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User Name: Firoz_Kamal
Full Name: Firoz Kamal
User since: 26/Aug/2008
No Of voices: 82
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The Disconnection from Allah (SWT) & the Calamity by Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal Created On: 17/Dec/2019 Views: 1211 Replies: 0 
The most important objective of Islam is to connect men and women with the All-Powerful and the All-Merciful Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la (SWT). Only this way Islam brings the greatest blessing of the Almighty Allah SWT to mankind. Since such a connection is the only way to get access to paradise, nothing can be more important than this. On the other hand, the disconnection from Allah SWT takes definit Click here to read Full Article

Islam’s Recipe for the Glory & the Betrayal by Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 21/Nov/2019 Views:1455 Replies:0 
Islam’s main focus is to guide humans towards attaining the successes both here and in the hereafter. For that, Islam considers man’s conceptual, moral, spiritual and behavioral purification as the most important issue in life. Men and women engage in doing good deeds and detest doing bad deeds only after such a purification. No amount of material gains and scientific progress will bring such puri Click here to read Full Article
SC Verdict: What if Ram temple was demolished in 1992 instead of Babri Masjid? by Abhay Kumar
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 11/Nov/2019 Views:1651 Replies:0 
What if the Ram temple were demolished on December 6, 1992 instead of the Babri mosque in Ayodhya? Do you think the Supreme Court judgement would have been the same? Do you think the demolished structure would have been given to the party that was involved in razing it to the ground or supporting its demolition? These questions are unlikely to be raised in debates and TV shows. Would you no Click here to read Full Article
The Muslim Issues & the Betrayal by Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 7/Nov/2019 Views:1384 Replies:0 
The most important issue Supplication (dowa) in prayers works as a key that connects with the Almighty Creator and opens the door of Divine blessings. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) described supplication as the ‘mukh ul ibadah’ which means brain of ibadah. Brain directs body’s movements and supplication directs the soul and humans’ deeds. In this regard, sura Fatiha has special importance. Click here to read Full Article
The Recipe of Failures of the Muslims by Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 24/Oct/2019 Views:1373 Replies:0 
The most crippling incompetence of a human is not physical, rather intellectual. The people with physical disabilities -like broken arm, missing leg or blind eye, can incredibly cope with day-to-day difficulties. The insight of such men remains intact; therefore, still can live a life as a sensible and responsible man in the society. But the intellectual inability takes away the necessary moral, e Click here to read Full Article
The Indian War on Muslims by Firoz Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 9/Oct/2019 Views:1475 Replies:0 
The worst devastations in human history are not caused by earthquakes, cyclones or tsunamis. These owe to wars -the crimes exclusively done by the humans. Only in two World Wars 75 million people are killed. After the World Wars, millions are killed in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria; and the killing continues. The destructiveness of any war entirely depends on the toxicity of the ideologies Click here to read Full Article
Murder of President Morsi & Death of Democracy in Egypt by Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 2/Oct/2019 Views:1298 Replies:0 
The premeditated murder Allowing an ill person to die in prison without medical care is itself a homicidal crime. Such death is never called natural death, rather a deliberate murder. It is indeed a horrendous punishable crime; those who are responsible for it must face the punishment. Such a crime has exactly been committed against Dr Muhammad Morsi by Egypt’s brutal dictator President Abbel Click here to read Full Article
Face to Face with the Indian Muslims by Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 2/Oct/2019 Views:1342 Replies:0 
The Muslim-phobia & the disbelief In 2001 census, 13.4% of the Indians were found to be Muslims. Now it is estimated to be 15%. But most of the Indian Muslims do not believe this official figure as true. They believe their percent is much higher. They think it skilfully manipulated lie only to serve the anti-Muslim political agenda of the over-stated Hindu majority. The Hindu ruling clique strong Click here to read Full Article
Indian Pride & the Crimes of the Hindutva Fascists by Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 2/Oct/2019 Views:1442 Replies:0 
The fake pride & the reality The Indian Hindus are very proud of their race, religion, culture, science and democracy. Such pride indeed forms the basis of the ongoing surge of Hindu supremacism in Indian politics. They boastfully claim that Hindu religion is the most ancient religion in human history. There is no doubt about its antiquity. But antiquity doesn’t guarantee the truthfulness of a re Click here to read Full Article
The Muslims' Betrayal of Islam by Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 15/Aug/2019 Views:1055 Replies:0 
The changed objective & the betrayal In some diseased conditions, the human body even fails to discriminate its own cells from the cells of the invading bugs. In such misplaced immunity, the body’s own organs is perceived foreign and get badly damaged. It is called autoimmune disease. Similarly, the self-harming conceptual state runs very high in the Muslim ummah. The disease has gone to the e Click here to read Full Article
Iran-US standoff in Persian Gulf by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 24/Jun/2019 Views:1122 Replies:0 
Till the Islamic revolution in Iran in March 1979, Iran under Reza Shah Pahlavi was a strategic partner of USA and was lionized as the policeman of the Persian Gulf. Friendship turned into deep-seated animosity once Imam Khomeini took over power. There was no letup in their animosity till Hassan Rouhani was elected President in June 2013. Thereon, there was a thaw in their relations and it led to Click here to read Full Article

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