Target Killing and the Pillion Riders
One can say without any of fear of contradiction that 99.9 percent of target
killing in Karachi is committed by the pillion riders of the motor bikes. Just
ban it and almost all target killing shall come to a halt. I have drawn
the attention of the concerned authorities to it before also but, for reasons
only best known to them they have been shy of imposing it. Is the pillion
riding not banned on many an important religious occasion, then why not impose
it for good ? During pre-partitioned days, when bicycle was the most common
means of conveyance doubling was not allowed. Nobody cribbed and everyone
obeyed the law. Why can’t it be done now ? If at all some relaxation is
to be allowed to the lower middle class community, a lady pillion rider, but
without Burqa or Hijab to establish her identity clearly and noticeably, may be
allowed to ride on the pillion. Similarly small children under the age of 12
may also be allowed as no target killer would com! mit such a crime while
carrying his wife and children with him. However, under no circumstances two or
more adult males be permitted to ride on a motorbike. Raheel and Rangers
please do it as the political rulers might have some other considerations for
not enforcing it.
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)