadeem Mota, Korangi police have arrested three alleged terrorists said to be close associate of Aijaz alias Kala Munna named in over 200 heinous cases. A team of Rangers in Korangi recovered a considerable quantity of arms and ammunition. The enquiry officer of Hakim Mohammad Said case, SP Agha Mohammad Tahir ordered a raid when Nadim Mota during interrogation told the arms dumped near nullah behind Sindh secretariat. The arms seized from there included four Kalashinkovs, three TT pistols, one mauser and 300 bullets of KK rifle and pistols.(Nation Dec 16, 1998).

Dec 16, 1998
    The dangerous criminal Aslam Jhapata confessed the murder of 20 people including a councillor of Jammt -e-Islami and Zohar Akram an ex MNA. According to the detail Aslam Jhapata was arrested on the 11th of December and was an active member of Mutthtida. During investigation he told the joint interrogation team that he join MQM in 1990 and when Karachi operation started in 1992 he went underground. In 1995 Pir pur police on the charges of keeping illegal weapons arrested him. In 1997 he came out from the jail and started participating in criminal activities of MQM once again.

    Aslam told the investigators that in July 1998 Wasiah Jaleel called him along with Ajmal Phari, Dilwar, Jhangir Saeed to nine zero and ordered them to kill Zohair Akram. After receiving these orders they killed Zohair Akram in Orangi Town. He confessed that on the instruction of MPA Mohiuddin an sector incharge Ishtiaq, so he with the help of Zafar Nadeem Lamba and Akram Dahari Walla kidnapped five persons of Sindhi, Punjabi and Phattan nationality from different area of Orangi Town and killed them with Kalashinkov at Ghaziabad Orangi Town. On 16th June 1998 Wasiah Jaleel called Aslam Ali along with his helper at nine zero and ordered them to killed the ex councillor of Jammat-e-Islami Zaheerudin Babar. According to the report prepared by Sindh government a large number terrorist which were arrested by police after the impositions of Governors rule in Karachi has admitted that they got the training of terrorism for India.

Dec 18, 1998
    Hazara Police arrested a dreaded terrorist and dacoit Raai Khan s/o Fazal Dad of MQM wanted by Karachi Police from a village of Havelian. Accused Raai Khan was also member of the gang, which murdered Hakeem Said. He was involved in several other incidents of murder and dacoity. He had committed a dacoity in Maleer Karachi in which Rs Eleven lakh were looted.(News Dec 19, 1998).

Dec 25, 1998
    A prosecution witness in Hakim Said murder case on December 24, 1998 identified Amirullah Sheikh and Zubair, two activists of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), as the main accused involved in the killing. (News Dec 24, 1998).

    Several MQM activists rounded up during siege of Korangi and its surrounding localities by law enforcement agencies. Zaman Town Police raided an abandoned house in Nasir Colony and arrested Imran alias 'Chauntees' and Imran alias Mani, both MQM activists, allegedly involved in various cases of heinous crimes. Gulbahar Police arrested Tanveer alias Chachoo and Mohammed Nasir and recovered two rifles from their possession.

    The two MQM activists wanted in dozens of murder attempted murder, dacoity and kidnapping cases. The same police also arrested Tanveer, Nasir and Irfan, allegedly involved in disposing of the bodies of persons murdered at Khajji Ground. Three TT pistols also recovered from them. They admitted to disposing off 40 dead bodies. Sharifabad Police arrested Fahim alias Baryaniwala, wanted in certain criminal cases and recovered a TT pistol from him. Khawaja Ajmer Nagri Police arrested Afzal Lamba with a pistol. Afzal was wanted in four murder and firing incidents. Liaquatabad Police arrested Shakeel with a revolver.

    CIA Sadar arrested Naseerullah and Khawaja Amir with two TT pistols. Mominabad Police arrested Abdul Salam and Waseem Ahmed allegedly involved in murder and kidnapping cases and recovered two pistols. Ranger and Karachi police also arrested 10 terrorist including 8 MQM activists.

    A team a rangers succeeded to arrest Syed Tariq Mustafa (Arif Burger) a close companion of Ajmal Phari in a raid in Orangi town. During investigation Tariq Mustafa revealed that on the doubt of disclosing information he cut the throat of a person with the help of his friend Ehtasham in Orangi town sector 7-E lane no 6. After this he washed his hair and showed it to every one in the area so that people learn some lesson from it. Tariq Mustafa also admitted conferred to involve in some other heinous crimes including the murder of 5-labours in Ghaziabad sector 11 1/2, and of firing rocket on Sindh Secretariat. He also admitted the murder of different people in Khajji ground. Nazimabad police arrested Yousaf Chandio (Arif Dhobbi) in a raid on Paposhnagar.(NNI/Nation Dec 26,1998).

Dec 27, 1998
    Rafi, alias Bubbly is an activist of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement,on December 16, 1997 lifted a Suzuki car from House No 5 near Chandni Chowk and on the very next day abducted a first year student Ambreen from Royal Coaching Centre in Sharifabad police limits for rape and ransom. Later, he rang the parents of the abducted and asked them to manage Rs. 500,000 as ransom. The parents of that girl contacted the police and lodged a FIR into the abduction and rape of their daughter. On December 27, 1997 Bubbly was arrested by the police. (News).

Dec 28, 1998
    As many as 27 accused including two Unit Incharge of the MQM were arrested as police also seized arms during their drive against criminals and 'terrorists'. SHO, Gulbahar-led police team cordoned off Muslim Centre. During houses' search, they arrested Mohammad Irfan, Incharge Unit 189, and Qaisar Abbas of MQM. Police seized TT pistols from them. (Nation Dec 29,1998).

Dec 30, 1998
    New Karachi Police, after a brief encounter, arrested seven Muttahida activists involved in criminal activities and recovered arms from them.(Nation Dec 31,1998).

Dec 31, 1998
    Four terrorists belonging to the MQM `confessed` the planning of assassination of the then Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in Johannesburg during her visit to South Africa. "We also planned to create Sunni and Ismaili riots in Karachi", they further said. They were produced before reporters at Central Police Office during a Press briefing held by DIG Karachi. The DIG said that their confession proved that they wanted only to bring a bad name to Pakistan world-wide and to weaken Pakistan Surjani Town police arrested Nadim alias Civic, Irfan alias Imran, Mirza Wasee Baig and Babar Anis and recovered from their possession 3 KK including a snatched official KK rifle, two seven mm rifles, seven pistols, two revolvers, one mauser and 400 rounds.

    The accused told the police that Altaf Hussain MQM chief and his Secretary Nadeem Nusrat ordered them in 1996 through Qamar Ghalib and Hamad Jilani in South Africa to kill Benazir Bhutto. But Benazir did not visit Johannesburg hence the planning failed, they said. They said since Ismailis contributed a lot to strengthen the country's economy. Hence we were ordered to kill Maulvi Akbar, who had embraced Sunni faith. This was aimed at pitting sunnis and Ismailis against each other, they said. In South Africa Qamar Ghalib and Homad Jilani extort bhatta from Memons and other traders who belong to Pakistan. One Fardia is the agent who arranges visas for visits of MQM activists from India and other countries to South Africa", they revealed. Nadim alias Civic said that more than 250 MQM activists named in heinous cases were in South Africa. (Nation Jan1,1999).

Jan 01, 1999
    Anti-Terrorists Wing nabbed Iqbal from North Karachi who was reported to be the brother of Mustafa Ganja, an activist of Muttahida and was nominated in several FIRs. (Nation Jan 2,1999).

Jan 6, 1999
    Karachi Pirabad Police arrested a most wanted MQM terrorist Nadeem Commando alias Street fighter from Bokhari Colony. During investigations, Nadeem Commando confessed to be involved in several under case. He is suspected to be involved in murder of an Army Police and several police personnel. (Nawa-e-Waqt Jan 7, 1999).

Jan 7, 1999
    Eight Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) activists arrested from different areas in Karachi during search operations and arms and ammunition recovered from them. According to the detailsMohammed Asif was arrested in Nazimabad area with a pistol. He revealed that he injected poison to the hospitalised activists injured in encounters with police. Risala police arrested Ahmed Din and Akhlaq Ahmed with two pistols. Nabi Bux police wanted Akhlaq in a murder case. Mochko police arrested a truck driver Ali Mohammed and recovered two pistols and 200 rounds of klashnikov from the truck. He allegedly worked for MQM and had brought the ammunition from Balochistan. Khokhrapar police arrested Waseem Tariq, wanted in 13 cases of murder, firing, arson and police encounter. Garden police arrested Shahid alias TT from the area with a TT pistol and 100 rounds. Landhi police arrested Kashif Langra with a pistol wanted in murder and dacoity cases. (NNI/News Jan 8, 1999).

Jan 10, 1999
    The Karachi police arrested six alleged workers of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) after an encounter in district Central's Liaquatabad area in which a police informer was killed. The police also recovered huge quantity of arms after a raid on the hideout of the alleged terrorists near Arshi Chowk at Qasimabad area in Liaquatabad.(News).

    Another alleged terrorist of MQM arrested on the pointation of the terrorists whom police had arrested from katchi abadi of Qasimabad (Liaquatabad). Two KK rifles were also seized when CIA raided a hideout in Malir. Official sources reported that CIA with two Kalashnikovs from Malir 15 arrested Iqbal. He told the police that he was present during a heated discussion between Tariq Chamber and MQM chief Altaf Hussain followed by Altaf's orders of his killing complied with instantly by him with the help of another accomplice Zubair.(Nation Jan 11, 1999).

Jan 11, 1999
    More than a dozen Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) activists, including a unit in-charge involved in murder and other criminal activities, arrested from Karachi. Arms and ammunition in huge quantities also recovered from them.

    According to the details Abdus Salam alias Chingari allegedly responsible for killing of an ASI, a head constable and a constable in Ibrahim Haideri area last year along with his accomplices, arrested in Karachi. A TT pistol was also recovered from his possession. In raids and search operations in various parts of Liaquatabad five more suspects arrested for the incidents in which SHO Liaquatabad's brother-in-law was killed. The five persons picked up during raids in Azam Nagar, Sindhi Hotel and Peeli Kothi. Gulbahar police arrested Amjad Idrees, a joint unit in-charge of MQM, from Nazimabad and recovered a Kalashnikove from him. The accused was wanted in a number of murders firing and kidnapping cases. Surjani Town police on pointation of an under custody prisoner arrested two terrorists recovering two 7 mm rifles from an under construction building of the area with 100 rounds. Al Falah police arrested Saqib Hussain with a pistol. Aziz Bhatti police arrested Mohammed Sajid and Rehan in Gulshan and recovered two pistols from them.

    Liaquatabad police arrested Haider Raza in murder and attempt the murder cases and recovered a pistol from him. Four persons including fake police sub inspector in uniform arrested from Landhi while they were collecting "bhatta" from shopkeepers. The accused, were identified as Ashraf alias Kala, who was the ringleader and was in uniform of police sub inspector, Mohammed Yousuf, Shahid and Zahid. Police also recovered four pistols from their possession.(NNI/News Jan 12,1999).

Jan 15, 1999
    Police have arrested several activists of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) allegedly involved in terrorist and criminal activities in siege and search operations.According to the details three MQM activists were arrested after an exchange of fire from Khajji Ground in Nazimabad. They were identified as Saeed Nizami, Saleem and Aqeel. Two klashnikovs, eight revolvers and 200 rounds were also recovered from them. Police claimed that Saeed is involved in murder of three policemen and five other persons of the area. In Joharabad, three MQM activists were arrested after a brief encounter when they fired upon police from an abandoned house. They were identified as Mohammad Ali, Arman and Saleem. One 22 rifle and two TT pistols were recovered from them.The arrested persons were wanted in several criminal cases. Korangi Police arrested an activist Qurban Ali and recovered two rifles and several rounds from him. Zaman Town Police, arrested Mohammad Javed with a TT pistol. He was wanted in a number of murder, firing and arson cases.(Nation Jan 161999).

Jan 17, 1999
    Police arrested four persons involved in forcibly collecting Bhata from the shopkeepers of Rainbow Center.(Nation Jan 18,1999).

Jan 22, 1999
    An MQM (Altaf) MPA Afzal Anwar and a unit incharge of Mutahida Qaumi Movement Mohammad Hashim were arrested in connection with 1997 murder case of a PPP activist and his son. A police party, headed by the SHO Gulbahar, raided the house of Afzal Anwar and took away the MPA. The MPA was involved in the murder of Naeem Hasni, PPP President, district Central, Karachi and his son in 1997.

    Gulishtan-e-Jauhar police arrested a Unit Incharge MQM Mohammad Hashim alias Khalid alias Hasho from a flat. He is involved in same murder case. He was also involved in ten murders and several criminal cases. The Rangers also arrested an accused Naeem Thalaywala from Liaquatabad who is involved in the murder of three army men. Afzal Anwar is the third MPA of Mutahida Qaumi Movement who was arrested as in the month of October last Shoaib Bokhari and Wakil Ahmad were arrested from Nine Zero. During the interrogation, Naeem told that the others involved in the killings are Farooq, Saghir Mota, sector incharge Shabbir Qasai, Akram Kana, Nadeem Marble-wala, Habib Safdar, Abrar, Rashid, Javed Kala, Amir and Asif.

    More MQM activists allegedly involved in terrorists and criminal activities also arrested with arms and ammunition from different areas of the city. New Karachi police arrested Shahid Charibi after a shootout and recovered two 7mm rifles, a single barrel shot gun and a repeater from the spot. Afalah police arrested Shabbir Ahmed alias Farhan and recovered a G-3 rifle snatched from an official from him. Saudabad police arrested Maqbool Ahmed and Amir Raza from the area. He is involved in murder and arson cases. Two pistols were also recovered from him. Saeedabad police arrested Abdul Jabbar with a pistol. Ibrahim Haideri police arrested Suleman and recovered a rifle from him. Khwaja Ajmer Nagri police arrested Azizur Rehman with a TT pistol. New Karachi police arrested Mohammed Imran with a pistol from the area.(Nation Jan 23, 1999).

Jan 24, 1999
    A considerable quantity of arms and ammunition recovered by police on the pointation of arrested terrorists of MQM. According to the details Khalid alias Pawwa, a former unit incharge was arrested in Azizabad by SHO-led police party. On his pointation, police recovered one 22 rifle, one 222 rifles, one repeater gun and over 400 bullets buried in Yasinabad graveyard. On pointation of Akram Rajput, an arm depot was raided near a mosque (Bahare Madina) in Liaquatabad from where a china rifle, a 7mm rifle, TT pistols, mauser, carbine, two 222 rifles one kk rifle and 15 shells anti-tank fuse.(Nation  Jan 25, 1999).

Jan 27, 1999
    The killings of hundreds of Karachiites was ordered by MQM Chief Altaf Hussain, the two-under arrest MQM terrorists disclosed as the Karachi police officially declared the arrest of the two RAW-trained terrorists and their four accomplices.

    Altaf Hussain has been personally giving me orders to kill, said 25-year-old Muhammad Nadeem, an under-matriculate involved in the killings of 203 persons in Kalashinkov attacks and bomb blasts, during SSP Lahore's press conference conducted prior to any identification parade of the accused, or their statement in judicial custody.

    The city police chief, Ahmad Raza Tahir said that Muhammad Nadeem and his accomplice Muhammad Sarwar had killed over 200 persons including 67 in four bomb blasts, 25 in Kalashinkov attack on a passenger bus, the murder of MNA Azeem Ahmad Tariq, 10 by using head-torture clips and 84 in pillion-riding attacks. They had also kidnapped two Koreans, two Chinese and two Iranian-nationals and the government had to pay ransom for their release. They had also packed 12 bodies in sacks and stolen Rs 55 million from a Hyderabad bank by exploding its strong room door through a blast.

    One of the terrorists, Muhammad Nadeem told reporters, he joined MQM in 1987 through Javaid Langra, got fire-arms training in Rajasthan, India, and how and his accomplices acted on the "direct orders" of MQM Chief, Altaf Hussain. "During the three-month training, the Indian Army had kept us in separate camps," he said, and recalled having seen between 500 and 600 MQM trainees at the Indian camps." In charge of so-called Shurfa committee and 12 sectors, the accused said he was 15 when he first committed a crime. "Since then, I never looked back," he said, adding that the money they looted was handed over to the Nine-Zero authorities. "I have met Altaf Hussain on a number of occasions in the presence of the Taj group members and was ordered to kill MNA Azeem Ahmad Tariq. I, along with my accomplices Imamud Din, Rashid Kala, Nasir Chingari and Taj had sprayed Kalashinkov bullets on a passenger bus which had left 17 dead," he said. About the bodies found I sacks, he said these were the members of the MQM and killed by MQM, "They had either refused to carry out any more terrorists act or had simply switched over to the other group," He said while explaining how the Altaf Hussain-led MQM had killed several persons and their family members for "disobeying".(Nation Jan 28,1999)

    Liaquatabad police arrested two MQM workers Shafique and Arshad Kan Katta who are involved in the murder of two armymen. A Kalashinkov and T.T Pistal were recovered from their procession. These accused belong to A.S.I Naushad and Wahab Budhani group who are involved in the murder of Hakim Saeed, during investigations accused told the police that they killed two armymen on the directives of Tanzeem (MQM) and throw their bodies in Liaquatabad graveyard.(Nawa-I-Waqt Jan 28,1999)

January 31, 1999

A torture cell was unearthed by Liaquatabad police while four more terrorists including a close associate of Javed alias Langra were among those arrested on 31st Jan.

Ranger's team conducted raids in different parts of Karachi. In their raid in New Karachi, they held Ikramuddin alias Mama Bhola who is also a close associate of Javed alias Langra.

In Orangi Town of District West, Nadeem alias Pappar was reportedly arrested by Rangers. Two others viz Syed Abid Rizvi, incharge unit 180 and Muhammad Aslam were arrested from Allama Iqbal town. Arms were also recovered from them.

In Qasimabad of Liaquatabad, SHO Sarwar Commando-led police party raided a house on a tip-off where they demolished a picket established by terrorists. Police claimed that a major torture cell was being run in that building and that three armymen could also have been killed there.

In Liaquatabad No. 8, a hideout was raided where some materials used in torture also seized. Police raided the house of Rehan alias Kana in search of his brother Talha .

During their drive against anti-social elements, police rounded up some 37 accused. Police also disclosed the procedure used by MQM to send its activists abroad. The expenses were borne by its social welfare body Khidmat-I-Khalaq Foundation.The foundation also helped Zulfiqar Haider, member Sindh Assembly and main accused in Hakim Said murder case in leaving the country through Pak-Iran border on November 9, 1998 and paid cheques to Polani Travelling Agency in Karachi.

Two accused Tehseen Siddiqui and Abid involved in sending abroad the criminal activists of MQM were arrested by the police in this regard and police siezed fake visas of South Africa and other countries, identity cards, and fake passport from their possession. (Nation) February 01, 1999.

February 2, 1999

Police and CIA raided different areas in Karachi and arrested 10 terrorists. 6 out of them belong to Muttahida. Police also recovered arms from their procession. According to the details CIA Malir arrested accused Fiaz Ahmed of Muttahida, who told the police during interrogation that he committed different crimes on the directives from Nine Zero.

He killed two people on the orders of unit Incharge Kalia and raped 10 women. Brigade police arrested Ikram who was wanted in different cases and recovered a pistol from him. Nazimabad police recovered a pistol from Mohammad Anwar while Sharifabad police arrested Kamran and recovered a pistol from him.

Ibrahim police also arrested Fahim Waseem and Mohammad Akram who are involved in the cases of murder, kidnapping and attempt of murder. CIA police recovered pistol from Usman, Malir City Police recovered rifle from Ijaz Ahmed, CIA Malir recovered mouser from Fiaz Ahmed and recovered pistol from Kazim Qureshi who was arrested from Liaqatabad. (Nawa-e-Waqt). February 3, 1999.

February 3, 1999

32 accused including two terrorists of MQM were rounded up as police and Rangers continued their campaign against terrorists and criminals.

Anti-Terrorists Wing (ATW) of Karachi Police had cordoned off Jamshed Quarter No. 2 near Bijli Ground in search of some wanted terrorists when they were fired upon by somebody. After a brief encounter, ATW team arrested one Salim alias Ghanoo and seized a Kalashinkov from his possession.

Chief of ATW team Raja Umer Khitab said Salim was wanted in 35 cases. Rangers and police raided the house of Shami Dacoit in Hasrat Mohani Colony of Pak Colony, District West. Zahid alias Kalia was also held. (Nation). February 4, 1999.

February 8, 1999

Ranger's spokesman said that the 51 Wing of Bhittai Rangers apprehended

two terrorists of MQM identified as Imran alias Super and Salimuddin alias Gullo.

They were held from Korangi No. 4. They were involved in various cases of murder including killing of a student Humayoon and "Ajji" of rival Haqiqi faction of MQM in Sector F.SDM of the area was also present during the raid.(Nation). February 9, 1999.

February 10, 1999

Pakistan Rangers have arrested an alleged hardened killer, Atiq alias Atoo, who is also nominated in the Hakim Said murder case.

According to a press release of Rangers, the accused is allegedly involved in over two dozen cases of murder, including killing of two Pakistan Air Force personnel, two police constables, one Qoumi Razadar and a woman.(News/APP). February 11, 1999.

February 11, 1999

Shakil Ahmed Kanpoori, member MQM organising Committee arrested by CIA Karachi Inspector, Javed Anjum, on January 12 from Islamabad, Shakil Ahmed is involved in over 60 crimes of a heinous nature Another 12 arrested terrorists were also present at this occasion.

They were: Arif Ahmed, Mohsin Shah, Kalim alias Jugno, Shahzad alias Ludan, Aurengzeb, Khalid Mehmood, Akhlaq alias Khalo, Salim Siddiquee, Shanawaz, Muhammad Ayub, Aziz-ur-Rehman and Sajjad.

Two klashnikovs, 10 pistols, a revolver, a stolen car and two motorcycles were recovered from these accused have confessed to murder more than 60 persons collecting Rs. 2 million through extortion, attacking mobiles of police and Rangers, setting on fire a passenger train in Orangi Town, torturing 50 persons to death at a Nazim Abad torture cell and getting released 25 terrorists through forged documents.

In his confessional statement, Shakil said Altaf Hussain wanted division of Pakistan into nine regions including a state for Mohajirs comprising Karachi, Hyderabad and Mirpur Khas. He said initially the proposed state was named as Jinnahpur but when the intelligence agencies came to know about it, the proposed state was then renamed as Mohajiristan. He said Altaf Hussain would head that state.

He said everything had been chalked out on papers with regard to that proposed independent state. Anis Advocate Anis Ahmed Qaimkhani, Naseem Jalil, Aftab Sheikh Liaquat Ali, Dr Farooq Sittar, Zulfiqar Haider and Wasay Jalil were involved in that planning, Shakil said these people believed that their plan would be executed in the year 2000. Nation

Paramilitary forces conducted an operation in Darra Adamkhel in a hunt for the MQM terrorists. Eight locals suspected to have assisted Karachi-based Muttahida Qaumi Movement in gun running and violence in the Pakistan's port city and about 15 workers from the factories manufacturing guns were apprehended.

Intelligence agencies had credible tips about the presence of terrorists in the area. Four vehicles, lifted or snatched from Karachi were recovered during the operation. Those arrested include Haji Fazal and Haji Khan Mohammad Din, who have been providing arms and ammunitions to Altaf Hussain'. Authorities had information about the presence of six MQM men with Haji Fazal while some hand grenades were recovered from Mohammad Din's place. Two vehicles were recovered from Haji Fazal's place.(Nation).

According to WWI, CIA Jamshed quarters arrested MQM's terrorists Mohammad Shakeel alias "chikna" who had opened fire on Columbian Experts, arms were also recovered from him.(Nawa-e-Waqt). February 12, 1999.

February 14, 1999

An alleged MQM terrorist was arrested by the personnel of an intelligence agency in D.I Khan, police said. Maqsood, the alleged MQM terrorist was picked up from a city locality.

He was working as a labourer here for long time but was wanted by Karachi police in several

cases of heinous crimes. (News). February 15, 1999.

February 15, 1999

Police arrested nine Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) activists allegedly involved in murder and other criminal activities and recovered arms and ammunition from them. The New Karachi Police during patrolling intercepted an MQM activist Asif with a stolen car and TT pistol. During a search, the police recovered a card of Muslim Students Federation and Shabab Milli from his possession.

He was wanted in a number of criminal cases. The Soldier Bazar police arrested Mohammad Zaman and Mohammad Yousaf for their involvement in murder and arson cases. The Model Colony Police arrested Shahid alias Natha and Arshad Ali from Mehran depot and also recovered two TT pistols from their possession. The Mominabad police arrested Waseem alias Langara with a pistol. He was involved in murder and dacoity cases.

In New Karachi, police arrested Amir and Asif Kala driving a Car # Q-2386 and recovered 2 TT pistols from them. According to police both of them are Muttihada's workers and involved in terrorist activities.(Nawa-e-Waqt). February 16, 1999.

February 16, 1999

Three wanted activists of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) were reportedly apprehended by the Anti-terrorists wing personnel on their arrival in Karachi from Colombo by a PIA flight. They were identified as Mohammed Anwar, Abdul Rasheed and Izharul Hasan.

They were nabbed because of information received by ATW about their return to Karachi. They had fled to Colombo after governor's rule was imposed in Sindh.(APP/News). February 17, 1999. 

February 17, 1999

Lahore Cantt circle police arrested an MQM terrorist Abdul involved in murder of 12 persons and other terrorist activities. Abdul Rauf alias Rufa alias Ali alias Shah, was arrested along with his sister-in-law Shaheen Kausar alias Shaheena alias Naz. Police after wards arrested their two allies Ameer Afsar and Fiazi Zaidi from Karachi on the information provided by them.

Police also recovered illegal arms from Ameer Afsar and Fiazi Zaidi. ASP Cantt Qazi Jamshad disclosed these details on 17 February in Lahore. He said that accused at interrogation centre North Nazimabad killed 9 persons including a rebelled MQM Sector Incharge on Independence Day in 1998.

ASP further told that the accused also killed K.M.C's engineer Shaan Zaidi and killed two persons in Imambargah Khar with firing. Accused killed Mohammad Khan and Ishmael Khan opponent of a drug baron in Quetta and took Rs 4 lakhs from the baron for the killings.

Accused is also involved in 8 bank dacoities and more than dozen other crimes. The sister-in-law of Rauf, Shaheen Kausar is also involved in various crimes. (Nawa-e-Waqt) February 18, 1999.

February 21, 1999

Jamal Sultan, Incharge, Society Sector of MQM was arrested from his house in Block II, PECHS in a raid conducted by CIA Central. One Kalashinkov and two Pajero jeeps were recovered from his house.

Azizabad police in several raids arrested the owners of some travel agencies on being pointed out by three MQM men who were arrested on February 20, 1999. (Nation).

Three alleged terrorists of MQM arrested by Anti-Dacoit and Robbery Cell (ADRC) in a raid in Muslimabad of Malir CityDSP of ADRC told in a briefing.Akbar Ali alias Babar Kashi, Nadeem alias Sri Devi and Mehmood Ahmed were arrested from behind the petrol pump in a raid and one carbine, two revolvers, 16 rounds were seized from their possession.They were named in seven cases registered by Saudabad police and Alfalah police. They are allegedly involved in burning ofbuses firing on police and transport (Nation) February 22, 1999.

February 22, 1999

CIA Malir arrested unit incharge of MQM Orangi Town, Shamim Pervaiz and his accomplice Naushad Alam. Two AK-47assault rifles were also recovered from them.

They were allegedly wanted in a number of cases, including seven murders, CIA East arrested Mohammad Nazir and Alamwith two Ttpistolsfrom Korangi area for involvement in murder and arson cases. (The News/NNI).February 23, 1999.

February 25, 1999

Liaquatabad police and FIA in a joint raid at Jinnah Terminal, arrested a Sector Incharge of MQM trying to flee to Male in Air Lanka flight at 3 am on February 25, 1999 while a Unit Incharge of MQM (H) and seven other MQM activists were also held and four suspects were taken into custody as police claimed to have arrested 55 accused.
Six pistols, two revolvers, one repeater and a dagger was also seized from their possession. Iftekhar Ahmed Khan, a Sector Incharge of Sharifabad was arrested while trying to flee to Male as he was to board the flight UL-184 of Air Lanka. His name was place on Exit Control List as he was named in killings and murder attempts. From his possession, a Press card was also seized. (Nation) February 26, 1999

February 26, 1999

Karachi police arrested four persons included Muttahida workers in raids in different areas of Karachi. Arms were also recovered from them. According the detail, Manghoo Peer Police arrested Kamran Billa an ally of Farooq Dada, a dangerous terrorist who was killed in police encounter and recovered a stengun from him. Accused Kamran is involved in the killings of several government officials and different incidents of firing and murder. (N.Waqt).

Rangers arrested one dangerous terrorist of Muttahida Qaumi Movement who was involved in killing of several persons including a police constable (Nation) February 27, 1999

February 27, 1999

The Karachi police arrested a notorious terrorist Syed Fida Hussain Shah, at Regal Chowk Saddar.

The accused was wanted by Baldia police in different cases of terrorist activities and arms smuggling. According to CIA, the accused was being interrogated at South CIA Center.(Nation/PPI).

An alleged terrorist of MQM Shakeel Shah was arrested by Havelian Police after prolonged exchange of fire. Shakeel Shah was wanted by Sindh Police in numerous heinous criminal acts. During the Police operation, Mian Raza, DSP Havelian, was also injured. Sindh Police had provided a list of terrorists to Hazara Police. On a tip off received by the Police, under the supervision of DSP Mian Raza, a Police party besieged the house of one Mustafa Shah, paternal uncle of Shakeel, and ordered the accused to come out.

In reply, the accused started firing on the Police which was responded by the Police personnel. Finally, the police arrested Shakeel. Police recovered one pistol, one repeater 12-bore, a Kalashinkov, three magazines and numerous cartridges from the accused. During the initial investigations, the terrorists confessed his involvement in several criminal cases. (Nation). February 28, 1999

 Reply:   how did u get the conclusion t
Replied by(Ghost) Replied on (27/Apr/2007)
i myself am not in the favor of dirty politics played by MQM, in above article i just tried to share one article.

and this article itself is not justifying MQM, i you felt offended by the word alleged, then i think the original author used this to make this article neutral.
but as a whole, i cant think above article is justifying MQM.
but if you were talking about the reply "Is Mohajiristan feasible and viable as a state"
then this reply is only to show the other side picture as well, so people can read both sides and decide.

MQM has joined hand wit PML(N) i few elections as well, so i think the credibility of PML(N) should be questionable as well, as they shake hand with the party which infact should be banned.

and same PML(Q) is doing now a days, i remember that the day Arbab Raheem took oath, a news reporter asked him, can you bring peace in Karachi, he replied, before oath i have visited London and Altaf bhai has assured me that he will cooperate.
my Q is, if a CM is saying some thing like this, then what is the power MQM holds, we can guess.

and i was surprised that day, when no one made an issue out of it.

 Reply:   "RE:Story of MQM, from another
Replied by(devilzdushman) Replied on (27/Apr/2007)
When MQM has stayed on and off in Govt. why havent they protested for the non-guilty activist in jail.. bcuz their activist were convisted with evidence..

If the MQM were not the threat and not the terrorist.. why they didint prove to the people or to the court that the activist arrested and convicted of crime were not guilty? even MQM came into govt. many times.. but they didnt prove what my brother ghost says... then it would be kinda stupid to believe on such stories even you may find the MQM activist in universities and neighboorhood with foul traits and bad characters.. involved in all kinda bad stuff..

instead the MQM has changed its motiv from protecting Muhajirs.. they become Muttahida Quomi Mahaz.. to achieve their political motives.. they raised voice for the Muhajirs but they did nothin for them in Karachi and nothin for the people who were in camps in Bengal.. People may be irritated with Politicians who just raise just voices but dont come in power But MQM did.. they had full chances provided.. but increase in street crimes, murder and making land mafia more powerfull nothinelse noticable was done by them.. people like me and others expected much from them.. much of a revolution.. but what they provided was hatred.. hatred for fellow punjabi.. hatred for all kind of preachers of Islam.. people with thinking like my brother ghost seems really unrealistic.. even then i respect his thoughts and pray may Allah guide him and all to the right path but Not to the totally wrong path or not even to the slightest deviated path.. and May Allah keep us safe from His wrath..

 Reply:   Is Mohajiristan feasible and v
Replied by(Ghost) Replied on (26/Apr/2007)
Story of MQM, from another point of view

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