Can it Happen?
According to a private channel news the ex-Attorney General allegedly collected Rs. 3 millions to be passed on to an SC Judge from an engineer being tried by the SC for corruption. I wish the news was not true. But if it is, then could there be anything more ironic for the judiciary � the highest judiciary � of the country? It means that an engineer did entertain such a thought and deemed it possible to bribe a judge of the apex court � oh my God, the judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan! Could a judge be bribed through an attorney or a black coat? Does such a perception really exist in the mind of any segment of our society that such a dastardly act could be enacted? If yes, then what all would they not be thinking about the judges at the other tiers of judiciary? Some serious food for thought for the CJP, who is trying his best to make a role model of an independent judiciary in Pakistan
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30, Westridge-1
Rawalpindi 46000
Tel: (051 546 3344