
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 2/23/2013 12:00:00 AM  

Hazara Killing: Demanding Ruthless Action against Terrorists by By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 23/Feb/2013 Views:967 Replies:0 
Hazara community is about 600,000–700,000, out of which 0.6 million predominantly comprise the Shia population of Quetta and are concentrated in Hazara Town of Quetta. Carefully calculated data reveals that about 1200 Hazaras have been killed from 1999-2012. Particularly, in 61 attacks of 2012, 116 have been killed and 89 injured.But the start of 2013 added the government concerns, when in the Click here to read Full Article
Foreign Charities a big initiative or hurting public feelings by Barrister Amjad Malik
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 23/Feb/2013 Views:1635 Replies:0 
Recent media reports have forced me to write on the myth, law and working of foreign charities on the UK soil. No offence this article is not against any individual and or organisation and it’s not anti donations. Good causes are the heart and mind of kindness and all prophetic teachings of any religion promotes ‘charity’ as charity begins at home. Its the accountability and lack of regulatory Click here to read Full Article
A society making less and less sense by Ayaz Amir
Posted By: nrqazi On: 23/Feb/2013 Views:1024 Replies:0 
If we had to come to this why did we go through the trouble of Partition? I have wanted to ask this question for years but never could bring up the courage to frame it thus. After all, how can one question the basis of one’s existence? But as we continue to invent ever more elaborate forms of extremism and violence – killing in the name of our higher faith and exulting no end when the wages of bar Click here to read Full Article
Degree is fake but you take by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 23/Feb/2013 Views:948 Replies:0 
Chief Election Commissioner of Pakistan Retired Justice Fakhruddin Ibrahim in pursuance to articles 62 and 63 of the constitution on 7th February, 2013 sent notices to as many as 249 parliamentarians asking them to get their educational degrees verified through Higher Education Commission within 15 days time. Upon expiry of stipulated time given by ECP it is learnt that 40 members of the assemblie Click here to read Full Article
Neo-fascism on the rise in Sri Lanka by Tariq A. Al Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 23/Feb/2013 Views:1416 Replies:0 
If Buddhist extremism is left unchecked, the existing peaceful ties between the island’s Sinhalese and Muslims could only lead to violence and an ethnic war In shades reminiscent of Nazi fascism of yesteryear, Buddhist militancy in Sri Lanka has lately begun to rear its ugly head of intolerance towards the island’s minorities. A massive rally was held in the capital city of Colombo last week by Click here to read Full Article

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