
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 6/13/2009 12:00:00 AM  

That is why, Americans being treated with hate all over the world
Posted By: Noman On: 13/Jun/2009 Views:1669 Replies:0 
Most Oppose Closing Guantanamo Bay Detention Center- A 54% majority of those polled say the prison shouldn't be closed, and that they'll be upset if the administration moves forward to close it Click here to read Full Article
The latest on the case of Dr Aafiya Siddiqui
Posted By: Haque On: 13/Jun/2009 Views:1918 Replies:0 
I have seen a letter of Dr. Khan to the mother of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. If any sensible person reads that he.she will realize that the guy is a nut. As a matter of fact the guy had been under psychiatric treatment in USA. It should be understood that it was a telephonic marriage of Dr. Khan with Dr. A Click here to read Full Article
Obama’s Speechless Speech! by Anwar Ul Haque
Posted By: Haque On: 13/Jun/2009 Views:1493 Replies:1 
President Barak Hussain Obama’s speech in the historical city of Cairo was speechless! He as usual was bold, brave, candid, composed, articulate, assertive and frank. Above all he tried to speak as much as truth as he can. Of course it was not possible for him to cross the lines laid down by the mas Click here to read Full Article

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