
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 26/May/2012  

Why America Unhappy over French Withdrawal from Afghanistan? by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 26/May/2012 Views:1244 Replies:0 
Unilateral USA is still weary about a final commitment to end the WW-III launched by the Bush Jr regime. The Obama regime, by continuing and escalating the illegal war in Afghanistan and Pakistan, still lives in illusions and gimmicks. Sept-11 was a hoax and USA launched the illegal war on a blatant lie of punishing Osama, the strongest man on earth. Click here to read Full Article
America bashing Pakistan to please India by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 26/May/2012 Views:1624 Replies:0 
While the US and India are incessantly blaming Pakistan for fomenting terrorism in Afghanistan and in India, Pakistan on the other hand remain on the defensive and never tire of giving lengthy explanations. Our leaders prefer to ignore the vicious propaganda of the two accusers despite the fact that Pakistan is the biggest victim of terrorism and its sacrifices far outweigh the sacrifices rendered Click here to read Full Article
Indian Cricketism: Kolkata the IPL favorites by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 26/May/2012 Views:1233 Replies:0 
After all gimmicks for months in various towns of India, the bogus IPL final is at long last has arrived to receive the Kolkata as the ultimate winners. One fact is indisputable. The BCCI-IPL guys are interested in pushing the India skipper Doni-Chennai team. The owners who have bought the cricketers for huge crore do not a have right to control the players with proper counsel or advice. Since Click here to read Full Article
Constitutional Petition against Gilani on wasteful 70+ people trip to UK
Posted By: nrqazi On: 26/May/2012 Views:1452 Replies:0 
Mr Yusuf Raza Gilani the current Prime Minister of Pakistan visited the United Kingdom on 8th May 2012 along with an excessively large entourage (consisting of around 70 persons) who were funded by the National Exchequer of Pakistan and therefore in turn by the citizens of Pakistan. I have filed a Constitutional Petition before the Honourable High Court of Sindh through my lawyer Mr. Osman A. Had Click here to read Full Article
چیف آپریٹنگ آفیسر ۔ اوریا مقبول جان
Posted By: Orya On: 26/May/2012 Views:1442 Replies:0 
. Click here to read Full Article

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