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User Name: Dr.Maqsood
Full Name: Dr. Maqsood Jafri
User since: 19/Nov/2011
No Of voices: 91
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Cardinal Points For Consideration by By: Dr.Maqsood Jafri
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood Created On: 5/Feb/2012 Views: 2764 Replies: 2 
There are some portentous points that need to be considered in the large national and human interest. Due to the ponderous speeches of some senseless politicians , controversial and obscurant decrees of some clerics and cumbrous analysis of so called strategic analysts in the robes of retired civil and like blind emotional lovers the wretched exploited classes yearn to see the days of hope. Doro Click here to read Full Article

The Dilemma of Memo Gate Scandal by Dr. Maqsood Jafri
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 28/Jan/2012 Views:2928 Replies:0 
The majority of people live in the vault of self-created images and speculations. They want to see things with their colored glasses. They do not see things as they are. It is my considered opinion that there can be no fight between two persons or war between two nations if everyone accepts truth. You believe that you are right and others are wrong. Some people are so hot headed or are like blinke Click here to read Full Article
Religion, Sex and Morality by Dr. Maqsood Jafri
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 21/Jan/2012 Views:3395 Replies:0 
The Family of the Heart is a forum of intellectuals based at Toronto, Canada. It invites open discussion on various social, political and religious issues. The people of different faiths and ideologies participate in it. From extreme hardliners to liberals and atheists, people express their views frankly and freely. Unlike the closed religious cultures, it has an edge over them, and that is a free Click here to read Full Article
Birth Anniversary of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto by Dr. Maqsood Jafri
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 16/Jan/2012 Views:1725 Replies:0 
I received the call of eminent columnist and anchorperson Ms. Rubina Faisal of Rawal TV Toronto, Canada, to express my views about Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on his 84th birth anniversary. It was forty minutes of interview in which prominent journalist Mr. Najmul Hassan from Toronto also participated. Before writing a brief of my interview, I would like my non-Pakistani readers to know who Z. A.Bhutt Click here to read Full Article
Two Constitutional Amendments Very Essential by Dr. Maqsood Jafri
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 14/Jan/2012 Views:1621 Replies:0 
New York (pr): The Chairman Political Study Circle New York and eminent political thinker Dr.Maqsood Jafri, while addressing the members of the PSC in New York asserted that Pakistan needed a presidential system to steer the skiff of democracy smoothly and safely. He said in the USA and France, the presidential system is successfully delivering. Dr.Maqsood Jafri opined that Pakistan is a multi-cu Click here to read Full Article
Some Alarming Fragments of Political and Social Realities by Dr. Maqsood Jafri
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 7/Jan/2012 Views:2821 Replies:0 
The poet of nature, William Wordsworth, regarded his inspirational and mystical vision as the chosen task that satisfied his soul by creative activity in the moments of tranquility. The truthful commitment with humanity and liberty is a prophetic mission. The world is suffering from chaos only because of non-conformist thinkers, who misguide the nations for their petty interests. Pakistan is suffe Click here to read Full Article
Truth is Beauty and Beauty Truth by Dr. Maqsood Jafri
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 1/Jan/2012 Views:1737 Replies:0 
Plato wrote that beauty is the name of balance. Balance means that we must maintain a balance in our thoughts and deeds. We should avoid extremist approach in our thinking and behavior. We daily see in our lives that some people do not have decent conduct, and people avoid seeing them. It is all because we do not act upon reasonable norms and mostly cross the limits. When the waves of an ocean, in Click here to read Full Article
Neutral Comments on Some Social and Political Issues by By: Dr. Maqsood Jafri
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 22/Dec/2011 Views:1878 Replies:0 
I deem it imperative to comment on some social and political issues which not only haunt me but hunt the people in general drifting them in to the dykes of confusion. Most of our political analysts are biased and project the party stance. When we see a sectarian cleric on any TV channel, before listening to him we know what he has to prove. Our TV anchorpersons also have tilts towards some politic Click here to read Full Article
The Bill on Dual Nationality be Rejected in National Assembly by Dr. Maqsood Jafri
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 21/Dec/2011 Views:1925 Replies:0 
New York: (pr). The chairman of Political Research Cell New York Dr. Maqsood Jafri in a statement appealed to the members of the National Assembly of Pakistan to turn down the bill against the dual nationals in the large interest of Pakistan. Dr. Maqsood Jafri referred to the article 63 of the constitution of Pakistan that states:" A person shall be disqualified from being elected or chosen as, a Click here to read Full Article
Some Memorable Miscellanies on Social Aspects by Dr. Maqsood Jafri
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 16/Dec/2011 Views:3192 Replies:0 
The world is full of poets, priests, artists, play wrights, novelists, story writers, critics, politicians, scientists bureaucrats, and musicians, but the logicians and philosophers are very rare in the human treasure. Brain is the most important and valuable part in the human body. It controls all the other organs of body. It is the supreme power that commands all the limbs to act. But it is very Click here to read Full Article
انسان دوست،شاعر فلفسی۔من موہن عالم
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 15/Dec/2011 Views:3054 Replies:0 
. Click here to read Full Article

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