"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Ghayyur_Ayub
Full Name: Ghayyur Ayub
User since: 26/Jul/2007
No Of voices: 302
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The win, win situation for PML-N. 


After March 16th 2009, the popularity graph of Mr. Nawaz Sharif has climbed steeply to an extent that even the American print and electronic media have started taking him seriously. If an election is held in Punjab in the near future, PML-N will surely win it with majority. Salman Tasir, in an interview with Kashif Abbasi, has hinted that Mr. Asif Ali Zardari may promulgate an Ordinance preemptively stopping legislators from voting against their own parties. If it is true; it would politically bury PML-Q and PPP in Punjab. How?

Keeping Nawaz Sharif’s popularity in mind, the 32 MPAs of PML-Q may decide to resign and seek fresh elections on the platform of PML-N. After all, they have been calling themselves as the ‘Unionists’ and Nawaz Sharif would accept them with open arms. Their resignation will destroy the plan hatched by PPP and PML-Q, as the absence of 32 MPAs would mean that the PPP and PML-Q coalition plus the remaining 9 MPAs would not be able to reach the desired number. 

If for the sake of the argument it is decided to go ahead with the counting without the 32 MPAs, (which according to law they can’t), the number needed to show the majority would come down from 187 to 170. In that case, the PMN-N instead of looking for the support of 18 (which they need in the present situation) would need only one, and there are four independent members on whom the preemptive deflection clause of the new Ordinance would not apply. As opposed to this, the PPP along with PML-Q would not be able to muster the desired number without flouting the Ordinance. This is on the face of independent judiciary watching their steps. So in anyway one could think; it is a win, win situation for PML-N. Let us hope, the sane voice of the PM prevails in the crowd of the political dwarfs surrounding Asif Ali Zardari and he lets the governor and the Governor Rule go and gives a chance to PML-N to form the government.           

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