
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 3/24/2012 12:00:00 AM  

A MUST READ - Pumping Gas - truly an important message
Posted By: DailyRavi On: 24/Mar/2012 Views:1398 Replies:0 
Please send this information to ALL your family & friends, especially those who have kids in the car with them while pumping gas. If this were to happen, they may not be able to get the children out in time. Click here to read Full Article
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 24/Mar/2012 Views:1784 Replies:0 
Cannot and should not hold back myself thus composing befitting congratulation.Of course today I saw your smiling face garlanded with meritorious certification.Not everyone is honored though each one aspires including I for due recognition Click here to read Full Article
MFN status to India conditional to resolution of Kashmir dispute by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 24/Mar/2012 Views:1594 Replies:0 
In India the religious right led by BJP had emerged on Indian political scene in mid 1980s with a bang. The BJP became the mother hen and political face of dozens of Hindu extremist parties and groups like RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal and Shiv Sena, all espousing Hindutva. These extremist forces kept provoking Rajiv Gandhi and Narasimha Rao regimes to use full force to crush the movement in Kashmir at al Click here to read Full Article
Avoid Any Products Containing Aborted Fetal Cells
Posted By: chaudry On: 24/Mar/2012 Views:2295 Replies:0 
Many opposing viewpoints have been raised on the morality of using consumer products which are cultivated on aborted fetal cell lines. Regardless of your position on abortion, the fact that there is an entire industry around the manufacture of foods, beverages and medical products which routinely utilize aborted fetal tissue should be a cause for great concern.There has always been a great deal of Click here to read Full Article
اچانک،ایک دم،دھماکے کی صورت ۔ اوریا مقبول جان
Posted By: Orya On: 24/Mar/2012 Views:1443 Replies:0 
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تونےکہی،میں نےمانی(آخری حصہ)۔عبداللہ طارق سہیل
Posted By: AbdullahTS On: 24/Mar/2012 Views:2466 Replies:0 
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مارچ کامہینہ،ہماری تاریخ کاسنگ میل۔ڈاکٹر صفدرمحمود
Posted By: DrSafdar On: 24/Mar/2012 Views:1478 Replies:0 
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نیشنل ایوارڈز کی لوٹ سیل ۔ نعمان
Posted By: Noman On: 24/Mar/2012 Views:1967 Replies:0 
All reputed pakistani’s like Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan etc should surrender their Awards in protest. Because now these awards have lost every credibility. This Zardari government has not left a single institutoin or any pride to the nation. Click here to read Full Article

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