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User Name: International_Professor
Full Name: International Professor
User since: 22/Jan/2008
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Hussain Haqqani Propaganda "“ Citibank links

Everybody is aware of facts that how Citibank has influenced in current Pak politics, Asif Zardari, Benazir, Shakuit Aziz, Shakuit Tareen, Salman Shah, Sherry Rahman and hundreds of other in existing and previous Government served the purpose. Sherry Rahman's husband was allotted Tameer Bank by Mush as he was ex employee of Citibank and who was friend of Shakuit Aziz.

ARY being top international gold smugglers now have established ARY digital network, for activities of Mr. Razzaq of ARY in money laundering for Zardari, later supporting that amounts have enhanced ARY network's relationship with current Govt. Whereas Sherry Rahman has opened the mouth of treasury for them. Dr. Shahid Masood is an obstacle in accomplishment of their agenda.

An employee of Citibank, Sheheryar Azhar is on ARY network since long to propagate theories of Judaism, anchor of their program "Forum", two days back Hussain Haqqani was their guest, now since a specific mentality moles of neo-imperialists to justify invasion of Iraq are frequently visible on TV channels, nucleus of their main propaganda technique is to camouflage cruelty against oppressed peoples of Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq and Afghanistan. Their recent move is against Pushtoon peoples. To hide number of causalities, air attacks and displacement of one million peoples under tyranny of Pak army, cross border missile attacks and use of PPP financed death squads.

In above program both Sheheryar Azhar and Hussain Haqqani fabricated bundle of lies, try to hide facts, camouflaged victimization of Pushtoon peoples, neither both mentioned a single word about more than ten thousand persons killed by army, Para military forces, death squads and cross border missile attacks. Hypocrite attitude towards displaced one million peoples, even both did not mentiond a single word. It is part of Vali Nasar theories and as such propaganda of Mahnaz and Farahnaz Ispahani's, Hasan Askari Rizvi and under influence of Salman Taseer Singh media to declare all Pushtoon as Taliban, then link them to Al Kaeda, declare all Pushtoon as Wahabi, pose all Wahabi's against West and Shia's as pro-West, then involve Saudi Arabia as backers of all Pushtoon. Under all above scenario cleverly try to camouflage Iran, Hizbollah, Mehdi army and Syrians being top opponents of West.

Beneficiaries of above game plan are receiving perks of thousands of dollars, Hussain Haqqani has received considerable amounts details of whom could be checked on web, same Ispahani's, Vali Nasr gang of fanatic Shia's who have access to Pakistani Shia terrorist circles, Hasan Askari Rizvi admitted in a TV program that extremists and terrorists of Kurram agency frequently visit him via Afghanistan as access within Pakistan is under siege of Sunni's (to whom Askari declare Taliban for receiving funding from crusaders), ARY and Sheheryar Azhar are also top beneficiaries in current circumstances. During the program their faces and eyes were not supporting their lies camouflaged with sugar coating theories of crusaders propaganda, mutilated face of Hussain Haqqani during that program whose all family belongs to Jamat e Islami and he himself started student politics from the plate form of Jamat e Islami, now converted as Shia for Job, benefits and looted wealth of Mirza Ispahani, he still has old links with Jihadis, and peoples say that he is performing as sleeper cell of Al Kaeda as double agent. Same as many Communists who had links with KGB are now posing them top preacher of crusade, particularly at North America Khalid Hasan alias Post Card and Tarek Fateh both were die heart communists, former exposed during working at Pakistan Times and later while working with Sun Karachi, their ideologies are not dead and since new Russia is emerging from the ashes of former Soviet empire, such peoples and many others will be great danger for west.

Links of Citibank:


Some parts of above report Zardari and ARY links with Citibank:

1.   Mr. Zardari's relationship with Citibank began in October 1994, through the services of Kamran Amouzegar, a private banker at Citibank private bank in Switzerland, and Jens Schlegelmilch, a Swiss lawyer who was the Bhutto family's attorney in Europe and close personal friend for more than 20 years. According to Citibank, Mr. Schlegelmilch represented to Mr. Amouzegar that he was working for the Dubai royal family and he wanted to open some accounts at the Citibank branch office in Dubai. Mr. Schlegelmilch had a Dubai residency permit and a visa signed by a member of the Dubai royal family. Mr. Amouzegar agreed to introduce Mr. Schlegelmilch to a banker in the Citibank branch office in Dubai.

2.   According to the New York Times, in December 1994, the Bhutto government awarded Mr. Razzak an exclusive gold import license. In an interview with the New York Times, Mr. Razzak acknowledged that he had used the exclusive license to import more than $500 million worth of gold into Pakistan. Mr. Razzak denies, however, making any payments to Mr. Zardari. Citibank could not explain the two $5 million payments. Ms. Bhutto told the Subcommittee staff that since A.R.Y. International Exchange is a foreign exchange business, the payments did not necessarily come from Mr. Razzak, but could have come from a third party who was merely making use of A.R.Y.'s exchange services. The staff invited Ms. Bhutto to provide additional information on the M.S. Capricorn Trading accounts, but she has not yet done so.


Propaganda groups have specific agenda:

Zardari gang including Gaillani, Gen Kiyani, Gen Pasha, and Shakuit Tareen etc., and from Hussain Haqqani, Farahnaz Ispahani, Sherry Rahman, Pervez Ashraf, to Farzana Raja etc. all by birth are Sindhi's, that is why Zardari only trust them.


Links of Vali Nasr with Pakistani sectarian fanatics and terrorists:

Promoters of his theories are Salman Taseer media, including Najam Sethi and Khalid Hasan, and Abida Husain and Fakhar Imam Group is also financer and supporter of all such terrorist gangs:


Vali Nasr, University of California, San Diego, March 27, 1998

Dear Bibi Chandi (Chandi is nick name of Abida Hussain) see complete letter on link below.

A video of activities of Abida Hussain, how she challenged writ of the state, and attacked on police. British Sarkar awarded hundreds of acres land for their services for horse and dog breeding on 99 years lease, after completion of lease when Govt. tried to took back Govt. Properties, She collected thousands of armed goons and terrorists, fired on police and land is still owned by terrorist's mafia. Najam Sethi is their employee to protect terrorists and extremists through Daily Times and Friday Times.

There is flow of huge information which requires book to explain what is going on in Pakistan. Plans of Zardari and role of Hussain Haqqani and Farahnaz Ispahani in looted money of $ 1.5 billion, what share Hussain Haqanni and Hussain Haroon have received and why both are sharing looted money required answers, whether those were waiting for a lottery? It is clear that none of them will ever come to Pakistan; all such peoples have made strong footings in North America. At a stage all such peoples will be kicked from West as Idi Amin kicked all Agha Khanis from Uganda forever.

Beware of all such peoples who sold their faith against the interest of nation. History will write their names with Ibn e Alqami, Ahmed Challabi, Khoi, Mir Jaffer, Mir Sadiq, Miromal, Musharraf and Hosni Mubarik.

Fascists, extremists, terrorists and fanatics always have a very short span of rise, fall is their fate.


International Professor

For further reading and references

How Citibank Laundered Asif Zardari's Money

Shaukat Aziz and Citibank's Laundering of Asif Zardari's Money

Citibank Admits Lapses in Oversight Helped Foreigners Launder Millions

US Bank Money Laundering - Enormous By Any Measure By James Petras

Professor of Sociology, Binghamton University

Money Laundering Citi Bank report (See Zardari under Africa)

Hank and Citibank--A Case in Point by Lucy Komisar

Switzerland Frees $60 Million in Zardari's Assets, SOUAD MEKHENNET

August 27, 2008

The Swiss action came as a shock to Daniel Devaud, the judge in Geneva who originally investigated the charges. He said it should not be interpreted as a sign of Mr. Zardari's innocence.

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