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تعلیمات اسلامی کی مطابق مکالمہ ۔ ڈاکٹر ساجد خاکوانی
Posted By: DrSajid On: 23/Jan/2017 Views:1174 Replies:0 
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گندا پانی باہر نکالو ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 23/Jan/2017 Views:1062 Replies:0 
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نبی کریم ﷺ بحثیت سپاہ سالار ۔ جمشید علی
Posted By: JaMsHaiD On: 23/Jan/2017 Views:2096 Replies:0 
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امام حدیث،امام بخاریؒ ۔ ڈاکٹر ساجد خاکوانی
Posted By: DrSajid On: 23/Jan/2017 Views:1248 Replies:0 
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امام حنبل نےچور سے کیا سیکھا۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 23/Jan/2017 Views:1129 Replies:0 
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Jallikattu: Tamil Nadu Assembly in India passes bill revoking judicial ban order! by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 23/Jan/2017 Views:1567 Replies:0 
Tamil nadu in India has witnessed a youth led agitation to restore the jallikattu as part of Pongal festivities. This popular move reminds of anti-corruption movement led by Arvind Kejriwal-Anna Hazare in New Delhi that sought Lokpal Bill to check corruption in high offices. The youth agitation in Tamil Nadu for reinstating Jallikattu has made the Pongal sport known all over the world as global m Click here to read Full Article
Indian efforts to bring Trump under its magic spell by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 23/Jan/2017 Views:1602 Replies:0 
After the outgoing British Raj partitioned India and Pakistan took birth out of the reluctant womb of India, the latter sat in the lap of former Soviet Union to draw maximum diplomatic, political, economic and military support. India also drew benefits from the West by playing the levers of secularism, democracy and non-alignment. Border clash with China in 1962 enabled India to amass weaponry bot Click here to read Full Article
Downfall of the Muslims: A Review (Part-3) Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 23/Jan/2017 Views:1705 Replies:0 
The early Muslims gained unprecedented successes. Their success were not confined in war fronts or civilisation-building. They achieved successes almost in all fields. They could add record speed to the spread of Islam. They made Muslims the most reckoned World Power within decades. They raised higher values, established rule of law and promoted equality between all races, colours and ethnicities. Click here to read Full Article
Why Wudu / Ablution before Salaat / Prayers by Irshad Mahmood
Posted By: Irshad1 On: 23/Jan/2017 Views:1662 Replies:0 
The Quraan is the book of Guidance for Mankind which covers all the aspects of life including social, economic, cultural, political and religious matters. The importance of wudu (ablution) is described in the Quraan in many ways to teach Muslims the importance of performing wudu. Although the word wudu is not described in Quran but the steps before Salaat/Prayers are described in the Quraan quite Click here to read Full Article
Pa Na Ma by Col.Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 23/Jan/2017 Views:1386 Replies:0 
Can someone help me please? I’m fed up of seeing some of the king’s cronies and other jokers perpetually occupying the idiot box whenever I switch it on. These more-loyal-than-the-king critters look so pathetic while trying helplessly to defend in vain something so obviously wrong. Do they or does anyone else has any doubts in their mind about the London flats not belonging to the Sharifs or n Click here to read Full Article

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