
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 10/6/2006 12:00:00 AM  

Reporter ·shot by US military on way to hospital·
Posted By: Noman On: 6/Oct/2006 Views:1140 Replies:0 
A British SAS soldier told an inquest today of the moment he saw a US tank open fire on an ITN vehicle carrying the journalist Terry Lloyd. Click here to read Full Article
The president (Musharraf) and me
Posted By: Noman On: 6/Oct/2006 Views:1490 Replies:0 
Why, despite similar backgrounds, have Pakistan,s President Musharraf and former Guantànamo detainee Moazzam Begg ended up on opposite sides of the Click here to read Full Article
Pervez Musharraf : Military misjudgement
Posted By: Ghost On: 6/Oct/2006 Views:1233 Replies:0 
The Pakistani leader,s memoir may be a bestseller, but it does him little justice Click here to read Full Article
Prophet not perfect (Naa-uz-ib-Allah), says Islamic scholar
Posted By: webmaster On: 6/Oct/2006 Views:1258 Replies:3 
A LEADING adviser on Islam, Ameer Ali, has attacked Muslims who Click here to read Full Article
When will innocent Salameh come out of Prison?
Posted By: Haque On: 6/Oct/2006 Views:1237 Replies:0 
On Feb 26th 1993, Josie Hadas carried out a bomb blast in world trade center killing five innocent Americans. Click here to read Full Article
Ancient religions clash in modern Iran
Posted By: Noman On: 6/Oct/2006 Views:1338 Replies:0 
It,s one of the world,s oldest religions, but Zoroastrianism is treated with suspicion by Iran,s Islamic state, writes Robert Tait Click here to read Full Article
On every level,the Iraq war is hurting America
Posted By: Noman On: 6/Oct/2006 Views:1117 Replies:0 
Bush,s folly in Iraq is taxing US armed forces, the economy, and democracy. Click here to read Full Article

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