
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 10/23/2009 12:00:00 AM  

Posted By: rajachoudhary1 On: 23/Oct/2009 Views:2997 Replies:7 
What have we become? The country that was build in the name of Islam, where Muslims and Non-Muslims supposed to live together in harmony and peacefully, is now become a hell for Pakistani Muslims. Everywhere you see you will find a pain and suffering in Pakistan. It is almost unbelievable that Pakis Click here to read Full Article
Hats off to Baluchistan High Court for ordering registration of case against Musharraf and arrest of
Posted By: Haque On: 23/Oct/2009 Views:3175 Replies:0 
Hats off to Baluchistan High Court for ordering registration of case against Musharraf and arrest of Musharraf! No person is above law. No person or persons are allowed to kill people without trial and giving due chance to the persons to be killed. The constitution is very clear about it. Neither Pr Click here to read Full Article
Drunken naked Asif Ahmad Ali is barking at Abdul Qadeer Khan, so is Asma Jahangir and other Zionist
Posted By: Haque On: 23/Oct/2009 Views:2806 Replies:2 
Asif Ahmed Ali who had been found stark naked in New York after spending time in Night Club! It was but natural that he will be given a high post by PPP whose chairperson had several meetings with Israelis. Asma Jahngir is lavishly paid by the Israeli puppets and puppies Swedish and other Government Click here to read Full Article
جی ایچ کیو حملہ بھارتی مدد، اور امریکن فوایٔد۔ امت
Posted By: Noman On: 23/Oct/2009 Views:1784 Replies:0 
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David Rohde's Insights Into What Motivates the Taliban by Glenn Greenwald
Posted By: Noman On: 23/Oct/2009 Views:1999 Replies:0 
The New York Times' David Rohde writes about the seven months he was held hostage by a group of extremist Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan and conveys this observation about what motivates them:My captors harbored many delusions about Westerners. But I also saw how some of the consequences of Was Click here to read Full Article
Mobasher Lucman debating Fauzia Wahab
Posted By: Wajeeh On: 23/Oct/2009 Views:9535 Replies:6 
very true ... well done Mobasher .. Click here to read Full Article
GST Massacres: A Challenge for Pakistan and Islam
Posted By: abdulruff On: 23/Oct/2009 Views:1980 Replies:0 
On the sidelines of terror genocides in Pakistan, US Central Command terror chief David Petraeus, who oversees the operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, held talks in Islamabad with senior Pakistani military officials on the strategies to kill Pakistanis as terrorists - obviously in exchange for rea Click here to read Full Article
Kerry Lugar Bill and Drone Attacks cast your Vote in the Awami Please vote
Posted By: Noman On: 23/Oct/2009 Views:2265 Replies:0 
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سانحہ اسلامک یونیورسٹی ۔ رؤف عامر
Posted By: Malik_Rauf On: 23/Oct/2009 Views:2002 Replies:0 
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غیرت ۔ جاوید چوہدری
Posted By: Javed_Ch On: 23/Oct/2009 Views:2132 Replies:0 
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سوال کا حصار ۔ ڈاکٹر صفدر محمود
Posted By: Noman On: 23/Oct/2009 Views:1740 Replies:0 
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