Pensioners Plight
The Senate has rekindled a waning faint hope of the old pensioners by
passing a resolution unanimously to increase the pension of the old retired
government servants in accordance with the increase in prices prevailing in the
country. How much increase would there be has not been specified and left to
the financial pundits to work it out. While the increase is yet to be decided
may I draw their attention to an old demand of the old pensioners to “One
Grade/Rank One Pension” formula, which is in vogue in many a civilised
country. I, as a Lt Col, was pensioned off at Rs. 1,660/- in 1977 as against
Rs. 50,000/- or 60,000/- that a Lt Col gets today !!
Anybody listening?!!
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)