
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 6/4/2011 12:00:00 AM  

Imperial Eye on Pakistan by Andrew Gavin Marshall
Posted By: chaudry On: 4/Jun/2011 Views:2862 Replies:2 
As the purported assassination of Osama bin Laden has placed the focus on Pakistan, it is vital to assess the changing role of Pakistan in broad geostrategic terms, and in particular, of the changing American strategy toward Pakistan. The recently reported assassination was a propaganda ploy aimed at targeting Pakistan. To understand this, it is necessary to examine how America has, in recent year Click here to read Full Article
ان ہاتھیوں کے پاؤں میں زنجیر ڈال دو ۔ سید نقوی
Posted By: SNaqvi On: 4/Jun/2011 Views:2137 Replies:0 
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بریگیڈیر طارق محمود شہید ۔ سلطان احمد گوجر
Posted By: SultanGujar On: 4/Jun/2011 Views:2477 Replies:0 
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سوداگر ۔ عبداللہ فاروقی
Posted By: RehanH On: 4/Jun/2011 Views:2256 Replies:0 
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Press Releas .03.06.2011 Narowal
Posted By: MuhammadYaqoob On: 4/Jun/2011 Views:1624 Replies:0 
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آخری چانس ۔ قاسم علی
Posted By: QasimAli On: 4/Jun/2011 Views:1805 Replies:1 
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کوٹ ادو کی سیاست کا یو ٹرن ۔ رؤف عامر
Posted By: Malik_Rauf On: 4/Jun/2011 Views:1631 Replies:0 
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Pakistan at a crossroad. by Dr Ghayur Ayub
Posted By: Ghayyur_Ayub On: 4/Jun/2011 Views:1994 Replies:0 
Pakistanis are an emotional lot. Their emotions erupt easily, turning them violent. But in the mass movement spearheaded by the lawyers, the emotionally charged public remained non-violent despite physical and psychological intimidations. Reason? Rationality dominated emotions unifying people of different age, race, caste and sect. They demanded installation of an uncorrupted justice system. Democ Click here to read Full Article
Creating a Stable Palestine Economy: Role of Turkey and Egypt by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 4/Jun/2011 Views:1570 Replies:0 
The reopening of the crossing - an indisputable symbol of freedom - was a carrot offered by Cairo to facilitate the Fatah-Hamas reconciliation permanently. Ignoring Israel's criticism of the Rafah Gate open move, Egypt also announced that the decision was solely a matter for Cairo and the Palestinians where Israel or any other nation has no role. Egyptian positive gesture can change over all scen Click here to read Full Article
سچائی اور دیانت ۔ اوریا مقبول جان
Posted By: Orya On: 4/Jun/2011 Views:1701 Replies:0 
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استحکام کی تشریح ۔ عبداللہ طارق سہیل
Posted By: AbdullahTS On: 4/Jun/2011 Views:1586 Replies:0 
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