
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 10/4/2006 12:00:00 AM  

The nuclear shopping-mall: AQ Khan and Iran
Posted By: Ghost On: 4/Oct/2006 Views:1972 Replies:2 
The worldwide network in sales of nuclear technology created by the Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan is a key element in the stand-off between Tehran and Washington, says Gordon Corera. Click here to read Full Article
Don·t Cry for me Rawalpindi (Inside Story)
Posted By: Noman On: 4/Oct/2006 Views:1373 Replies:1 
Boys 1,2, and 3 board the Daewoo bus bound from Lahore to Islamabad. They each carry a sports bag and wore crisp new white shirts with the letters Under 19 engraved on the left side. Click here to read Full Article
Makkah - not Mecca
Posted By: Noman On: 4/Oct/2006 Views:1712 Replies:0 
For most anglophones, Mecca has long been the accepted spelling for the Holy City. The word is a transliteration of the original Arabic, and has become part of the English language. Click here to read Full Article
Roman Catholic Pope Benedict XV1 linked to "child abuse cover-up"
Posted By: Noman On: 4/Oct/2006 Views:1293 Replies:1 
A British documentary claimed that Pope Benedict XVIwas implicated in the systematic cover-up of child sexabuse allegations against Catholic priests.Before becoming head of the church Click here to read Full Article
Who am I?, a trader, coward, extermist, muslim or a Pakistani
Posted By: webmaster On: 4/Oct/2006 Views:1335 Replies:0 
there was a time when some times i was used to of thinking, why i am not an indian, not because i like aiswaria Rai, Bollywood or sex freedom, but because i liked and admired the attitude of Click here to read Full Article
Reality of TeleFun
Posted By: webmaster On: 4/Oct/2006 Views:1465 Replies:2 
TeleFun is now addiction causing social, moral and etichal disorder among youngster Click here to read Full Article
Israelis Reach Out to Arab Nations That Share Fear of Ascendant Iran
Posted By: webmaster On: 4/Oct/2006 Views:1287 Replies:1 
Israel,s summer war against Iranian-backed Hezbollah militants has redoubled its concerns about the threat from Iran, leading Israeli officials to reach out to Arab governments that share th Click here to read Full Article
Latin America Declares Independence
Posted By: Noman On: 4/Oct/2006 Views:1146 Replies:0 
Five centuries after the European conquests, Latin America is reasserting its independence Click here to read Full Article

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