Bombing of Rehman Baba's Mausoleum
If traditionalist fanatics believe that, in 21st century, bombing the mausoleums of saints like Rehman Baba, who spread the real Islam in places like India, Central Asia, South East Asia and Balkans, will revive the teachings of a specific school and gain religious mileage; they should think over it again.
Real Islam was spread by the saints through tolerance, understanding, fraternity and love as opposed to shoot to kill strategy of sectarian fanatics. They should remember that this century is the century of spirituality which stands on the principles preached by our Prophet (PBH) through his noble deeds.
Three hundred years ago Rehman Baba said; Tsa Pa Yawo Qadam Ke Arsh Ta Rasigee;; Ma Ledalay De Raftar Da Derveshaano. (I have seen the speed of Dervishes who reach Arsh in one stride.). Those steps are taken with the help of noble deeds.