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اگر پاکستان نہ بنتا ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 24/Mar/2015 Views:1080 Replies:0 
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پریشان عوام اور ریاکار حکمران۔ محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 24/Mar/2015 Views:1127 Replies:0 
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یوم پاکستان پر بھارتی ہٹ دھرمی ۔ مہر بشارت
Posted By: Basharat1 On: 24/Mar/2015 Views:1618 Replies:0 
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ظلم سے نجات ۔ محمد آصف اقبال
Posted By: MAsif On: 24/Mar/2015 Views:1232 Replies:0 
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تئیس مارچ جب پہلی اینٹ رکھی گئی ۔ عقیل خان
Posted By: AqeelKhan On: 24/Mar/2015 Views:1133 Replies:0 
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تحریک پاکستان کے جزبے ۔ عاصم علی
Posted By: H.Talha On: 24/Mar/2015 Views:1106 Replies:0 
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دشمن کے لیے للکار ۔ مہر بشارت
Posted By: Basharat1 On: 24/Mar/2015 Views:1100 Replies:0 
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Pakistan Day Parade: A Sign of Determination by Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 24/Mar/2015 Views:2668 Replies:0 
After seven years of the gap a joint Armed Forces Parade held on Pakistan Day at Islamabad. Last parade was held on 23 March 2008 during the tenure of General (Retired) Pervez Musharraf when he was holding the office as a civilian president. Troops, of three forces, strategic division, civil armed forces and departments participated in the parade. Here, I would like to pay special thanks to the go Click here to read Full Article
New Submission: Barbarians Are Coming - Western or Arabs? by Mahboob A. Khawaja
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 24/Mar/2015 Views:1788 Replies:0 
Moral and Intellectual Abyss The US and the Europeans see war as an instrument of political hegemony and control over the precious natural resources of the Arab-Muslim world. The super-ego American and the allied Europeans are missing sense of guilt for the vice and ruins of decade long occupation and destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan. To heighten the demands of human conscience, Arab masses vi Click here to read Full Article

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