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Indian military might is overplayed by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 21/Nov/2011 Views:960 Replies:0 
Basing on tangible factors of its armed forces coupled with its nuclear strength, India claims to be the strongest military power in South Asia. America has now started to authenticate its claims. India fought three wars with Pakistan out of which two ended in a stalemate and one in controversial victory. In the 1948 war in Kashmir, when the position of Indian forces became precarious owing to sti Click here to read Full Article
Mansoor Ijaz - Profile
Posted By: nrqazi On: 21/Nov/2011 Views:2500 Replies:1 
Ijaz Senior, father of Mansoor, was a nuclear scientist in Pakistan Atomic Commission. He is alleged to have fled the country in the 60s with classified information and sought asylum in the US. Belongs to the community declared non-Muslim by Bhutto.Mansoor claimed to be a confidant of Bill Clinton and, by virtue of this claim, got access to some world leaders, e.g, Indian P.M Bajpai, Palestinian Click here to read Full Article
شرمناک بہتان تراشی ۔ ڈاکٹر عبدالقدیر خان
Posted By: AQKhan On: 21/Nov/2011 Views:1156 Replies:0 
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بڑھاپے کا انتظار نہ کرو ۔ حامد میر
Posted By: Hamid_Mir On: 21/Nov/2011 Views:1197 Replies:0 
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میمو۔نواز،عمران اورحکمران ٹولہ۔انصار عباسی
Posted By: Ansar.Abbasi On: 21/Nov/2011 Views:1096 Replies:0 
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