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User Name: nadiakhaan
Full Name: Nadia Khan
User since: 10/Jan/2009
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The Power Games in MQM 

By Nadia Khan


As per February 14th 2009 reports that MQM has expelled Saleem Shahzad and Mohammed Anwar due to their secrete activities, indicate that something is being hidden behind the scene. Anwar was charged that he had failed to defend MQM in one of recent Dr Shahdid Masood, Maray Mutabiq program. Though officially denied but inside sources confirmed that 'there's another power game going on in MQM.'  


Mutahidda Qoumi Movement (MQM) is always in power games soon after winning its first election in 1988. After 1992 army operation then it has seen much turbulence, when a major faction of its leaders decided to disregard Altaf Hussain's dictatorial policies those lead the whole Muhajir Community in chaos. During that the city of Karachi had witnessed moments when Muhajir community garlanded the photographs of Altaf Hussain with shoes, everyone was spitting on it and so on. Takbeer, an Urdu weekly magazine, was publishing the stories of innocent Muhajir girls, victimised emotionally & physically by Muhajir Qoumi movement hard core activists.


Altaf Hussain, with the help of the then Chief Minister of Sind, Jam Sadiq Ali, who had arranged him to fly to Saudi Arabia and then to United Kingdom, had left Karachi, probably for ever. While going abroad, when Altaf Hussain was asked by a journalist as “when he will return back, the close by standing US consular general had said categorically that, 'he will return as the Viceroy of Karachi,' indicated hidden foreign agenda and their vested motives.


Power game is always there in MQM, when its late chairman, Azeem Tariq protested against Altaf Husain's policies and decided to lead MQM without him. He was mysteriously killed in his own house on May 1, 1993 Azeem Ahmed Tariq was assassinated, just a few days after he addressed a press conference where he made statements against Altaf. But it is still a mystery who was actually behind his killing. The three suspects, who were arrested for the murder, were also killed after they were released on bail writes Mazher Abbas. Though the killer was initially produced on to Pakistan Television (PTV) by Interior Minister of Benazir Govt, Naseerullah Baber, later he had made free on bail with the help of Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddiqi, the member of National Assembly & APMSO chairman, govt record confirms.


Then, Altaf Hussain brought forward, an elderly Senator Ishtiq Azher to help regain strength which was partially taken over by MQM (Haqiqi) lead by Afaq Ahmed and Aamir Khan under the patronage of intelligence agencies. Ishtiq Azher had done a great job and sidelined Haqiqi group, regaining Altaf Hussein's lost power in Karachi/Hyderabad. He was removed from the convener ship of MQM Coordination Committee probably due to a fear that he might take up Altaf Hussain's position, later he was implicated in a fake case of US visas selling.


Later, Ajmal Dehlvi, clad in while Kurta-Payjama with red mouth due to Pan, an editor of daily Aman, who used to write slain Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi as Shaheed, took the charge of Rabita Committee and tried to defuse 'killing' between MQM rival groups and govt agencies. He was successful in opening a dialog with then Govt and militarily authorities. Suddenly he was side lined for unknown reasons.


Sheikh Liaquat Hussain, father of famous MQM (A) activist, Aamir Liquat Hussain, took the charge and brought back MQM to its level, where Altaf Hussain became indispensable and mandatory for its existence. He was moved back again though his son had made his way in MQM by achieving National Assembly seat and minister ship. After that Dr Farooq Sattar, a soft spoken spokesperson of MQM took the charge and tried to gain Altaf Hussain's confidence.


Current turmoil in MQM is last few days, erupted in the form of expulsion of hardcore activist from Karachi & NED universities including UK based Dr Imran Farooq, once welcomed by Altaf Hussain with open hands, and Saleem Shahzad, a man who was behind most brutal killings in Karachi and Hyderabad, reconfirm that MQM(A) is about to be split. Imran Farooq since his arrival in UK wanted to run the party as per his wishes, likely in conjunction with intelligence agencies who had orchestrated his departure from Lahore airport years before. Ultimately, he wanted to gain the highest position in party as Altaf Hussain had never sacrificed the way his workers had. “Who can tolerate this? says the political secretary of Altaf Hussain in his private meetings.


It's strange that anyone who disagrees with MQM founder, mysteriously killed or implicated in irregularities. Either it is Khalid Bin Walids', former special envoy of Water Board Karachi, killing over skin-money dispute or it is Syed Safwan Ullah, former housing minister, who had made gross financial fraud in housing sector especially in Karachi, not willing to speak about these cases or against MQM's top command.

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