Foods for Thought - Hajj Again
There we go again. Mufti Munib and his team straining with squint eyes to locate the moon through binoculars atop some sky scraper! Two things come to my mind. Is it Islamic to use a modern gadget like a binocular for sighting the moon against the much professed the naked eye? If yes, then why not use the other available advanced space technologies also for determining the ruet?
Next, how can anyone in the WORLD have Hajj on a day other than it is actually performed in Arafat? We see it happening live on the TV but say no, our Hajj will be tomorrow or even day after!! Can Hajj be performed anywhere else in the world except at Arafat ? If not, then how can we have our Hajjes on different days all over the world?
Could there be anything stranger than it?
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)