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User Name: saj2go
Full Name: Sajjad Ahmad
User since: 27/Nov/2007
No Of voices: 23
Sajjad Ahmad's Favorite Voices
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Are India·s Nuclear Weapons Safe? Multiple Insurgencies and Rampant Terrori
Posted By: saj2go Created On: 4/Aug/2008 Views: 2014 Replies: 0 
What has been below the radar of International Community is the safety and vulnerability of Indian Nuclear Weapons. First of all India·s nuclear weapons are under a diffuse control of civili Click here to read Full Article

Awami Muslim League
Posted By: saj2go On: 3/Jun/2008 Views:1724 Replies:0 
Shaikh Rasheed Ahmad had announced his resignation from PML Q and announces his own party named ,Awami Muslim League, in press conference today in Rawalpindi. Click here to read Full Article
US Diplomacy in Pakistan - Fight against Terror - Who Got What
Posted By: saj2go On: 7/Apr/2008 Views:1668 Replies:1 
The biggest winner in this visit is, no doubt, USA who had finally managed that Pakistan will not be escaping from this so called war on terror and the biggest loser is the Pakistani nation, Click here to read Full Article
USA is looking for "safe entry" in Pakistan
Posted By: saj2go On: 9/Jan/2008 Views:1750 Replies:3 
After the assassination of Benezir, Pakistan derived into serious troubles. The situation indicates that the Plan A IS working so far. Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: saj2go On: 27/Nov/2007 Views:1842 Replies:0 
This articles is written to protest the Geo,s action, not to allow post of those ppl, which they think will not be helpful for their protest against government Click here to read Full Article

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