
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 29/Jan/2015  

Beyond Delhi polls: Now AAP needs to spread its base across India by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 29/Jan/2015 Views:1035 Replies:0 
Today the AAP is clearly overtaking BJP in the estimates of Delhiites. Until recently, the consensus among poll analysts was that Delhi would be a cake-walk for the BJP what with its spectacular performance in parliamentary as well as assembly elections in other states. A more recent pre-poll survey, conducted by Hindustan Times and C Fore Survey revealed that AAP’s vote share has gone up by Click here to read Full Article
Peace or War: Global Political Quagmire by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 29/Jan/2015 Views:2217 Replies:0 
There's no question that this "war" will continue indefinitely. There is no question that US actions are the cause of that, the gasoline that fuels the fire. The only question - and it's becoming less of a question for me all the time - is whether this endless war is the intended result of US actions or just an unwanted miscalculation. Why would anyone in the US government or its owners have any i Click here to read Full Article
Jammu Kashmir: BJP tries to hook power hungry PDP to launch a fragile cabinet! by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 29/Jan/2015 Views:1084 Replies:0 
As Delhi poll date is nearing, the BJP is going all out to get a majority by hook or crooks so that it could overcome the current AAPphobia and for that BJP must show to Delhiites that it could muster a majority in Kashmir. One important item now on BJP chess board is to form a BJP-PDP government in Kashmir to claim a visual victory for BJP. BJP is clearly trying to woo the power hungry PDP to for Click here to read Full Article
Obama meets new Saudi king Salman in Riyadh by Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal
Posted By: abdulruff On: 29/Jan/2015 Views:1004 Replies:0 
US President Barack Obama led a heavyweight delegation to Saudi Arabia on 27 January to offer condolences on King Abdullah's death to new King Salman and shore up ties. The Americans arrived for a four-hour stop from India, where Obama cut short a state visit following the death on Friday of Salman’s predecessor, King Abdullah an ally of Americans. King Salman's heir Crown Prince Moqren a Click here to read Full Article
Will Sri Lanka change under new president Sirisena? by Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal
Posted By: abdulruff On: 29/Jan/2015 Views:1026 Replies:0 
This question puzzles everyone - both analyst and layman. It is because these days governments behave alike and prefer to pursue similar policies though generally new governments come on anti-incumbency wave. On January 8, the Sri Lankan electorate achieved the impossible by voting President Mahindra Rajapaksa out of office - something inconceivable just a couple of months ago when he as a Click here to read Full Article

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