
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 18/Jul/2011  

Well Done Pakistanis! by Asif Noorani
Posted By: nrqazi On: 18/Jul/2011 Views:1974 Replies:0 
On my three official visits to Chennai, I had nothing much to do in the evenings except catching up with my reading and watching the idiot box in the river facing rooms that I was ensconced in at the Madras Club, until I made some good friends. My one big grouse was that Indian TV channels believed that only bad news about Pakistan was worth covering. But soon after I returned to Pakistan and star Click here to read Full Article
Towards Unfolding of AfPak Policy by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 18/Jul/2011 Views:2062 Replies:0 
Whereas this is an established fact that, two Afghan Provinces, namely; Kunar and Nuristan have become the “Safe Havens for Terrorists”, who as a matter of routine attack and target the Pakistani security forces, installations and innocent civilians. It is unclear as to who finance, abet and harbour them. We cannot doubt Afghan President, Mr. Hamid Karazai, who has little or no control over the A Click here to read Full Article
ہوشیار باش ! سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 18/Jul/2011 Views:1317 Replies:0 
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The American Strategic Plan for Afghanistan by Dr. Ghayur Ayub
Posted By: Ghayyur_Ayub On: 18/Jul/2011 Views:1342 Replies:0 
According to a report America is working on a plan at Strategic Plans Division, NATO HQ in Brussels to withdraw most of the troops by the end of 2012 leaving up to 12000 behind. This withdrawal policy is equated with a similar policy they made for Iraq in recent past. The remaining troops will comprise of Special Forces and Marines and will hold control of the airbases in Kabul, Kandahar and Herat Click here to read Full Article
Currency Bills by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 18/Jul/2011 Views:1451 Replies:0 
There was a news report that the State Bank will print no more five rupee notes being not viable. Strange! The type of paper and ink used in printing the current currency bills is of such a low quality that the printing of a note even for One Paisa should pose no problem to the State Bank. Every time I get some notes back from a gas station or even a bank they look so badly mauled up and faded i Click here to read Full Article
Cricket Fixes and Mischievous Rains: Fact and Fiction by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 18/Jul/2011 Views:1143 Replies:0 
It is now official. Cricket is a deceptive sport and fabricated entertainment, played on the fields to promote some pampered individuals from each member states of former English colonies operating under the mischievous ICC. These days India takes special care to promote cricket, especially the test variety to make fools believe that all records set by Indians are real and they must be compulsoril Click here to read Full Article
عدلیہ،انصاف،حکومت (پارٹ 1) ۔ ڈاکٹرعبدالقدیرخان
Posted By: AQKhan On: 18/Jul/2011 Views:1450 Replies:0 
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تصویر کا دوسرا رخ ۔ حامد میر
Posted By: Hamid_Mir On: 18/Jul/2011 Views:1387 Replies:0 
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قانون کی حکمرانی کو لاحق خطرات ۔ انصار عباسی
Posted By: Ansar.Abbasi On: 18/Jul/2011 Views:1404 Replies:0 
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