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عمران خان تم لوگوں سےکیاچاہتاہے؟روبینہ فیصل
Posted By: ruby On: 28/Mar/2013 Views:1814 Replies:0 
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Is Musharaf going for a political Kargil? by Dr Ghayur Ayub
Posted By: Ghayyur_Ayub On: 28/Mar/2013 Views:1212 Replies:0 
Gen. (rtd) Pervez Musharaf is a commando trained by a well disciplined army. Against such background, he is known to have taken risks during his career. He makes tactical and strategic plans and executes them accordingly. He does not get discouraged if his tactical plan fails and waits for proper time to strike at strategic level. Take Kargil episode for example. In 1995 he put the plan and presen Click here to read Full Article
Kashmir is Achilles Heel of India by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 28/Mar/2013 Views:1025 Replies:0 
The freedom struggle which started against the Dogra rule before Partition is continuing unabatedly because of illegal occupation of two-thirds Kashmir by Indian security forces in October 1947. The Kashmiris are fighting for their freedom in a bid to complete the unfinished work of the Partition of India. Some people call it a battle for the conception of another Pakistan in the womb of India. Th Click here to read Full Article
اسرائیل نے ترکی کےسامنےگھٹنے ٹیک دیے ۔ ڈاکٹرفرقان
Posted By: Jang On: 28/Mar/2013 Views:1137 Replies:0 
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مہلت کی مدت ختم ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 28/Mar/2013 Views:1050 Replies:0 
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ویلکم مشرف ۔ عمران احمد
Posted By: Imran1 On: 28/Mar/2013 Views:1189 Replies:0 
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زندہ ماں باپ کے یتیم بچے ۔ محمد یعقوب
Posted By: AqeelKhan On: 28/Mar/2013 Views:1022 Replies:0 
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کپتان کا سونامی،آندھی اوربارش ساتھ ساتھ۔امتیاز علی
Posted By: ImtiazAli On: 28/Mar/2013 Views:1915 Replies:0 
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پانیوں کی سرزمین ۔ بنگلہ دیش ۔ ڈاکٹر ساجدخاکوانی
Posted By: DrSajid On: 28/Mar/2013 Views:967 Replies:0 
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ایم ایم عالم۔جن کے سینےمیں ملت کاغم پنہاں۔محمدزاہر
Posted By: M.zahir On: 28/Mar/2013 Views:1486 Replies:0 
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AZ vs NS by Dr. Ghayur Ayub
Posted By: Ghayyur_Ayub On: 28/Mar/2013 Views:1102 Replies:0 
Asif Zardari objected to nomination of Nasir Aslam Zahid as caretaker PM because he, in past, played a role against him. Nawaz Sharif, on the other hand, accepted Najam Sethi, who in past was and continues to be, against Sharifs and who apparently nurtures his 'Chirya' in the presidency. This is the difference between a politician and Click here to read Full Article
Kashmir: Heaven of Earth Demand Global Attention by Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 28/Mar/2013 Views:1201 Replies:0 
Uno upheld Pakistan stance and rejected an Indian argument of diminishing the role of United Nations Military Observers Group in India Pakistan (UNMOGIP), ceasefire along the Line of Control in Indian occupied Kashmir, has been overtaken by the 1972 bilateral Simla agreement, Pakistan Ambassador Masood Khan also confirmed that “No bilateral agreement between India and Pakistan has overtaken Click here to read Full Article

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