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پاک بحریہ امن مشقیں اور بھارت ۔ چوہدری ذوالقرنین ہ
Posted By: ZulqarnainHundal On: 23/Feb/2017 Views:1536 Replies:0 
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نیشنل ایکشن پلان اور ہمارے حکمران ۔ عبدالحنان
Posted By: Hunny2 On: 23/Feb/2017 Views:1073 Replies:0 
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وہ کہاں ہیں ؟ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 17/Feb/2017 Views:1235 Replies:0 
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چھٹی مردم شماری اورمختلف حلقوں کے خدشات۔عبدالجبارناصر
Posted By: ajnasir On: 17/Feb/2017 Views:1734 Replies:0 
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سانحہ لاہور،ذمہدار کون ؟ مولانا محمد جہاں یعقوب
Posted By: DrSajid On: 17/Feb/2017 Views:1167 Replies:0 
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نیک نامی کی علامت ۔ طارق حسین بٹ
Posted By: Tariq_Hussain On: 17/Feb/2017 Views:1243 Replies:0 
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ٹرمپ کا بےلگام ہوتا پاگل پن ۔ محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 17/Feb/2017 Views:1175 Replies:0 
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پاکستان میں دہشتگردی کی حالیہ لہر ۔ محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 17/Feb/2017 Views:1108 Replies:0 
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مودی پاکستان کو گیدڑ بھبکیاں مارنی بند کرے۔ محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 17/Feb/2017 Views:1133 Replies:0 
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کشمیر آزادی کے دہانے پر ۔ عقیل خان
Posted By: AqeelKhan On: 17/Feb/2017 Views:1224 Replies:0 
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شہر قبرستان ۔ پروفیسر عبداللہ بھتی
Posted By: M.Abdullah1 On: 17/Feb/2017 Views:1104 Replies:0 
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پاکستان کا دل لہو لہان ہے ۔ فرخ شہباز
Posted By: farrukhshahbaz On: 15/Feb/2017 Views:1573 Replies:0 
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ادھوری تصویر چھوڑ کر مر گیا وہ ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 15/Feb/2017 Views:928 Replies:0 
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صرف میں ۔ پروفیسر عبداللہ بھٹی
Posted By: M.Abdullah1 On: 15/Feb/2017 Views:959 Replies:0 
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ویلنٹائن ڈے اور پاکستان کا مسلم معاشرہ ۔ میر افسر امان
Posted By: mirafsaraman On: 15/Feb/2017 Views:988 Replies:0 
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اردو ادب کا سورج غروب ہوا ۔ پروفیسر عبداللہ بھٹی
Posted By: M.Abdullah1 On: 15/Feb/2017 Views:967 Replies:0 
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Hawkish US Think Tanks by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 13/Feb/2017 Views:1771 Replies:0 
The two leading US think tanks namely ‘Hudson Institute’ and the ‘Heritage Foundation’ have advised the Donald Trump administration to adopt tough measures against Pakistan. In their view Pakistan is not doing enough in controlling terrorism and is making its soil available for export of terrorism into Afghanistan, thereby threatening the US vital security interests in the region. They have sugges Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan’s bloopers by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 13/Feb/2017 Views:1316 Replies:0 
In search for security in the face of India’s belligerence and dangerous designs together with Afghanistan’s hostility, Pakistan blundered to join SEATO and CENTO in 1954 and earned the hostility of Afghanistan, former Soviet Union and China. India took these western pacts as an excuse to make a U turn on Kashmir issue. The defense pacts helped Pakistan under Ayub Khan to develop its economy and Click here to read Full Article
Arab Fault Lines are Embracing Catastrophic Ending by Mahboob A Khawaja
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 13/Feb/2017 Views:1783 Replies:0 
Arab World Floating in a Disdained Capsule Once again, the UNO is warning of increased humanitarian bloodbaths, famine and forcible displacement of people across the Arabian Peninsula. This unfolds magnanimity of irretrievable historic ironies of the authoritarian leadership prevalent all over the Arabian Peninsula. People live in denials of basic intellectual freedom, human rights and dignity ex Click here to read Full Article
Well Done Raza Rabbani by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 13/Feb/2017 Views:1127 Replies:0 
Deputy Chairman Senate Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, who was to represent Pakistan at the UN-sponsored International Parliamentary Union (IPU) being held in New York next week would not be able to do so as the US has failed to issue the visa to him. Click here to read Full Article

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