"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Riaz
Full Name: Riaz Jafri
User since: 25/Jan/2008
No Of voices: 834
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Rulers’ Spiritual Rulers


There must be some real compelling reason for the PM to make a dash to Ajmer, India to pay homage in person to the Sufi saint at a crucial transitory time when his presence was most warranted in the country. We hope it is his personal visit and not paid by the exchequer. Our president too had made the same pilgrimage and even donated a million dollars to the Dargah, whose Mutawali had to come to Islamabad to get the payment expedited which had been somewhat delayed! The late BB was also known to call on various Pirs for their blessings including one in Bangla Desh who allegedly patted her with his danda to administer the blessings. I don’t know why our rulers spend millions on visiting foreign Pirs when there is no dearth of home grown Pirs in our own beloved country, such as;  the Nanga Pir, Damri Pir, Suhaba Pir,  Baba Pir, Pir Chup Wardi Waly, Kawaan wali Sarkar, Kahu wali Sarkar, Chadar wali Sarkar, Saeen Saheili Sarkar, Gali Wala Ba ba, Pir Baba Zinda,  etal,  just to name a very very few from the hundreds that can be viewed on


The kind of reverence shown by our rulers to their pirs is amazing. Late P.M. Janejo used to walk bare footed while presenting himself to the late Pir Pagaro and did not turn his back towards the Pir while tracing his steps back!

Incidentally, our Gujar Khan born and Sangarh bred PM has quite a few Pirs of his own – one being the Bokahris of Ahmed Pur Sharqia in whose presence he dare not sit on a chair !!

I sincerely request our rulers to ask their Pirs to bless them with some vision also to rule sagaciously and honestly and not bless them with the chairs only!


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

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