
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 6/26/2010 12:00:00 AM  

Posted By: Shabbir On: 26/Jun/2010 Views:2599 Replies:0 
After Israeli attack on the flotilla the fate of billion dollars projects (757 million dollars plane, tanks plus 1.5 billion missiles modernization projects) between Turkey and Israel have also been sealed. In addition to non military, about 16 military agreements with Israel have been shelved. Turkey has announced a roadmap to put sanctions against Israel. Turkey will not revive diplomatic rela Click here to read Full Article
بتیس برس جج رہا، ڈگری کیسے جعلی ھو سکتی ھے۔ امت
Posted By: RehanH On: 26/Jun/2010 Views:2287 Replies:0 
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اٹس آل اباؤٹ ہیپی نس ۔ ریحان احمد ہوسفی
Posted By: Isfandyar_Azmat On: 26/Jun/2010 Views:1996 Replies:0 
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Cartoons 26-06-2010 by International Professor
Posted By: International_Professor On: 26/Jun/2010 Views:2824 Replies:0 
1 .Apna Punjab. 2 .Baghi Javed Hashmi. 3 .ISI Ghetto. 4 .Multani Mangoes. 5. Petarus Bahi ki Jai. 6. Rauf Klasra. 7. Sughra Chunni. 8. U.S. Stooge. 9. Union of Thugs Click here to read Full Article
اٹھارویں ترمیم کی خوشیاں،بجٹ اورعوام۔ وجیہہ السماء
Posted By: waji On: 26/Jun/2010 Views:1811 Replies:0 
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بے نقاب۔ قیصر مظفر
Posted By: qaisar@taif On: 26/Jun/2010 Views:1559 Replies:0 
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امریکی فوجی اور سیاسی قیادت میں اختلافات۔ رؤف عامر
Posted By: Malik_Rauf On: 26/Jun/2010 Views:2023 Replies:2 
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مژدہ سنادو منافقین کو۔ اوریا مقبول جان
Posted By: Orya On: 26/Jun/2010 Views:1765 Replies:0 
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سنیاریو! عبداللہ طارق سہیل
Posted By: AbdullahTS On: 26/Jun/2010 Views:1680 Replies:0 
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وزیرآعطم اور بابر اعوان کا دورہ خریداری۔ خالدمسعود
Posted By: Khalid_Masood On: 26/Jun/2010 Views:1866 Replies:0 
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