
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 10/May/2012  

Breaking News: Hoax ‘Terror Alert’ to Pressurize Pakistan
Posted By: chaudry On: 10/May/2012 Views:2182 Replies:0 
Breaking News: Hoax ‘Terror Alert’ to Pressurize Pakistan.Within hours we are able to ascertain the perpetrated deception by Indian Intelligence agencies that are preparing for a ‘False-Flag’ attack similar to 26/11 to further their nefarious designs against Pakistan with Hillary Clinton as its ‘principal architect’ Click here to read Full Article
News 09-05-2012 by Zeshan Ansari
Posted By: ZeeshanA On: 10/May/2012 Views:1805 Replies:0 
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تعلیمی تخریب کاری ۔ سلیم احمد عثمانی
Posted By: SaleemU On: 10/May/2012 Views:1957 Replies:0 
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مارکیٹ کا آنکھوں دیکھا حال ۔ حسین الرحمٰن
Posted By: Haseen On: 10/May/2012 Views:1763 Replies:0 
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Gujranwala News 10-05-2012
Posted By: NomanButt On: 10/May/2012 Views:1625 Replies:0 
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Gujranwala News 09-05-2012
Posted By: GuranwalaOffice On: 10/May/2012 Views:1370 Replies:0 
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Narowal News 10-05-2012
Posted By: MuhammadYaqoob On: 10/May/2012 Views:1341 Replies:0 
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Jup News 10-05-2012
Posted By: JUPAkbar On: 10/May/2012 Views:1476 Replies:0 
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حافظ سعید کی پبلسٹی اور ہیلری کلنٹن۔ایازمحمود
Posted By: Ayaz_Mehmood On: 10/May/2012 Views:1491 Replies:1 
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عدالتی قتل ۔ طارق حسین بٹ
Posted By: Tariq_Hussain On: 10/May/2012 Views:1624 Replies:0 
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Lyari where death is dancing since long by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 10/May/2012 Views:1585 Replies:0 
Lyari gangsters are very giving real tough time to our police and Rangers etc and quite many weeks the area has witnessed war like situation and though sometimes, hostilities dim and even end but again the situation becomes explosive and innocent people are killed. Right from President Zardari up to provincial home minister of Sindh and others concerned has been directly and indirectly involved in Click here to read Full Article
2 May saga revisited to malign Pakistan by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 10/May/2012 Views:1502 Replies:0 
On the night of 01/02 May 2011, two US Blackhawk stealth helicopters carrying over two dozen soldiers from US Navy SEALs took off from Jalalabad Airbase and headed for Abbottabad to get Osama bin Laden (OBL). The operation was launched on the basis of intelligence provided by the ISI in 2009. Mobile conversation of an Arab from Taxila with another one in Kuwait was recorded and handed over to CIA. Click here to read Full Article
Osama’s Almost Letter To Me by Eric Margolis
Posted By: nrqazi On: 10/May/2012 Views:1966 Replies:0 
May 07, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -- Why was I named in alleged al-Qaida letters last week as a recipient for documents about 9/11?Al-Qaida was not founded by Osama bin Laden, as many wrongly believe, but in the mid-1980’s in Peshawar, Pakistan, by a revolutionary scholar, Sheik Abdullah Azzam. Click here to read Full Article
جبران اور ہمارا گریبان ۔ حامد میر
Posted By: Hamid_Mir On: 10/May/2012 Views:1324 Replies:0 
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