
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 1/7/2011 12:00:00 AM  

امید کا چراغ ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 7/Jan/2011 Views:1393 Replies:0 
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Egypt Urges Israel to stop Aggression over Gaza Palestine by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 7/Jan/2011 Views:1643 Replies:0 
A fanatic Israel deliberately disconnects the link among the peace mediators including USA and Quartet, by intermediate terror attacks on Palestine and resumption of its illegal settlement works by engaging American contractors and the hapless Palestinian laborers. Direct peace talks collapsed late last year in a dispute over Jewish settlement building in the occupied West Bank, part of the land P Click here to read Full Article
علماء اس کنفیوژن کو دور کریں ۔ انصار عباسی
Posted By: Ansar.Abbasi On: 7/Jan/2011 Views:2129 Replies:0 
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