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User Name: saj2go
Full Name: Sajjad Ahmad
User since: 27/Nov/2007
No Of voices: 23
Sajjad Ahmad's Favorite Voices
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ISI Tops 10 Best Intelligence Agencies In The World
Posted By: saj2go Created On: 3/Aug/2010 Views: 3582 Replies: 0 
Topping the Top Ten? “ISI for sure,’ says Gren, “No double agents, no agent ever caught on camera, the lowest budget but still affective. In war with 6 big intelligence agencies of the world. ISI has even countered MOSSAD in the 1980s and late ‘90s when there was a plan of a possible strike on Pakistan’s nukes.” Click here to read Full Article

1,000 Pakistanis will die this week by Sajjad Ahmad
Posted By: saj2go On: 31/Jul/2010 Views:3185 Replies:0 
(Report by Sajjad Ahmad - July 30, 2010): There would be more than 1,000 Pakistanis who would have to die this week, either by natural or by human disasters. If we look at the statistics from last 5 days, we will come to know that more than 800 people are died and 584 injured since July 26. Click here to read Full Article
PCCR members sign constitutional package draft by Sajjad Ahmad
Posted By: saj2go On: 2/Apr/2010 Views:2876 Replies:0 
ISLAMABAD (updated on: March 31, 2010, 23:27 PST): The Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Reforms (PCCR) on Wednesday signed the draft of the 18th Constitutional Amendment, Aaj News reported.According to the channel, all 27-members of the committee, representing all the political groups having their representation in the two houses of the Parliament, Click here to read Full Article
Happy Independence Day - Watan Ki Miti Gawah Rehna
Posted By: saj2go On: 14/Aug/2009 Views:3344 Replies:0 
A very happy independence day to all of you. May Allah give you everything, you desire and pave the way of progress and prosperity. A poet had said, Click here to read Full Article
Mian Amer Mahmood Allows YBM (MD Duniya TV) to Grab His Daughter by Sajjad Ahmad
Posted By: saj2go On: 13/Jul/2009 Views:9217 Replies:2 
It is very important for us that we bring such evil practices in notice of general public and point up those, who engage themselves in these moral and legal crimes. Below is the resignation letter of Ms Maheen Usmani. She had resigned from Dunya TV after alleged attempt of sexual harassment by Dunya Click here to read Full Article
Taliban Militancy - Pak Security Forces Means Business
Posted By: saj2go On: 18/May/2009 Views:3182 Replies:0 
According to the media reports and credible sources, Pakistan Security Forces has killed more than 1000 militants, hundred of insurgents suffered serious injuries and many arrested too in the recent a Click here to read Full Article
Foreign Hands Eliminated Baloch Leaders ? By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: saj2go On: 15/Apr/2009 Views:3275 Replies:0 
Anti Pakistan forces supported by foreign hands became more active in achieving their set objective of separation of Balochistan after foreseeing their defeat in Afghanistan, FATA, Bajaur and Swat. Deliberate efforts of anti Pakistan block regarding creation of Greater Balochistan is under its way Click here to read Full Article
CIA’s New Strategy of Maligning ISI By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: saj2go On: 3/Apr/2009 Views:3189 Replies:0 
Just after the announcement of new strategy on Afghan Issue, Three top class American leaders, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Richard Holbrook, Navy Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Army General David Petraeus, head of the US Central Command, said that Pakistan’ Click here to read Full Article
India - South Asian Don By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: saj2go On: 11/Mar/2009 Views:2866 Replies:0 
On 8 March, 2009 Ronald Noble along with Interior Advisor, Rahman Malik while addressing a Press Conference said that Mumbai attacks were partially planned in Pakistan. He revealed that seven countries including India were used for Mumbai attacks. On this occasion, interior Advisor of Pakistan has u Click here to read Full Article
A Shock to Indian Diplomacy - Mumbai Drama By Zaheerul hassan
Posted By: saj2go On: 22/Feb/2009 Views:2595 Replies:0 
On February, 2009 Bangladeshi Foreign Minster Mr. Hassan committed that Mumbai Drama was planned on their land. Unfolding of this issue slowly and gradually is continuously causing embracement and giv Click here to read Full Article
Will India Show Responsibility ? By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: saj2go On: 16/Feb/2009 Views:2215 Replies:0 
Rehman Malik, interior advisor to Prime Minister stated in a Press Conference in Islamabad that terrorist attack in Mumbai was planned in a number of countries including Austria, Spain, Italy, Russia, Click here to read Full Article

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