
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 28/Dec/2006  

URDU Quaid·s personality vs propaganda by musharraf team. Hamid Mir
Posted By: Hamid_Mir On: 28/Dec/2006 Views:1816 Replies:1 
Quaid,s personality vs propaganda by musharraf and lota party. What Quaid said about Islam and Pakistan and propaganda of musharraf and his lotas about him. Click here to read Full Article
Urdu Articles on LawLessNess, Sports and Generals and Attack on Pakistan
Posted By: Ghost On: 28/Dec/2006 Views:4905 Replies:0 
Lawlessness is at its peak in Pakistan and its only due to our judiciary system. Attack on Pakistan and other Islamic states by USA and their Allies from both ways. Our sports and retired ge Click here to read Full Article
Hudood Ordinance Amended On Bogus Claim Against Democracy And Constitution
Posted By: Noman On: 28/Dec/2006 Views:1612 Replies:0 
The main reason being given for the amendment of Hudood Ordinance is a lie. A false and baseless propaganda is being carried out by President Musharraf Click here to read Full Article
Study Shows Muslim Prayer Postures Has Physical Benefits
Posted By: Noman On: 28/Dec/2006 Views:2006 Replies:0 
The initial results of an ongoing study by Malaysia,s top university has proved that postures of the daily Muslim prayers have physical benefits to the human body, the New Straits Times repo Click here to read Full Article
10 Top Idiots of the Year 2006
Posted By: Noman On: 28/Dec/2006 Views:1247 Replies:0 
1. Mahmoud Abbas [Abu Mazen], 2. King Abdallah of Jordan., 3. General Musharraf, 4. Hosni Mubarak, 5. Karzai, the ruler of Kabul, 6. Britain,s Blair , read the article to find, why? Click here to read Full Article

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