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لارڈ نذیر پر قاتلانہ حملہ ۔ شاکر قریشی
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1807 Replies:0 
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امریکہ کی پاکستان کو بھیک کی پیشکش۔محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1370 Replies:0 
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انکار ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1340 Replies:0 
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آخری معرکہ ۔ قاسم علی
Posted By: QasimAli On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1414 Replies:0 
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دیامیربھاشاڈیم کومتنازع بنانےکی سازش۔عبدالجبارناصر
Posted By: ajnasir On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1828 Replies:0 
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Islamist leader Abdelilah Benkirane as Morocco Premier by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1318 Replies:0 
Moroccans have elected new lower house of parliament on 25 November, in the first national vote since the approval of constitutional reforms in July billed as laying the foundations for a fully-fledged constitutional monarchy. Moderate Islamists, as expected, did well the vote after a similar success in Tunisia's first democratic election a month ago and the Justice and Development Party (PJD) eme Click here to read Full Article
Cricket: Windies must contain Indies mischief by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1305 Replies:0 
Other means include "terrorism" and "fanaticsm" gimmicks. On the one hand, democratic and secular India that has illegally invaded , annexed and occupied brutally the neighboring Jammu Kashmir and keeps killing Muslims in JK and India , consuming the corpses and blood of Muslims it murders almost on every 24 hours basis, yet claims to be the major terror victim almost at par with another inn Click here to read Full Article
جنرل کیانی نے کرزئی سے کیا کہا ؟ حامد میر
Posted By: Hamid_Mir On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1343 Replies:0 
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امریکہ مسٓلہ کاواحد اصل حل۔ڈاکٹر احسان باری
Posted By: DrIhsan On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1753 Replies:0 
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امریکہ ڈبل گیم کا طعنہ دینابندکرے۔محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1402 Replies:0 
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انسانی غلامی کا ماضی اور حال ۔ ڈاکٹر ساجد خاکوانی
Posted By: DrSajid On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1401 Replies:0 
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بڑی بیماری ۔ عبداللہ طارق سہیل
Posted By: AbdullahTS On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1253 Replies:0 
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لانس نائیک ولی محمد ۔ جاوید چوہدری
Posted By: Javed_Ch On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1408 Replies:0 
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Narowal News 30-11-2011
Posted By: MuhammadYaqoob On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1280 Replies:0 
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Gujranwala News 30-11-2011
Posted By: PashaMughal On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1787 Replies:0 
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Gujranwala News 30-11-2011
Posted By: Ali1 On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1375 Replies:0 
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JUP News 30-11-2011
Posted By: JUPAkbar On: 1/Dec/2011 Views:1270 Replies:0 
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