In Defence of Ijtehad
I tend to agree with Dr. Rubina Mumtaz (NewsPost 30 Aug) to what she says in response to Dr.Muzzafar Iqbal’s article “Pervasive Secularism” (29 August), that there is need for Ijtehad in the 21st century rather than following (ALL) decisions of the 12th century scholars blindly in Taqleed.
In addition to the (ALL) added above by me, I have yet another question to ask. Who all could do Ijtehad? According to the clergy it is only the Islamic scholars who can do it. Allama Iqbal suggests it is the parliament (masses through their representatives) who can and should do it. I, however, think that given the advancement in every field, especially the science & technology since the doors of Ijtehad were last closed eight centuries ago, there is a need for the knowledgeable masters of respective subjects, like religion(s), commerce & economics, trade & Industry, health & medicine, biology, microbiology & marine biology, science & technology, space and planets, etc.etc. who should give their decision on an issue under dispute which should then be placed in front of the Committee of the Mujtehads for their consideration and final verdict. For example a space scientist would be the most suited person to say as to how someone could or could not maintain his Qayyam (facing the holy Ka’ba during the prayers).during space travel. Similarly only a marine biologist could verify eating of a sea creature found at 20,000 fathoms safe for human consumption or not after chemically analyzing its meat in the laboratory, which could determine it to be haram or hillal Now, such masters of the subjects may not necessarily be always Muslims. The big question arises, will their findings be acceptable to our theologians?
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30, Westridge-1
Rawalpindi 46000
Tel: (051) 546 3344