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User Name: Amjad_Malik
Full Name: Amjad Malik
User since: 15/Jun/2007
No Of voices: 293
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Bye election should not be bye bye elections By Barrister Amjad Malik
Posted By: Amjad_Malik Created On: 26/Oct/2015 Views: 1476 Replies: 0 
Amjad Malik writes on the bye election trend and 12 October lessons! I am writing on 12 October 2015 remembering the 16 years of past troubles and tribulations and claims and results on vows. 12th October reminds that 12th Oct comes every year & it is a testing day each year so work harder every year to unmake it a 'Black Day' so that Pakistanis can continue Enjoying democracy and that's the les Click here to read Full Article

‘DEFEAT IS NOT AN OPTION’ by Barrister Amjad Malik
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 2/Oct/2015 Views:1838 Replies:0 
On 30th September 2015, I witnessed the best PR exercise , short but sweet speech of the General Raheel Sharif, the Chief of Army Staff at Pakistan House (London). It was triggered by the invitation of Syed Ibne Abbas a humble and obedient High Commissioner of Pakistan in London. Chief did not mince words and clearly said, ‘defeat is not an option in Zarab e Azab’ for Pakistan which was widely ack Click here to read Full Article
Razi Bil Raza e Elahi Be happy as Allah Wills By Barrister Amjad Malik
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 31/Aug/2015 Views:1529 Replies:0 
I will be hurt more, if I do a good thing and return is bad and I get hurt and as a result I leave doing that good stuff .That will hurt me more I try not to keep my heart full of grudges prejudices,malice revenge or lying or promises I know I will not honour, claim I will not settle, expectations I will not meet. I was once asked, When was the last time you remover that you that were hurt Click here to read Full Article
BURMA burns with persecution of Muslims by Barrister Amjad Malik
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 10/Jun/2015 Views:1587 Replies:0 
The first Muslims landed in Myanmar / Burma’s Ayeyarwady River delta, Tanintharyi coast and Rakhine as seamen in the ninth century, prior to the establishment of the first Myanmar (Burmese) empire in 1055 AD by King Anawrahta of Bagan (or Pagan). The dawn of the Muslim settlements and the propagation of Islam was widely documented by the Arab, Persian, European and Chinese travelers of ninth centu Click here to read Full Article
ہار جیت مگر کھیل کر ۔ بیریسٹر امجد ملک
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 6/Apr/2015 Views:1224 Replies:0 
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اصولی سیاست اور قلابازیاں ۔ بیرسٹر امجد ملک
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 11/Feb/2015 Views:1340 Replies:0 
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قومی ایکشن پلان اور پاکستان ۔ بیرسٹر امجد ملک
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 11/Feb/2015 Views:1162 Replies:0 
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QUID PRO QUO, DO GOOD AND HAVE GOOD Barrister Amjad Malik writes on an attack on French magazine and publishing cartoons
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 19/Jan/2015 Views:1698 Replies:0 
Muslim as well western countries are in the grip of latest stir caused by the attack on ‘charlie Ebdo’ a satirical magazine known for its slur and satire publishing cartoons considered to be anti Muslims. Previously Sam Bacile’s fiction on the life of Prophet and knighthood status granted to ‘Satanic Verses’ fame writer Salman Rushdie which created an uproar in the Islamic world though the stalw Click here to read Full Article
پشاور سانحہ ایک اور یاد دہانی ۔ بیریسٹر امجد ملک
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 5/Jan/2015 Views:1118 Replies:0 
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پشاور سانحہ ایک اور یاد دہانی ۔ بیرسٹر امجد ملک
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 29/Dec/2014 Views:1526 Replies:0 
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Democracy is in danger yet again By Barrister Amjad Malik chair APL
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 18/Dec/2014 Views:1125 Replies:0 
Democracy is in danger from within and outer forces is my hunch. Militancy of mind and reports of the presence of ISIS in Pakistan whether right or wrong cannot be digested lightly and it's implications are far more complicated for Pakistan. Continued protests without clear objective carrying youth, women and establishment with it are warning signs of dangers ahead. When protestors carrying busses Click here to read Full Article

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