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Opposing Views on Talks with TTP by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:974 Replies:0 
Anti-peace lobby is making hue and cry as to why the government is insisting on holding talks with the TTP when the hands of its new leader Maulana Fazlullah are dripping in blood of people of Swat and surroundings and is a captive of Afghan government. They argue that it is pointless to hold talks with Fazlullah who has a history of breaking deals and had terrorized Swat. Those suggesting dialogu Click here to read Full Article
Palestine: Israel back to square one! by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:979 Replies:0 
As April month has begun, the USA is still keen to complete the peace talk process for the deal by the end of this month. But Israel has applied a spanner to stop the peace talk as it is yet to fulfil the pledges on prisoner release and did approve the release of the fourth tranche of Palestinian prisoners that were part of the deal to initiate the talks last summer. Palestinian Authority P Click here to read Full Article
Joint cricketism: India IPL has overdone its mandate! by DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL
Posted By: abdulruff On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:883 Replies:0 
It is sad the Supreme Court, under tremendous pressure from Congress-BJP C regime, also bats for the bogus IPL and the fraud who effusively control it. . As it is widely known, the IPL show was launched by Indian corporatist regime and BCCI not just to entertain people who are disgusted and fed up with politicians and government, but mainly only to promote a fake hero Sachin Tendulekar to lo Click here to read Full Article
زخموں پر نمک پاشی ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:861 Replies:0 
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تاریخ کا عبرتناک سبق ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:882 Replies:0 
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قائد کی ذہانت اور قراردادپاکستان ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:939 Replies:0 
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کسی اور قیامت کا انتظار ؟ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:1616 Replies:0 
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عدل کے گلے پہ یہ خنجر ظلم کا ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:901 Replies:0 
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خونی رشتوں کا تقدس نہ رہا ۔ ڈاکٹر مقصود جعفری
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:1219 Replies:0 
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منفرد مقام ۔ طارق حسین بٹ
Posted By: Tariq_Hussain On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:1042 Replies:0 
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یکم اپریل،عوام کو بیوقوف بنانے کا دن ۔ عقیل خان
Posted By: AqeelKhan On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:863 Replies:0 
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خوبصورت اور باوقار سپہ سالار ۔ عرفان طاہر
Posted By: Irfan.T On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:1153 Replies:0 
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پاکستان میں دینی مدارس پرصلیبی حملے ۔ میر افسر امان
Posted By: mirafsaraman On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:883 Replies:0 
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سراج الحق ۔ میر افسر امان
Posted By: mirafsaraman On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:905 Replies:0 
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مزاکرات،نواز پر عزم ۔ میر افسر امان
Posted By: mirafsaraman On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:861 Replies:0 
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سانحہ پتھری بل،چودہ سال میں انصاف نہ ملا ۔ ممتاز اعوان
Posted By: Mumtaz1 On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:902 Replies:0 
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یکم اپریل کی حقیقت ۔ پروفیسر رفعت مظہر
Posted By: Riffat On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:862 Replies:0 
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تحریک پاکستان جیسا جوش ولولہ ۔ممتاز اعوان
Posted By: Mumtaz1 On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:863 Replies:0 
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مقبوضہ کشمیر مین الیکشن بائیکاٹ مہم ۔ ممتاز اعوان
Posted By: Mumtaz1 On: 2/Apr/2014 Views:868 Replies:0 
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