"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Haque
Full Name: Anwar Ul Haque
User since: 28/Mar/2007
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Anwar Ul Haque, MD

The ball is rolling rather fast. After Iraq and Afghanistan, the so called International forces are about capture Lebanon. These so called International Forces have only one objective “New World Disorder”. The stage is being set up for Anti Christ (Dajjal) to establish Zionists direct control over the world. As the Zionists are extremely coward and are equally materialistic they do not want to shed a drop of their own blood. Thanks to their Satanic tactics of greed and fear, they are able to control 100% So called Christian world. Their conquest started with Devil Paul who was the bitterest enemy of Jesus (Peace be upon him). Later after their failed attempt on Jesus (PBUH), when the God (Allah) saved Jesus from cross and let a traitor be crucified appearing as Jesus form outside, Paul though of an ingenious, Satanic paradoxical way of fooling the true followers of Jesus and luring the others into this faith which was then going to be exploited by the master Zionists. The principle of the game was to “Kill the message through personality worship”. For this Devil Paul borrowed the concept of “Son of God” from the Prophet Uzair whom some Jewish tribes regarded “Son of God”. Although the true followers of Jesus (PBUH) were very angry and upset over Paul’s mischief but it was too late. Barnabas who was the closest disciple of Jesus (PBUH) was tricked and had fallen into trap by Paul’s repentance. He made people accept Paul but then regretted throughout his life. Barnabas wrote a book “Gospel of Barnabas” which was then banned by the disciples of Paul and anybody found to have its copy was supposed to be burnt in fire! However after centuries lying in the private bookshelf of Popes, the book made its road into public and is now widely available on internet and in non Christian world as under mesmerism of Zionism, this book could not be accepted as the book would undo the fabrications of devil Paul.
The fabricated bibles had lost the power of motivating and producing courage in the Christian world and hence therefore there is no resistance to the abuse of their men and resources. The fabricated bibles instead of promoting Sciences and Civilization became a tool in the hand of dictators and kings and proved to be an obstacle in the way of scientific progress. This led to separation of Church from State thus officially expelling any role of divine guidance for people. The Christians saw the tremendous contribution of Muslims in civilizations and sciences. They witnessed enormous Muslim contribution towards sciences including founding Universities, Hospitals, Laboratories, Research Centers, Enormous Government funding for research and development in the times of Mamoon Rasheed and Mehmood Ghaznavi and saw the development of basic sciences e.g. Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Medicine, Pharmacology, Astronomy etc. etc. The modern watches had been invented by Ahmed Shakir in the days of Mamoon Rashid (1000 years back) and when there were 100 hospitals in Muslim city of Qurtubah (Cordoba), there were none in the entire Europe and Europe took 300 years to make first hospital in France. Khaifa Walid made first hospital and Khalifa Haroon Rashid (father of Mamoon Rashid established the second hospital). Muslims in Baghdad, had elaborate system of issuing of medical licenses and autopsies on apes. However in sharp contrast to the development of Christian world, the Muslim developments and progress were quite balanced. These encompassed all spheres of life not just one material world. Hence Soul, Mind, Body on one hand and individual, family and society on the other hand were given enormous progress, peace and tranquility. The Government was not above divine law. And the divine law governed each and every aspect of life. This profound difference that uplifted the Muslims to the skies, still exists today was due to the fact that the Muslims divine book could not be altered, rusted, dusted and aged. As the God (Allah) Himself claimed in Quran to protect this and no one would be allowed to alter it, the promise is kept absolutely for last 1450 years. Not only the letters and words have been protected in its original language but also the language itself. So Quran today is as fresh as on day 1 and as refreshing and as motivating as on day 1! Quran is the final edition of all divine books and has protected the truth in previous books.
Today the war is between Quran and the Materialism. Quran is the complete guidance for the mankind in all spheres of life. It nurtures soul, it freshens and purify the mind and it provides the best possible conduct in individual, family and society spheres. Its enormous motivational force can be witnessed in the hands of young children of Palestine who face the Israeli tanks with pebbles in their hands. Its enormous force is behind the superb resistance to the so called International forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Quran was the force which toppled USSR and demolished the Berlin wall.
Quran has brought millions of pagans and Christians and some Jews in its folds. Great Jewish scholar Muhammad Asad wrote the book Road to Makkah and the great Jewish writer Maryam Jamilah from New York wrote many books. Thosuands of American armed forces personnel accepted Islam in the so called Gulf war and the author is eye witness to that effect. It was Quran which provided the light to the darkness of the mind and the soul. For some it took less than a week to realize that this book is form the God Who created the entire universe and Who is running the entire Universe without any fatigue and tiredness!
It was devil Paul who changed the Islam of Jesus to Christianity. Jesus like all other previous messengers of the God was Muslim (Meaning Obedient to the God and possessor of peace). In the books of Moses (Torah) and the book of Jesus (Injeel), Muhammad (PBUH) had been clearly mentioned. Many Christian scholars and head of the Jews in Madinah accepted Islam and Muhammad by virtue of this mention in the Holly scripts. As Muhammad (Praiseworthy, comforter) was the last and the final messenger and for the entire world, naturally his miracle should have been one that could be witnessed and tested all the time and at all places. And therefore we know why Quran is the living miracle.
The Zionist war against Quran is their continuation of the war against Jesus (PBUH) since the life and message of Jesus (PBUH) is preserved nowhere better than in Quran. So we see the Zionist stooge Musharraf removing Quran from school syllabi and hading over the school system and curriculum to the Zionist agent Aga Khan who is known for spreading vulgarity and pornographic culture.
Taliban obeying the Quranic order had totally banned heroin production and smuggling. This however also resulted in starving the World Drug Mafia under Zionist control. They had lost the annual trillion dollar business as Afghanistan alone supplies over 60% of world heroin. This and other non complying behavior of Taliban under Mullah Umar had provoked the war on Afghanistan for which Bush needed a “Solid” excuse to abuse USA army and resources funded from Tax payers hard money to leash a wave of grave global terrorism. The Zionists had previously bombed the World Trade Center through Moosad agent Josie Hadas whose apartment carrying bomb drawings and material were shown on CNN Breaking news but when CNN realized that she was a Moosad agent she was never mentioned in American News Media. She wan not punished for killing 5 innocent Americans. However the blame was put on Islam and Muslims as she had hired and framed a Muslim driver whose only fault was that he rented a Ryder van fro her without knowing the intention of his boss. Poor Slameh is sill behind bar and along with him the Zionist media which controls the mind, eyes and ears of Americans and most Europeans had held entire Islam and all Muslim hostage.
=>Quran (The Book of the God, letter by letter, word by word in its original language, dust and rust free, as fresh as on day 1)
=>History of Arabs by Philip K. Hitti (Palgrave, Macmillan)
=>The Bible, The Quran and Science by Maurice Bucaille (A French Surgeon who in his PhD research found no contradiction at all between modern sciences and Quran)
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