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User Name: TARIQA
User since: 23/May/2011
No Of voices: 53
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Thailand’s overtures to the Kingdom by Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA Created On: 13/Dec/2012 Views: 1065 Replies: 0 
THAILAND’S relationship with Saudi Arabia has been somewhat strained for more than two decades. But steps toward normalizing relations to previous levels seem to be taking hold. In September of this year, the first official bilateral talks were held for the first time in more than two decades between officials from the foreign ministries of both countries on the sidelines of the United Nations G Click here to read Full Article

What a frank statement. Let the truth be told...
Posted By: TARIQA On: 3/Dec/2012 Views:1104 Replies:0 
What a frank statement. Let the truth be told... Click here to read Full Article
A fresh perspective on women drivers by Tariq A. Al Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 3/Dec/2012 Views:1286 Replies:0 
By giving women the right to drive, Saudi Arabia can conserve water consumed by the approximately million expatriate drivers and reduce the skyrocketing costs of desalination Click here to read Full Article
Cricket diplomacy may well be the answer by Tariq A. Al Maeena,
Posted By: TARIQA On: 25/Nov/2012 Views:1028 Replies:0 
It is now time for both India and Pakistan to learn from the distant past and move forward towards normalisation of relations.Back in the early ‘70s, the world was engulfed in a Cold War. On the one hand was the US, an advocate of democracy. The other side had two equally formidable forces — the Soviet Union, vanguard of socialism, and China, the kingdom of the principles of Maoism. Those were ten Click here to read Full Article
Suu Kyi must stand up for Rohingyas by Tariq A. Al Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 18/Nov/2012 Views:1202 Replies:0 
Some attribute her reluctance to stick her neck out due to fear of losing favour among the voting majority, as elections are coming up in 2015 Click here to read Full Article
The Islamic apologists among us by Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 31/Oct/2012 Views:1318 Replies:0 
FOLLOWING the events of September 11, 2001, Islam became the theater of war of media attacks in many parts of the world. Persistent charges and accusations were leveled against followers of this religion to the point where some were soon running for cover. In over a decade of these attacks, a breed of apologists has risen, one that often goes to extremes to alleviate the fear and suspicion of Click here to read Full Article
The importance of public indignation By Tariq A. Al Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 28/Oct/2012 Views:1300 Replies:0 
What is indeed disturbing is the absence of forceful rejection by Islamic religious institutions and figures of twisted practices and values and an open denouncement .In my column last week, I highlighted the dangers of extremism through the forceful application of Islamic values based on personal interpretations. The Islam of peace becomes an Islam of compulsion in the minds and acts of power-hun Click here to read Full Article
Obama by a landslide by Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 24/Oct/2012 Views:1238 Replies:0 
THE US presidential election is less than two weeks away. And as the polling date gets closer, so does the gap between the two candidates running for election, Obama and Romney. In a straw poll of Saudis and expats with local ties, I put forth the following question: Who would you like to see win the US presidential election and in a few words, why? Here are some of the responses: Click here to read Full Article
Let’s expose the thugs for what they are by Tariq A. Al Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 21/Oct/2012 Views:1035 Replies:0 
The majority who practice Islam peacefully must raise their voice against those who continue to defame our religion through their acts of forcing their version of the faith down people’s throats Click here to read Full Article
Let’s stop the freedom to abuse by Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 23/Sep/2012 Views:1392 Replies:0 
Muslims the world over have been aggrieved; their sense and sensibility attacked by the promotion of a vile video clip grossly insulting their religion and the Prophet (PBUH). Yet, in spite of the illusion of Muslims gone wild, as depicted by the wide coverage in the media of protesting crowds, reaction has been relatively restrained when one considers that there are more than one billion Muslims Click here to read Full Article
The evils of big tobacco companies by
Posted By: TARIQA On: 19/Sep/2012 Views:1141 Replies:0 
The region is awash with statistics indicating that smoking and tobacco consumption in the GCC is on an unprecedented rise. This leads to long-term health issues costing governments extraordinary amounts of money towards the care of those afflicted with smoking-related diseases. In the United States alone, that figure came to a whopping $193 billion loss to the economy — an amount directly relate Click here to read Full Article

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