
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 29/Oct/2006  

Chapter 03 High Treason (In the Line of Hell Fire)
Posted By: Haque On: 29/Oct/2006 Views:1464 Replies:2 
Pervaiz Musharraf has committed numerous crimes against Pakistan and people of Pakistan on 12th October 1999 Click here to read Full Article
De-Islamization programme , efforts and resources
Posted By: webmaster On: 29/Oct/2006 Views:1513 Replies:0 
After 9/11, a campaign was started to go after those who belong to Saudi Arabian camp or nicknamed as Wahabis to discredit them, including the raid on Saudi Embassy to recover financial reco Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: webmaster On: 29/Oct/2006 Views:1681 Replies:0 
For the past three years, I have worked with the Embryology Committee of King cAbdulazîz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, helping them to interpret the many statements in the Qur,ân and Click here to read Full Article
Islamic Wazaaef and their importance
Posted By: webmaster On: 29/Oct/2006 Views:1495 Replies:0 
solution of many problems, must read Click here to read Full Article
UN Official: US Terror Law May Violate International Treaties
Posted By: Ghost On: 29/Oct/2006 Views:1487 Replies:0 
GENEVA -- Washington,s new anti-terrorism law could end up violating international treaties protecting detainees, with some provisions denying suspects the right to a fair trial, a key U.N. Click here to read Full Article
A Tragic Anniversary 59th Year of occupation of Jammu Kashmir
Posted By: Ghost On: 29/Oct/2006 Views:1573 Replies:2 
Today, Kashmiri-Canadians from coast-to-coast and Kashmiris all across the world are observing 59th anniversary of occupation of Kashmir as a Black-Day. Click here to read Full Article

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