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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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Full Name: Riaz Jafri
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Dear Editor


Thinkers Forum Pakistan (TFP) will appreciate greatly if the Press Release finds space in your august daily.


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Thanks and Best Regards


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

A/Chairman TFP








Ref: PR-1002


FATA: The Troubles and the Solution 


Rawalpindi/Pakistan – November 25, 2009


Sun, 22nd November Thinkers Forum Pakistan met for its regular monthly meeting. The topic was. “ FATA: The troubles and the solution. Learned speaker, Air Marshall Syed Qaiser Hussain (Retd)  belonging to Parachinar focused mostly on Kurram and Orakzai agencies. He enumerated the corner stones of life in FATA. It was Islam and Pakhtoon Wali. He explained at length the five pillars of Pakhtoon Wali. Then unfolded the critical areas where malice had crept in. First on the list was Mulla, an ignorant leader of Islam but wielding great influence over the naïve tribesmen. The Maliks, were next; the custodians of Pakhtoon Wali, who seem to have lost the veneration they held once. Next were the Political Agents some inept and lacking the acumenship required for dealing with the tribesmen. Frontier Constabulary was the next weakening link, and finally the abolition of the FCR. He praised FCR, and wished it could be followed and practiced.

Suggesting the solutions the learned speaker emphasized that the Mulla  had to be effectively countered with more learned clerics disseminating true Islam and its teachings to the simpletons.. The PAs’ lot had to be improved and the way they govern should follow the old traditions of British time with the carrot and stick philosphy. Quality of officers in FC be improved and the deployment of the troops should remain restricted to the areas to which they belong. He emphasized on how locals should be empowered through enrichment of Maliks. It was to enable Maliks to maintain their Lashkars and Chigga. Overall revival of Pakhtoon Wali was the solution.

He covered in detail the various tribes and the way they populated various agencies. Their restriction to some agencies and sprinkling and spread across the Durand Line was intriguing. By and large the tribal code of ethics was hospitable, peaceful and Islamic in nature.  Though of late the  magnitude of Sunni-Shia divide – particularly after the North-South polarization in Afghanistan - and its effects was quite disturbing.  Similarly, the existence and role of millions of cash changing hands and the existence and role of Taliban, could not get an in-depth treatment.


The discussion was enriched by high quality input from analysts like Gen Asad Durrani.



Col. Bakhtiar Hakeem (Retd)

Secretary General (TFP)

H/No. 29, St. 19, Sector ‘C’

DHA-1, Rawalpindi Cantt.

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