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وزیر اعلٰی پنجاب کی من مانیاں ۔ محمد وجیھہ السماء
Posted By: waji On: 26/May/2010 Views:2701 Replies:0 
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خون شہداء کی شفق رنگی ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 26/May/2010 Views:2003 Replies:0 
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Cartoons 26-may-2010 by International Professor
Posted By: International_Professor On: 26/May/2010 Views:5442 Replies:2 
01. Aitzaz Ahsan 02. Gustakhi e Rasool 03. hajj rauf klasra 14-05-10 04. Patriot means silence 05. Army or Police 06. Batisma 07. Sri Lankan masters 08. Daughters of Pakistan Click here to read Full Article
When Terrorism Is a Double-Standard by Pierre Tristam
Posted By: Noman On: 26/May/2010 Views:2798 Replies:0 
Amazing how easily one-off dimwits with bombs can scare off the country that likes to think of itself as the strongest on the planet. That's what happens when the dimwits are Muslim and the targets are recognizably American. It's a different story when tables are reversed and Muslims are the target. Few of you know that 10 days after the attempted Click here to read Full Article
زردارستان ۔ ذاکر حسین
Posted By: Jasarat On: 26/May/2010 Views:2178 Replies:0 
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روٹی۔کپڑا،مکان اور موبائل فون ۔ اطہر ہاشمی
Posted By: Jasarat On: 26/May/2010 Views:2193 Replies:0 
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Teachers unions protest, extreme of unrest in the Country by Manzoor Ahmad Yousafzai
Posted By: Yousafzai On: 26/May/2010 Views:2352 Replies:0 
Without discussing the legality of these Teachers Unions, the point of discussion is that the rise of this helpless and ignored class of Government Servants shows that the unrest among the Government Servants has touched its peak because normally Teachers, especially those of lower pay scales do not come out on the call of anyone because they always remain either in their personal or domestic Click here to read Full Article
کہاں مر گیا سالا ۔ روبینہ فیصل
Posted By: ruby On: 26/May/2010 Views:2462 Replies:0 
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دین میں سختی اور نرمی ۔ اسفندیار عظمت
Posted By: Isfandyar_Azmat On: 26/May/2010 Views:2106 Replies:0 
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نہ جب تک کٹ مروں میں ۔ اوریا مقبول جان
Posted By: Orya On: 26/May/2010 Views:2020 Replies:0 
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اظہار تشکر ۔ عرفان صدیقی
Posted By: Irfan_Siddiqui On: 26/May/2010 Views:3847 Replies:0 
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کون سیاہی گھول رہا ہے ۔ ڈاکٹر صفدر محمود
Posted By: Jang On: 26/May/2010 Views:2004 Replies:0 
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wah ray Pakistan, High positions will find new ways of corruption always, new example
Posted By: Noman On: 26/May/2010 Views:2387 Replies:0 
Some idiot decided to distribute 90 million$ free energy saver to people over the period of two year. everyone knows what this mean. corruption of millions. some one should ask him, once energy saver expires, who will again going to buy from his pocket?? only wastage of money and time. They should invest this 90million$ in infrastructure... Click here to read Full Article

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