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User Name: Haque
Full Name: Anwar Ul Haque
User since: 28/Mar/2007
No Of voices: 233
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ISLAMABAD(The News): Prof. Dr. Anwar-ul-Haq, past assistant professor at University of Iowa Hospital and presently head of the Department of Pathology at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, has challenged the Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, US Congressman Pete King, to enter into a public debate with him, in which the former would prove that 9/11 was a conspiracy masterminded by Israel.

Talking to 'The News' here, Dr. Anwar stated this in response to Pete King's statement after the London terror plot. Pete is reported in the national and international press as having said that he was not satisfied with the Muslim reaction to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the US. He recalled that many Muslims, "including highly-educated physicians," called the September 11 attacks 'an Israeli conspiracy.' Dr. Anwar was one of the physicians whom Pete met during his visit to Pakistan after 9/11. Congressman King has also said he feared that the arrests in London could lead to attacks on mosques across America.

"Pete King's outrageous and volatile terrorist statement against Muslims in America and his subliminal message to all Americans to attack mosques all over the USA are aimed at igniting fire against Muslims," Dr. Anwar reacted. "I am perhaps the first one to have publicly said that 9/11 was an Israeli conspiracy as recorded Kenneth Moore's book, 'Spreader of Hate.' However, we were only spreading the light of truth and not hate.

The moment I saw the building falling down, Dr. Anwar recalled, I openly expressed the view that it was an Israeli act and a controlled demolition. Today, over 82% Americans in some constituencies are convinced that it was not a terrorist attack from outside. "I challenge Pete King to debate this issue on any international forum and I will flatten him like Muhammad Ali flattened Sony Listen, purely on the basis of truth," he said in an emotionally charged tone.

"All Muslims, including myself, condemn the attack on the World Trade Centre. Islam does not teach terrorism. It does not allow killing of innocent people. We also condemn the first bomb attack on the World Trade Centre in February 1993, which was carried out by Josie Hades, a Mossad agent. CNN showed her apartment, wherefrom bomb drawings and bomb material was recovered. However, when the slave media of the USA found out that she is a Mossad agent, her name never popped up. On the contrary, a poor and innocent driver Slameh, whom she had hired as a driver and had asked him to rent a Ryder van for her, was put in jail, where he is languishing to this date. The lawyer provided by the state to Slameh remarked that punishing Slameh was the biggest massacre of justice in the history of United States," said Dr. Anwar, who was living in the US at that time.

The physician said if Pete King is blind to the outrageous terrorism by Israel, then he definitely requires a mental examination. "As far as mosques are concerned, they are the house of the God and the God knows well to how to protect His houses. Muslims living in the USA and the world will not be intimidated by such threats," he said with a sense of conviction
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