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User Name: ShakirQureshi
Full Name: Shakir Qureshi
User since: 3/Dec/2009
No Of voices: 55
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پریس ریلیز ۔ شاکر قریشی
Posted By: ShakirQureshi Created On: 7/Feb/2011 Views: 1951 Replies: 0 
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"وہ" شاکر قریشی
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 4/Feb/2011 Views:1620 Replies:0 
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پاکستانیوں کاقتل''جارحانہ''دہشت گردی ہے۔شاکرقریشی
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:1888 Replies:0 
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مجھے خوف آتا ہے ۔ شاکر قریشی
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 28/Jan/2011 Views:2172 Replies:0 
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پتھر کی آنکھیں پتھر کے دل ۔ شاکر قریشی
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 21/Jan/2011 Views:3568 Replies:0 
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New Year 2011 Message from Karwan e Fikar UK by ShakirQureshi.
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 31/Dec/2010 Views:1878 Replies:0 
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Shakir Qureshi Kay Haan Quran Khwani
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 2/Dec/2010 Views:1862 Replies:0 
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عمر چیمہ پر تشددکھلم کھلا دہشت گردی۔ شاکر قریشی
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 5/Sep/2010 Views:2015 Replies:0 
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David Miliband is Wining as Labour Leader !! by ShakirQureshi
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 28/Aug/2010 Views:2507 Replies:0 
This is my blog on David Milibands web.Please go to the link above n below & leave comments for support. Click here to read Full Article
ShakirQureshi Chairman Karwan e Fikar During a meeting with David Milibad
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 6/Jun/2010 Views:3073 Replies:0 
ShakirQureshi Chairman Karwan e Fikar During a meeting with David Milibad on the Launch of his "Movement for Change" David Milibad is campaigning for Himself to become New Labour Leader. Click here to read Full Article
میں برائے فروخت ہوں !!! شاکر قریشی
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 20/May/2010 Views:2877 Replies:2 
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