
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 30/Oct/2006  

Posted By: Noman On: 30/Oct/2006 Views:1639 Replies:1 
The Federal Government of Pakistan who professes to be promoting enlightened moderation seems to ignore the fact that Holy Prophet (sws) laid great emphasis on unity of Ummah Click here to read Full Article
Church admits 100 priests sexually abused children
Posted By: Noman On: 30/Oct/2006 Views:1514 Replies:0 
MORE than 100 Catholic priests in the archdiocese of Dublin are alleged to have sexually abused at least 350 children, according to a report released yesterday. Click here to read Full Article
Mystery of Israel·s secret uranium bomb
Posted By: Noman On: 30/Oct/2006 Views:1342 Replies:0 
Did Israel use a secret new uranium-based weapon in southern Lebanon this summer in the 34-day assault that cost more than 1,300 Lebanese lives, most of them civilians? Click here to read Full Article
A visit to a lawless prison
Posted By: webmaster On: 30/Oct/2006 Views:1360 Replies:0 
Being a protected species, it is obligatory to drive at a speed of less than 40 km/h on roads inside the US base in Cuba in order not to run over the animals Click here to read Full Article
Army cannot risk losing power: HRCP
Posted By: webmaster On: 30/Oct/2006 Views:1418 Replies:0 
observed on Friday that if free and fair elections are held in Pakistan next year the ruling coalition of PML (Q) and the MMA would lose which could lead to the ouster of President Pervez Mu Click here to read Full Article
Muslim Scientists Founded Anesthesia
Posted By: Haque On: 30/Oct/2006 Views:2004 Replies:3 
During the era of so called dark ages in Europe, a glittering and booming civilization was prevailing in great Islamic world. The light of Quran-e-Majeed had opened up the eyes and minds of Click here to read Full Article
muhammad faez ul entesaar
Posted By: entesaarfaez On: 30/Oct/2006 Views:1568 Replies:1 
A.Q. Khan Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan madrassa raid ·kills 80·
Posted By: Ghost On: 30/Oct/2006 Views:1787 Replies:10 
At least 80 militants have been killed in an air strike by Pakistani forces on a madrassa (religious school) used as a militant training camp, the army says Click here to read Full Article

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