In the line of Hell Fire
Chapter 10: Sham Democracy
Sham Democracy!
Haven't seen the Democratic System of the West?
Enlightened face with darker than Chingeez inside!
Chingeez Khan was a cruel Mongol Emperor who carried out massacres of Iranian Muslims. Iqbal who was a real and true Muslim with superb vision and deep insight, has summarized the so called Western Democracy in few simple and elegant words. Let us see the practical implications of this so called democracy where Abraham Lincoln's words "By the people, for the people and of the people" stand very hollow. The blood of Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Gandhi, Liaquat Ali Khan and Princess Diana clearly reflects the very dark and mean nature of those controlling the so called democracies in the West and the East!
Or course we are not against "Democracy "as it relates to the protection of human rights but in practice it does not exist!. There is abuse of "Democracy" in all countries and there are solid reasons for that abuse. The "Democracy" can be for the people and off the people and not "by" the people as vast majority of people are not knowledgeable, wise, brave and powerful enough to chart down their straight and peaceful way of life and be able to on that path. Here comes the role of divine direction, guidance, courage and support to accomplish the task i.e. a system which is absolutely commensurate with the nature of human being taking care of all human weaknesses, needs, strengths, shortcomings, emotions, psyche and nurture of soul, mind and body one hand and self, family and society on the other! Such system is called Islam meaning peace and obedience to the Creator. As lack of this obedience mean lack of will to walk upon this straight path which bears good fruits for those who travel on this path! It is as simple as that if you don't take that route, you don't get those delicious fruits.
If we don't walk on the straight path showed us by the Creator of all, then what you get. Let me be very simple, candid and graphic. We get Bush in USA , Blair in UK , Musharraf in Pakistan , Vajpayee in India , Sharon in Israel , Mubarak in Egypt etc. etc. We get loss of peace, economic hardships, crimes, AIDS, family break down, heroin, lottery, drugs, depression, anxiety, suicides, diseases and all sorts of miseries. We also get powerful bullies like Brahmins and Zionist Neo-Neocons messing up with every thing.
As Islam the religion since time began had been the religion chosen by Allah, the All Mighty it is quite natural that there would be always a war between it and the big bullies. Big bullies want to make entire mankind its slaves and do not respect the life, honor and property of the common people and Islam on the other hand liberates man from the chains of slavery. So conflict is a must as said in Quran to those people who wish no wars and conflicts that this a wishful thinking and don't be naïve as it will never happen.
As we mentioned in the preface of this book that it is always SAM (Sub animal materialism) vs. Islam. SAM is based on sheer greed, lawlessness, lack of respect of human life, dignity and honor. It is the Dajjal culture! It is the anti Christ. And there would be always war between the two. However Allah's help will always keep saving the Christ from the crosses. Here Christ is referred to those who follow true Islam. Allah had protected almost all His true messengers against all odds save a few fro whom He had written Shahdah. These include Noah who was saved in his famous boat, Shoaib, Saleh, Ibrahim (Abraham) , Loot (Loat), Yousuf (Joseph), Moosa (Moses), Haroon (Aaron), Issa (Jesus) and Muhammad (Peace be upon all these noble souls) . As Muhammad (PBUH) was the very last and final messenger it was only logical that the divine book given to him would be protected letter by letter and word by word in its original language as translations can never be equal to the original and leave room for manipulations by different people. Quran is thus a living miracle as it is as fresh as on day 1 and not only that there are no contradiction between it and science but it is get more understandable with advances in science. At one time it might have been difficult, for example, how angels are recording our voice and deeds but not any more. At one time it might have been difficult to understand how some tissues shrink and disappear in human embryo and how many different streams in oceans and in our very blood are kept separate and how iron descended from outer space but not any more. What Quran told 1450 years back is now discovered by science! Mountains are quite deep like pegs or nails in the earth Quran told us and now we know that mountains are 7/8th deep in the earth. Quran mentioned smoke and big ban and now we understand it. Quran told us that all earth lives are mainly composed of water and now we know it. Not only in scientific world, but in all spheres of human life Allah, the Creator has guided us.
If we mean protection of human rights and dignity as democracy then there is no better democracy than in Islam. Islam grants the best possible human rights and does not put burdens contrary to the nature of human being. There is gender respect, age respect, physical fitness respect, relations respect and respect and room for human weaknesses in Islam. There is no slavery, no Guantanamo Bay and no Abu Gharib jail. No lottery, no gambling and no drugs in Islam. No crime is permitted. The laws are absolutely equally applicable to the rulers and those who are being rules. Actually the true rule is that of the God All Mighty in Islam and the rulers are only implementers and coordinators of these rules. The words La Ilaha Illalahh (There is no god but the God (Allah in Arabic)) negates obedience of anyone contrary to the rules and regulation of Allah Ta'lah. The Azan from Masjid (mosque) reminds that fact five times a day. And fie times regular congregational prayers (Salah) reinforces this. The better and the more conscientious Salah, the better a person would be.
If democracy was a real system then we would not have Bush and Blair etc. All these rulers are actually salesman and most obedient servants to the powerful bullies. We are not denying that there are not some primitive freedom in these countries and there is some respect for people's opinions. However the big bullies are controlling the courts and media and they use highest possible deception games of deceptions and deceits and therefore it is nit surprising to see massive defamation of their main target i.e. Islam and Muslims! They create Halloweens of SARS virus, Anthrax, Bid flue etc. to keep you worried and their IMF etc. keeps your economy very tight so you may not have enough time to properly think and act. Their time wasters keep sucking in your energy and time so that you would not think properly and not have enough energy and time to carry out a properly organized collective movement against these big bullies.
Islam however gives you time, energy, peace and strength to undo their all schisms. And allow you to break their web of deception, trickery, schism and dishonesty. The so called democracy is just to give common man on the street a false sense of participation in national affairs. Had it been so there would be far better people in the congress and senate and there would be real honest persons on the chairs of power and we would not have clowns like Bush, Mush and Blair! Musharraf does not have even a true Western democracy. Here true referrers to the process and procedures which Western democracy adopts and which by and large is reasonably honest. There is hijacking of the system before and after that voting which is genuine. But in the case of Musharraf it is hijacking of the system at all level. Pre Poll, poll and post poll. As we highlighted his numerous crimes against constitution and laws in previous chapter and Insha Allah we will high light some gross irregularities in polls by Musharraf when we discuss the "Prime Monster" Shaukat Aziz's ascent to the office. We can say that while USA and India have sham democracy where 3% Zionist and 3% Brahmins are ruling these countries respectively and have grabbed over 80% physical and material resources, Mush has Sham & Sham Democracy where almost every thing is stolen by special interest groups in Pakistan and how Musharraf is supported by Common Wealth and his other masters can be seen through my one of the letters to the editor which I reproduce here:
"30th November 2005
The Editor,
"Letters to the Editor Column"
Dear Editor: peace be upon you.
I agree with British Common Wealth's high officials that there is no such thing as democracy in Pakistan. But I was surprised to see that after making and stating such an honest observation, the same body "'allowed" Pakistani dictator Musharraf to retain his dictatorship on Pakistan for at least two more years. This also means that like Bush and Blair, Common Wealth will also be directly responsible for the crimes and errors of omission and commission by Musharraf. You may know well that Musharraf had borrowed over 3 billion dollars in the name of earthquake for which there was no genuine need and this money will be used to purchase luxury planes for so called President and Prime Minister and for Mercedes cars for the ministers while the bill will be passed to the very poor people of the society along with heavy burden of interest. Will Bush and Common Wealth not be responsible for this day light crime against poor Pakistanis? I request Common Wealth to shun the hypocrisy and speak and act according to true conscience.
With Most Cordial Regards,
Anwar Ul Haque
Prof. (Dr.) Anwar Ul Haque
116. St. 49 F 11/3 Islamabad 44000
Phone: 2293707, 2294099 "