"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Riaz
Full Name: Riaz Jafri
User since: 25/Jan/2008
No Of voices: 834
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Commercial TV


Thanks to Musharraf for his policy of liberalizing the media that has given birth to a plethora of tv channels in the country with their ever increasing talk shows hosted by all sorts of  anchors and ‘anchoresses’ some competent and others not so competent. What really surprises me is  to see  our seasoned politicians, analysts and journalists sitting so obediently in front a young damsel (though admittedly pretty but one third their age) and being led by her to follow a course of discussion so obviously favouring or opposing a particular party or a personality.  Still more agonizing is the way he/she cuts them down in the midst of an important argument for the one too often commercial break. The way the anchors observe so religiously (and at times helplessly) the timings for the commercial breaks clearly shows that the whole talk show is arranged for the commercials only and not for any serious thought provoking discussion. Money and money only seems to be the prime concern and motive of these channels for inviting the personalities of such importance on their shows.  In other words they are utilizing them for their own revenue generation.  If that is the case, as it is, then why not pay these personages also accordingly (at least a lac per person per show)?  Just imagine, what would be the plight of all these tv channels if men of such eminence do not oblige them to appear on their shows?  The channels will go bankrupt and beg and beseech  men of repute to be on their shows.  Just a food for thought for them, unless they are fond of seeing themselves in the idiot box!



Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

30, Westridge-1

Rawalpindi 46000

Tel{ (051) 546 3344   

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